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Stellaris Patch 3.1 "Lem" - Iniziativa dei Custodi

Discussione in 'Altri Giochi Paradox' iniziata da ^_AC_^, 4 Giugno 2021.

  1. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    Stellaris Dev Diary #214: Announcing “The Custodians” initiative and the free Lem Update

    Oggi sono qui per annunciarvi delle buone notizie! Stellaris non sta rallentando, anzi sta aumentando il ritmo! Noi di PDS Green siamo felici di annunciare la nostra nuova iniziativa "Guardiani" oltre alla prossimo patch gratuita, che arriverà dopo l'estate.

    Il Team dei Guardiani
    Stellaris è un gioco che è cambiato molto nel corso degli anni. Voglio spiegarvi perché abbiamo deciso di intraprendere questa iniziativa.

    Con il rilascio di ogni espansione, il tempo tra i rilasci si è allungato sempre di più, dato che abbiamo dovuto dedicare sempre più tempo alla qualità, per assicurarci che ogni rilascio sia il più stabile possibile. La Paradox Development Studio è anche cambiata abbastanza rispetto a qualche anno fa. I processi sono più lunghi, ce ne sono molti di più e ci sono molte più persone coinvolte. Siccome ogni rilascio richiede sempre più tempo, questo ci rende difficile la risoluzione di problemi nel periodo tra un DLC e il successivo.

    Con l'aggiunta di nuovo contenuto è diventato più difficile mantenerlo in buono stato, dato che il contenuto aggiunto nel corso degli anni è molto vasto. Vogliamo continuare a creare nuove belle esperienze per Stellaris, ma vogliamo anche mantenere un'alta qualità per il gioco base e per il vecchio contenuto.

    Quello che abbiamo fatto ora che abbiamo più personale [N.d.AC: immagino persone provenienti da Imperator: Rome] è stato dividere il team in due team separati focalizzati su differenti aspetti del gioco. Un team è chiamato dei "Guardiani" e si focalizzerà su patch gratuite che vorremmo rilasciare ogni 3 mesi, mentre il team "espansione" si focalizzerà sul creare nuovo contenuto per il gioco.

    Esempi di quello su cui potrebbero lavorare i "Guardiani":
    • Affinare il bilanciamento
    • Aggiungere nuovo contenuti a vecchi DLC
    • Migliorare contenuto esistente
    • Risoluzione Bug
    • Miglioramenti alle prestazioni
    • Miglioramenti all'IA
    • Stabilità Multiplayer
    • Miglioramenti a UI e qualità-della-vita

    Questo non significa che il gioco all'improvviso sarà "risolto" o "completato". Insieme a voi, la comunità, abbiamo la migliore opportunità di sempre per migliorare il gioco. Infatti, penso che lavorare con la comunità sarà cruciale per svolgere questo lavoro. Dovremo migliorare il mondo con cui comunichiamo, per poterci capire meglio a vicenda

    Cosa NON sono i "Guardiani"
    Non è un proiettile magico o un modo veloce per fare le cose. Ci vorrà tempo, spero rimarrete con noi.

    Quello che possiamo aspettarci sono piccoli miglioramenti incrementali con aggiornamenti più regolari.

    Onorare Stanislaw Lem
    La prima patch gratuita, la patch Lem, sarà così chiamata in onore dello scrittore polacco di fantascienza Stanislaw Lem, il cui 100esimo anniversario sarà celebrato quest'anno. Stanislaw Lem è famoso per lavori come Solaris, che ha ispirato Stellaris come lo vedete oggi. La patch Lem dovrebbe essere rilasciata dopo l'estate.

    Per essere chiari sulle aspettative, la patch Lem sarà un po' più ampia e ambiziosa rispetto alle successive patch dei "Guardiani". Questo perché abbiamo già iniziato a lavorare da tempo su quanto pianificato. É anche importante notare che al momento la patch Lem dovrebbe essere una patch gratuita standalone, non associata a un DLC a pagamento.

    La patch Lem dovrebbe avere le seguenti caratteristiche:
    • Migliorare il passato: stiamo riguardando vecchi DLC per rivitalizzarli con nuovo contenuto. Gli Humanoids Species Pack e Plantoids Species Packs dovrebbero ricevere nuove caratteristiche di gioco. A proposito, qualcuno ha parlato di Menti Alveari Necrofaghe?
    • Alberi delle Tradizioni Selezionabili: non sarete più limitati agli stessi 7 alberi delle tradizioni, ma invece avrete 7 slot che possono essere riempiti con gli alberi che sceglierete. Il numero di alberi delle tradizioni sarà aumentato e i precedenti alberi scambiati per determinate combinazioni saranno separati (Adattabilità non sarà più solo il sostituto di Diplomazia). Alcuni nuovi Alberi delle Tradizioni saranno aggiunti a DLC esistenti.
    • Bilanciamento: controlleremo il bilanciamento di meccaniche di gioco esistenti.
    • e altro ancora..!: miglioramenti Qualità-della-vita, risoluzione bug, miglioramenti IA...

    Scenderemo nel dettaglio in DD futuri, per ora non aggiungo altro. Torneremo settimana prossima per parlare del bilanciamento del gioco.

    Il vostro Impero non dovrà più sopportare la mediocrità degli Artigiani.
    Ultima modifica: 4 Giugno 2021
  2. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    Stellaris Dev Diary #215 - Gameplay themes & Balancing considerations

    Ciao a tutti!

    Prima di tutto desidero ringraziarvi per l'ampio sostegno che ci avete fornito all'annuncio dell'iniziativa dei Guardiani. É stato bello e motivante leggere così tante risposte positive e per questo vi siamo grati. Allo stesso tempo, devo ammettere di essere un po' spaventato perché non vorrei che ora ci fosse l'aspettativa di risolvere in breve tempo ogni problema del gioco o che saremo in grado di effettuare cambiamenti significativi con ogni aggiornamento. Apprezziamo l'opportunità e cercheremo di trarne il massimo. [​IMG]

    Temi del Gameplay degli Species Pack
    Settimana scorsa abbiamo parlato di quale sarà il focus della patch Lem (in onore dell'autore Stanislaw Lem), ma ora vorrei aggiungere alcuni dettagli e precisazioni.

    Abbiamo detto di voler aggiungere gameplay allo Humanoids Species Pack e al Plantoids Species Pack, e sebbene non voglia fornire i dettagli esatti, vogliamo parlarvi dell'approccio e dei temi scelti.

    Per i Plantoidi è stato più facile, dato che ci sono ovvie narrative collegate. Abbiamo sviluppato i temi della crescita e delle piante e aggiunti nuovi Tratti, Civic e Origini. Abbiamo anche deciso di permettere questi nuove caratteristiche del gameplay non solo ai ritratti dei Plantoidi ma anche a quelli Fungoidi.

    Gli Umanoidi sono stati più difficili, dato che non ci sono narrative direttamente applicabili, quindi ci siamo invece concentrati sulle fantasie che si allineano con nani, elfi, orchi o umani. Il Civic mostrato alla fine dello scorso DD è un esempio di qualcosa che è stato ispirati dalle tipiche narrative fantasy dei nani.

    Fateci sapere se avete idee o pensieri a proposito di questo.

    Approfondiremo i dettagli in futuro, forse ad Agosto.

    Bilanciamento del Gioco
    Vogliamo risolvere i principali problemi di bilanciamento attuali.

    Un esempio è la Ricerca, i power players possono essenzialmente surclassare gli altri imperi focalizzandosi su di essa. Questo di solito è dovuto al fatto che i Distretti che forniscono lavori per Ricercatori sono facili da ottenere nel breve o attraverso Origini come Shattered Ring o Void Dwellers (quest'ultimo meno potente).

    Per Shattered Ring vorremo cambiare l'inizio da un vero Ring World di "fine partita" con una vera sorta di “Shattered Ring” che va riparato prima di avere accesso ai potenti Distretti del Ring World. Aggiungere la narrativa aggiuntiva di ripristinare l'antica megastruttura alla sua gloria passata può essere una divertente aggiunta a questa Origine. Anche se non abbiamo ancora preso una decisione, cambiare l'Origine per iniziare con uno Shattered Ring da ripristinare tramite la Mega-Ingegneria è l'opzione più probabile al momento.

    Unity & Empire Sprawl
    Dopo Lem vorremmo dare un'occhiata a Empire Sprawl e Unity. Il design della Admin Capacity non mi è mai piaciuta molto e non abbiamo mai completato il disegna per cui era intesa. Continuare a usare l'Admin Capacity come meccanica sembra un vicolo cieco per vari motivi (dal design a motivi tecnici) quindi stiamo pensando a un'altra soluzione.

    Sto pensando di usare l'Unity come risorsa per la gestione interna, rimuovendo totalmente l'Admin Capacity e per rendere l'Empire Sprawl qualcosa che non si potrà più mitigare. Imperi più vasti soffriranno sempre più penalità per l'Empire Sprawl mentre l'Unity potrà essere usata per mitigare queste penalità. Ad esempio tramite Editti con un costo di mantenimento in Unity e che ad esempio riducono la Penalità al costo della Ricerca dovuta all'Empire Sprawl. POP scontenti potrebbero avere anche un loro un costo di mantenimento in Unity, pe rappresentare il loro impatto sulla società.

    Notate che queste idee al momento sono solo proposte prone a cambiamenti. Torneremo a parlarne probabilmente dopo il rilascio della patch Lem, ma ho voluto condividere con voi questi pensieri per ottenere del feedback iniziale.


    Questo è tutto per questa settimana! Stiamo per rivedere la programmazione dei nostri DD, quindi al momento speriamo di poter scrivere altri 2 DD prima della pausa estiva. Vi faremo sapere in caso di cambiamenti.
  3. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    Stellaris Dev Diary #216 - Changes to Necroids Content in the Lem Update
    Ciao a tutti!

    Come @grekulf ha anticipato, uno dei nostri obiettivi per la patch Lem è migliorare il valore dei DLC esistenti aggiungendovi nuovo contenuto. Come parte di questo sforzo, alcuni dei nostri Species Pack hanno ricevuto attenzione. Questa settimana inizierò a parlarvi delle prossime modifiche allo Species Pack Necroids.

    Sebbene siamo in generale soddisfatti del contenuto di Necroids (anzi, non sarà facile eguagliare tale livello in futuri Species Pack), alcuni di noi - sia nel team che nella comunità - rimpiangono alcune opportunità mancate. La patch Lem sarà l'opportunità per porvi rimedio.

    Menti Alveari Necrofaghe

    Ci sono state un po' di richieste di permettere alle Menti Alveari di essere Necrofaghe e con la patch Lem questo sarà possibile!

    Funzioneranno in maniera simili ai normali Necrofagi, ma con alcune differenze;
    • I testi che fanno riferimento a intelligenza individuale sono stati riscritti per adattarli al tema dell'alveare
    • Le Menti Alveary in generali non accettano individui non-alveari nel proprio impero se non come Bestiame e le Menti Alveary Necrofaghe non fanno eccezione. Però, a differenze delle altre, i Necro-Alveari permetteranno al Bestiamo di procreare. Il Bestiame può poi essere introdotto nell'Alveare tramite Centri di Elevazione.
      • A differenza dei normali Necrofagi, i Necrophytes di Necro-Alveari non usano Consumer Goods. Al loro posto, la loro richiesta di Cibo (o di Minerali, se sono Litoidi) è stata raddoppiata

    • Come i Necrofagi normali, i Necro-Alveari possono usare la Necrophage Purge per velocizzare le cose. Per questo le Menti Alveary (di tutti i tipi) ora possono purgare Pop Gestlat che non siano della loro specie
    • Dare un senso ai Mondi Alveari per i Necrofagi è complicato, dato che in precedenza non era permesso a Pop non-Alveari di viverci - il pianeta li avrebbe divorati. La soluzione a cui stiamo lavorando è permettere solo a Necro-Alveary di portarci i propri Necrophytes.
    • Così come potete combinare Fanatici Purificatori con Necrofagi, potere anche creare uno Sciame Divoratore (o Terrivoro) Necrofago

    Cambiamenti Generali ai Necrofagi

    Non abbiamo potuto non notare che i Necrofagi sono abbastanza forti. Alcune delle cose che li rendono divertenti da giocare li rendono anche molto potenti, quindi è un equilibrio difficile da trovare. Tuttavia, abbiamo pensato a una serie di cambiamenti che dovrebbero renderli più in linea con altri tipi, pur mantenendo lo spirito della loro Origine:
    • Necrofagi che non purgano non iniziano più con 2 POP extra in più delle altre Origini normale (quelli che purgano li mantengono perché probabilmente li consumano in fretta).
    • I mondi primitivi garantiti non possono più avere primitivi avanzati oltre l'Età del Ferri (il limite precedente era l'Età del Vapore) e avranno più armate difensive del solito. Questo per non renderli un inizio migliore di tutti gli altri.
    • I Centri di Elevazione non forniscono più un bonus alla stabilità e la Unity prodotta è stata ridotto di un quarto
    • La probabilità di fuga di un POP durante una purga Necrofaga è stata aumentata dal 10% al 25%. Questo è ora presente nei tooltip.

    Culti della Morte

    In contrasto con i Necrofagi, con l'avvento della 3.0 e i cambiamenti alla crescita dei POP, ci sembra che i Culti della Morte - sebbene con meccaniche e caratteristiche interessanti - abbiamo perso qualcosa in termini di bonus. In altre parole, servono maggiori ricompense per il sacrificio dei propri POP.

    Uno dei problemi avuti quando l'abbiamo implementato sono le possibilità limitare di usare vere formule matematiche negli script di Stellaris. Tuttavia, come accennato nel mio precedente DD, questo particolare collo di bottiglia è stato alleviato (anzi, anche qualcosa in più - Lem avrà un sacco di belle sorprese per i modder!).

    In precedenza, quando decidevate di sacrificare la vostra popolazione, ottenevate un parte di bonus come modificatore fisso e un'altra che scalava con il numero di POP sacrificati. Ora c'è una differenza: la parte variabile scala con la % del numero totale di POP sacrificati.

    Stiamo ancora lavorando sui numeri, ma in generale otterrete bonus migliori per ogni POP sacrificato, soprattutto a inizio partita.

    Eserciti Rianimati

    Abbiamo fatto cambiamenti anche agli Eserciti Rianimati. Sebbene la narrativa sia abbastanza interessante, in pratica sbloccare un nuovo tipo di esercito - da ricercare tramite una tecnologia separata - è stato un po' deludente. Per questo, abbiamo pensato a qualche modifica:
    • Ora potere costruire Dread Encampments fin da subito. Nazioni che iniziano con questa Civic ne avranno uno costruito sul pianeta iniziale.
    • Dread Encampments ora sono più utili: forniscono 2 (prima 1) lavori da Necromante e i Necromanti ora producono 6 sia di ricerca Società che ricerca Fisica (prima 4), anche se il numero di Armate Difensive è stato ridotto da 4 a 3.
    • Costruire un Dread Encampment rimpiazza i vostri Eserciti Difensivi in Eserciti Non-Morti Difensivi, che sono più forti.

    • Quando sconfiggete un esercito nemico organico in battaglia, ora avrete il 33% di possibilità di resuscitarli come Eserciti Non-Morti Offensivi
    • Per finire, se un Esercito Non-Morto sconfigge i Voidspawn o la Matriarca Tiyanki, ora c'è la possibilità di resuscitarli!

    Questo è tutto per oggi, ma tornate in futuro per leggere in nostri piani per la patch Lem!
  4. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    Stellaris Dev Diary #217 - Custodians Feedback and Q&A Transcript
    Ciao, comunità di Stellaris!

    Dall'annuncio dell'Iniziativa Guardiani, abbiamo visto molti buoni messaggi su cosa vorreste che i Guardiani si occupassero e noi abbiamo grandi idee su come lavorare per migliorare il gioco. Il Team della Comunità sta lavorando a un piano per collezionare feedback e capire dove la Comunità vorrebbe che i Guardiani lavorassero, oltre al feedback sul lavoro svolto. Ne abbiamo discusso a lungo, ma non vorremmo aggiungere altre piattaforme e complicare troppo le cose.
    Alla fine abbiamo deciso di separare il feedback in due categorie separate: Feedback Sollecitati e Feedback della Comunità.

    Feedback Sollecitato

    Mentre raccoglievano le idee, abbiamo creato delle discussioni di prova per il feedback sul forum. Hanno funzionato così bene che abbiamo deciso di mantenerle, anche se forse le sposteremo in un subforum di Feedback separato dove solo i dipendenti Paradox possono creare discussioni, ma dopo tutti gli utenti possono rispondere. Queste discussioni di feedback diretto seguiranno il formato generale di quelle create finora.

    Esploreremo opzioni con gli amministratori del forum, come l'uso di reazioni, per capire quali risposte sono le più popolare e aggiungere questa metrica alla nostra raccolta di feedback.
    É importante capire i tempi necessari: lo sviluppo di videogiochi è un processo lungo, non è semplicementeSviluppatore cambia qualcosa -> la QA verifica sia a posto -> il contenuto viene rilasciato ufficialmente. In molte circostanze, lo sviluppo di una specifica meccanica è un processo che richiede mesi dove l'intelaiatura di una meccanoca viene spiegata in documento prima che il codice sia scritto.

    La fase iniziale di disegno è il momento migliore per raccogliere feedback dalla Comunità, dato che non si è ancora iniziato a scrivere codice. Anche se questo è buono per lo sviluppo, è importante mitigare le aspettative della comunità riguardo le tempistiche: in generale raccoglieremo feedback per 1 o 2 patch del futuro.

    Usando la patch Lem (chiamata così per Stanislaw Lem) come esempio, il disegno della patch è completato a questo punto e quello della patch successiva è ampiamente in corso (spoiler alert: sarà più piccola rispetto a Lem - Lem ha avuto molto più tempo ed è molto più ampia delle prossime patch dei Guardiani).

    Tuttavia, nei prossimi mesi creeremo discussioni di feedback su vari argomento probabilmente relativi a patch successive a quella invernale. É importante anche capire che quando chiediamo feedback su un particolare argomento, questo non vuol dire necessariamente le modifiche proposte verranno eseguite.

    Suggerimenti della Comunità

    Questo è qualcosa che avremmo voluto leggere sul forum e non siamo rimasti delusi! Abbiamo visto nascere molte discussioni su cambiamenti proposti al team dei Guardiani, ma collezionare il feedback da dozzine di discussioni diverse, senza metriche su quello che la Comunità vuole/non vuole richiede molto tempo e assorbirebbe molte delle ore delle persone preposte a gestirlo.

    Anche in questo caso non abbiamo voluto reinventare la ruota, usando piattaforme diverse dal forum.

    Anche se vogliamo raccogliere il feedback dalla Comunità, non vogliamo metterci nella posizione in cui la Comunità si aspetta che una meccanica venga implementata perché ha ricevuto X voti. Ci sono molti fattori che determinano se un suggerimento possa essere implementato.

    Il nostro piano è usare l'esistenteForum dei Suggerimenti per questo tipo di Feedback della Comunità. Alla fine di ogni patch, ci sarebbe un rapporto per il team dei Guardiani su quali suggerimenti sono stati i più votati e dopodiché i voti verrebbero riportati a zero per tutti.

    Non c'è garanzia che qualcosa di votato appaia poi nel gioco ed è importante mitigare le aspettative, sia riguardo le tempistiche, sia riguardo l'ampiezza delle future patch. Ricordo che la fase di disegno precede di molto la scrittura del codice e i suggerimenti potrebbero essere aggiunti come "extra".

    Quando aggiungerete suggerimenti nel relativo forum, è importante tenere conto dell'ampiezza delle modifiche richieste e del tempo necessario per effettuarle. Grandi cambiamenti che richiedono l'intervento di artisti, programmatori e content designer saranno meno considerate rispetto a piccoli cambiamenti come "aggiungi bottone x alle IU". Tuttavia, come già detto, non vogliamo dare alcuna garanzia su quali suggerimenti verranno poi implementati nel gioco, ma vi assicuro che li leggeremo con attenzione e che li apprezziamo enormemente!

    Q&A Transcript

    Abbiamo tenuto il nostro primo Q&A Dev sul Discord di Stellaris lo scorso mercoledì. Grazie a tutti coloro che hanno partecipato e fatto domande. Abbiamo ricevuto 185 domande e abbiamo risposto a circa il 40% dei esse, rifiutandone solo 12 come inappropriate (un numero che ritengo molto basso). Vorrei ringraziare la Comunità anche per aver rispettato i Dev e il loro tempo.

    I Dev si sono divertiti molto a rispondere e spero di poter ripetere l'esperimento in futuro. Come promesso, ecco la trascrizione completa della Q&A:

    Question by ResCXsention:
    Any chance for more unique events to be added?
    Of course! We are always looking to add more events. For instance, there will be a few more that a player can randomly encounter as any empire coming up in the Lem update.
    Answered by
    Question by Val:
    With the announcement of Custodians can we expect the balance and diversity of player builds to receive more attention, especially since Stellaris have a noticeable multiplayer scene?
    Answered by
    Question by Naysmith:
    With Become the Crisis, we got a new wincondition beyond last empire / score, and a new crisis. Are there plans for more winconditions and crises?
    No current plans, but we think the idea of victory conditions like we added in Nemesis was fun. Doing it allowed us to explore the ideas further, so it makes it easier to explore in the future.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård
    Question by Serwerty:
    The CORE Stellaris problem is a "technology rush" gameplay. All are tied to technology, but technology isn't tied to anything. My question is simple when technology will depend on the economy (technology require certain materials), buildings (specialised research labs -> only social or physic or engineering), or other way's to get science - like conquered worlds will give bonus science or steal technologies)?
    We don't currently have any plans to add more specific resource requirements to technologies, especially ones that are very much rng-driven. But we are considering several different options for making a tech rush not quite as oppressive as it can be right now. No promises for now though.
    Answered by
    Question by Solo:
    While it be possible for people playing multiplayer to co-op play empires in the possible future?
    No current plans, and I'm not sure how difficult it would be to make that work. Some of our other games do support it, so I imagine its not too far out of the realms of what's possible. We love the idea of being able to play co-op on the same empire tho.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård
    Question by MathyM:
    Are there improvements to UI coming? Specifically to add more keyboard shortcuts, so I can use a mouse and scroll wheel less. It’s really hurting my hand at times [​IMG]
    Time and again UI comes up as something people want improved. I myself use tiny UI at home How we're going to go about improving is up in the air but expect more on it.
    Answered by
    JoJo (QA Lead)
    Question by caboosecorsair:
    What plans are there to add more ship sets or section types to the game?
    By ship sets, if you mean the ones we add in new species packs, then yes. We'll keep making more ship sets while we have good ideas for them. It's very unlikely we'll add more ship sections, however, since that would need to be added for each already existing ship set. It's just not worth the cost.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård
    Question by ThatGuy:
    [Could we see larger maps for next gen consoles and further mp and sp optimization]
    unfortunately we are the PC Stellaris team and don't have any insight into that :c.
    Answered by
    JoJo (QA Lead)
    Question by RHS0:
    How are you today?
    Very good, thank you!
    Answered by
    Question by Helicopter200:
    Will Hivemind and Machine primitives will be added in the game?
    Not planned right now, but added to my idea notepad. Like the idea of regressed robots.
    Answered by
    JoJo (QA Lead)
    Question by Naysmith:
    I heard something about possibly getting to pick Traditions beyond the default replacements. Any more information on that?
    We'll talk more about the new tradition trees in detail after summer, but I can hint that Mercantile is one of them.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård
    Question by Liggi:
    Are there any plans to revisit piracy mechanics? Or potentially add some QoL like splitting fleets + patrols in the Outliner?
    Nothing specific to talk about yet, but something we are discussing.
    Answered by
    JoJo (QA Lead)
    Question by Solo:
    What are the current plans for future additions to old species packs if there are any?
    With Lithoids and Necroids, the extra content such as traits and origins we added alongside the species portraits has been received very well, so with the Custodians initiative, one of our aims is to get Plantoids and Humanoids closer to the level of these two. There will be more dev diaries soon outlining some of the additions!
    Answered by
    Question by Cloudread:
    Will major expansions, such as utopia and apocalypse, receive updates by the custodian team? Or will it just be species packs?
    It mostly depends on what the Custodian team thinks can bring value to the players. If the Custodians have good ideas, or are passionate about improving something, it can be from any DLC. It should be worth to keep in mind, however, the actual value you are providing. A popular DLC like Utopia might be less appropriate for improvements vs. a DLC that is less popular.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård
    Question by smokey03:
    will there be more vanilla mega structures planned
    Nothing yet. But not a bad idea.
    Answered by
    JoJo (QA Lead)
    Question by ThatGuy:
    [ Is it possible we may see new types of ships such as a frigate? ]
    It's very unlikely we'll add new ship types due the reason that they would need to be added for all pre-existing ship sets, which would make it very costly and time-consuming.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård
    Question by Confederacy Of Osprania:
    will we ever get an ability to become a fallen empire if we progress through the game enough?
    Being a Fallen Empire doesn't really fit in the current gameplay loop, at best it would represent your empire after "losing".
    Answered by
    Question by Reedstilt:
    Will any of the new material from the board game make its way into the main game? For example, the board game is adding a new "Time Master" Crisis - could we see something like that appearing as mid-game or end-game Crisis eventually?
    No current plans, but we're certainly not opposed to it. The specific example of a Crisis may be more unlikely, depending on how complex it is.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård
    Question by Turelus:
    now that older packs are getting some additional love, will Synthetic Dawn get any new machine portraits as it's currently the most lacking in options with all being tied/linked to base species types?
    Synthetic Dawn is kind of a mini expansion on its own right now. If we revisit it, I think the priority will be on things like machine uprising and the like. But definitely not against the idea of more portraits.
    Answered by
    JoJo (QA Lead)
    Question by Guilliman:
    Any chance some time gets allocated for more traits in general? I am enamored by the new artificer trait. I LOVE the roleplaying aspect of a trait changing a job name as well as provide the bonus! More traits that change job names and functions to cool things would vastly expand the roleplaying aspect.
    Obviously I won't spoil our future plans, but in general, we agree, its a very cool way of adding flavor and a little bit of uniqueness to certain empires and possibly even add a new playstyle. So, its definitely something I could see us adding more in the future.
    Answered by
    Question by Ben the Fox:
    As a big fan of Hiveminds, it appears that there is sadly not a lot of content for them in the base game and it's rather disappointing. Are there any plans to add more content for them in the future? (Such as new civics, orgins, ascension perks, etc).
    Since Hive Minds are a part of Utopia, and not the base game, it makes it difficult to add new content for them in future DLCs. We don't want cross-dependencies and requirements between DLC if we can avoid it. That said, it doesn't mean we can't or won't add new content for Hive Minds. It's an example of something the Custodians could improve.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård
    Question by Metames:
    What are your plans with the game now?
    Our plans is to keep making Stellaris bigger and better!
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård
    Question by Asiak:
    Is there any chance you would reconsider the proposed Admin Cap removal and Unity buy down idea?
    Nothing is written in stone, if we implement it and it's rubbish in our internal testing then it'll be dropped. But we reserve the right to make unpopular decisions
    Answered by
    JoJo (QA Lead)
    Question by Darkwing:
    Question from a modder's perpective: Why is it that species rights and diplomatic actions can not be added by script? I reckon there must be some reason behind it that's not immediately obvious.
    When something cannot be added by script, it's often because the content works in specific or heterogeneous ways that cannot be done in script in a practical way. Some diplomatic actions have their own UI for example, which can only really be done in code. We could perhaps make it possible in the future to let modders add diplomatic actions and species rights that are more generic and don't require code support, but the system is not designed around that and it's not something that we are currently working on.
    Answered by
    Question by Dragon of Desire:
    What is the dev's official "canon" difficulty? For instance, in the trailers, what difficulty do you guys think it is set to? Also, what's the dev's recommended difficulty setting?
    Ensign. No bonuses to the player or AI. settings wise just the default settings as you boot up the game.
    Answered by
    JoJo (QA Lead)
    Question by Asbeltrion:
    Have you considered to allow players to chose how many crisis they want in their game?
    Although we love the idea of multiple crises, it's not something we can promise. Crises are very complex content systems that are very time-consuming to work with. Allowing multiple Crises would sort of mean we support it, which may be a can-of-worms in terms of how much support it may need to not break due to many edge-cases.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård
    Question by Just Jank:
    Would there be dedicated servers for PvP/PvE hosted at select times for people who struggle to find people to play with?
    We link to several fantastic discords that will help you find games: #paradox-interactive-roleplay #paradox-community-discord #weekend-stellaris-club
    Answered by
    MrFreake (Stellaris CA)
    Question by MathyM:
    are there any plans for more Machine portraits? with every empire having robots, those tend to collide a lot
    Nothing concrete, but once we figure out how the communication between the custodians and the community will work. Just keep asking
    Answered by
    JoJo (QA Lead)
    Question by Liggi:
    Espionage has a great base, but feels a little empty currently. Are there plans to expand the number of Operations available for Espionage? And/or beef up the current ones?
    Espionage is a new system that we added that is expandable through adding new operations. When deciding on what to work on next, we consider the different types of content that we have, and Espionage is one of the types of content that we could consider in future updates.
    Answered by
    Question by Solo:
    Are there any ideas for new mid game and/or end crises planned or spoken of as of currently?
    Without entirely ruling it out, something we have found with the variety of existing midgame and endgame crises is that maintaining them has been quite challenging. So, what with the complexity of the task of also adding a new crisis, at the moment our time is probably better spent making the existing crises work better.
    Answered by
    Question by Cloudread:
    Just curious, how high on the priority list is adding a new crisis?
    Probably very low, due to how complex and expensive it can be to create that type of content. It may not be worth it, compared to other things (like adding content to Hive Minds, or new events etc.).
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård
    Question by XtremerXtr:
    why we do not have any advanced plagues mechanics?
    It would be quite complicated to implement, and has significant risks of not being very fun - experience has shown us that people do not like losing their shiny planets and pops, so having this happen on a regular basis may well be angering to many. That said, we can never say never.
    Answered by
    Question by Farbros:
    Is there any plans about adding missing hotkeys (for example to ships menus doesn't have any), letting players change them?
    No specific plans at this time, but it is the type of improvements Custodians could look into.
    Answered by
    Question by tr33:
    With the new Industrial District, it is easier for the AI to build up the Ecumenopolis Decision conditions. Are their any plans to make the AI actually use it?
    Yes, we are hoping to address this in one of the Custodian team patches (probably not the first one, though)
    Answered by
    Question by ASpec:
    Stellaris seems to be entering a new era with the team knowing exactly what the game is. Has this always been the case? Was there a period where there was a struggle on where to take the game itself? And in extension of that has this changed from game director (Henrik, Martin, Daniel) to game director?
    Working on Stellaris has definitely been an exploratory progress for a long time. Even though I think we have a much better idea of what Stellaris is now, than what we had 5 years ago, we are still learning and still trying out new ideas. Stellaris still has lots of room to grow and to change. In terms of how its changed between game directors, it's a bit harder to say. Each director has things they personally like, which will influence how the game is developed. In terms of Stellaris, its very hard to say how the game would look if Henrik Fåhraeus would have still been game director, for example. From my perspective, having been on Stellaris since a long time ago, I think Stellaris has had some form of "natural" progression in terms of how its evolved.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård

    Question by Darkwing:
    Who are the custodians and how is their team structured?
    The Custodians are just members of the Stellaris team who are assigned to it, not anything outsourced, external etc. The QA team is a subteam that still reports to me for example. Structure right now resembles mostly the same as the Expansion team, however we are very much aware that framework will need adjusting for the more regular release cadence.
    People on the Custodians Team are also not locked into working on the next patch either, it's a fluid environment and people can move around.
    Answered by
    JoJo (QA Lead)
    Question by WizardLizardScoot:
    are there any current plans to improve stability and reduce lag in the mid to end game? Maybe some that can also improve consoles?
    Performance is a continuous point of improvement. I'm rather happy with how things run right now, but we are constantly optimising.
    Things will not slip back again however, we're taking great care that each release never decreases performance
    Answered by
    JoJo (QA Lead)
    Question by MONEY LLC:
    With potential changes to/replacement of admin cap (fingers crossed), will bureaucrats just vanish from the game?
    In my current experimental branch, bureaucrats are the Unity-producing jobs. Culture Workers are gone, and Priests or Managers are swaps of Bureaucrats where applicable.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård
    Question by Perthro:
    Are there plans to expand on some already existing events and systems. Like the Fallen Empires or Ground Combat for example?
    Improvements to existing systems and events, like you've mentioned is the type of thing Custodians are looking into. But there are no specific plans for Fallen Empires or Ground Combat.
    Answered by
    Question by Pbever:
    Are there any plans to adjust fleet compositions so players don't build anything but battleships with the best technology?
    While I disagree that its only Battleships that are worthwhile right now, the fleet meta has become quite stale and especially Destroyers and Cruisers are underutilized compared to what we would like to see. We are considering our options in that regard, brainstorming, reading through feedback, experimenting. Don't expect a quick solution in the near future. It's a delicate issue and we want to actually fix it and not just turn the Meta-Wheel to the next stage.
    Answered by
    Question by Helicopter200:
    WIll machines will get own shipset and citystyle and hivemind will get organic shipset and citystyle?
    not planned at current, but robot and organic ships are obvious candidates if we look at buffing out our ship selection.
    Answered by
    JoJo (QA Lead)
    Question by Tribune of the Plebs:
    Is there any plans to introduce more proper logistics where resources actually have to make it to storage places/production buildings etc.?
    as much as I personally love logistics I think that might be a bit out of scope for Stellaris. This is a game about exploring and conquering the stars, putting a logistic layer ontop of that might just result in drudgery.
    Answered by
    JoJo (QA Lead)
    Question by Insurance Sales Man:
    Are there many more mega structures currently in development? If yes then if you can of course can you give us a hint on what they do or change within the game?
    Megastructures are cool and we know it. Shall say no more
    Answered by
    JoJo (QA Lead)
    Question by Tamwin5:
    You mentioned Utopia might be a bad DLC to add stuff because it's already so popular, but hive minds are severely lacking civics, and many of the ones they do have are bland. Are hives getting left by the wayside, or do you have a solution planned?
    It is true that Gestalts can often fall by the wayside. As a content designer, I know first hand that enabling a piece of content for hive minds or machines adds about 75% more effort each for content designers. So we always have to be a bit selective in what we enable for Gestalts, as it's always a question of where our time is best spent. That said, it is certainly the case that Hives could see some love in terms of civics and origins, and for instance with the Lem update we will be added Hiveminded Necrophages. We don't have any plans for wider changes at the moment, but it is something that certainly could fall within the remit of the Custodians again in future.
    Answered by
    Question by Helicopter200:
    will machine shipset and citystyle and hivemind organic ships and cities will be added?
    No current plans, but maybe. They couldn't be explicitly tied to existing DLC content, however, since that would be a cross-dependency.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård
    Question by Just Jank:
    Will you add facial hair to the Fungoid species? I think it would be quite cute
    I'm sure it would be cute, but we all know that cute species are the most dangerous, and frankly I'm quite scared by the thought of it!
    Answered by
    Question by Confederacy Of Osprania:
    will we ever be able to unlock the technology to travel beyond our galaxy? Like through a rift like the End Game Crisis?
    maybe as an endgame goal? But nothing llke playing two galaxies at once. The game just isn't built for it.
    Answered by
    JoJo (QA Lead)
    Question by Archaeon:
    Are there any plans for internal politics to be expanded upon? Leaders and factions feel very uninteresting but have a lot of potential
    nothing specific but we're aware factions haven't gotten a lot of love recently. We'll see what the future holds.
    Answered by
    JoJo (QA Lead)
    Question by Fiiral:
    Are there plans for more shroud interactions given we just got a whole new layer to it with the crisis mechanics?
    No current plans, but those types of interactions are very neat. If's the type of thing the Custodians could work on, if there's someone passionate about it and if they think there's enough value in doing that. Because of how specific it is, however, its would probably not be a high priority.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård
    Question by Just Jank:
    Might seem like a weird question but how good are you at Stellaris?
    Depends a lot on developer, its certainly no hiring requirement to be a good Stellaris player but having played the game usually helps. You will find complete beginners and some incredibly murderous veterans in all of our teams. Personally, there is no other game I have ever played as much as Stellaris and still suck at it after all these years.
    Answered by
    Question by Citizen Zero:
    Will ship sets get there own Ion cannon design? I mean the Once for space station defence.
    not planned, but I've made a note on this.
    Answered by
    JoJo (QA Lead)
    Question by Darkwing:
    Which people are on the custodian team? Will we get an introduction to the team, maybe in a dev diary?
    Well, we are. Some of us are currently only lurking around, while some engage more directly with the community. There might be more concrete introductions after the summer.
    Answered by
    Question by Liggi:
    Outside of things recently discussed (ie. Admin Cap / Unity, Traditions), what do you feel is the most underdeveloped area of Stellaris with the most potential?
    Managing and interacting with things like primitives or enclaves, or other "minor civilizations" within your empire is relatively undeveloped, but has a lot of potential.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård
    Question by Dragon of Desire:
    Is there any plan for allowing modders to create new Crisis windows, or duplicate the Crisis window and allow it to be modded?
    I'm afraid such moddability changes will not be possible tech-wise, but you can look forwards to plenty of moddability improvements in the Lem update!
    Answered by
    Question by Helicopter200:
    Will hiveminds will be reworked?
    Rework might not be the right word. But they do deserve more unique content. Rest assured there are hive mind radicals within the devteam pushing for more love
    Answered by
    JoJo (QA Lead)
    Question by XcessiveSwag:
    Do you think tall and wide should be equally powerful? Or do you think aggressive play should be more rewarding than a more passive strategy
    balancing tall vs wide is kind of a minefield. Stellaris is a game where you need resources to expand, getting more territory with resources will always have an edge. But we are looking at more ways to make more passive playstyles viables
    Answered by
    JoJo (QA Lead)
    Question by Awang Budiman:
    *The optimal fleet composition seems to be battleships, battleships, battleships, and the occasional corvette. All the other ship class became irrelevant because the battleship can do it better. This makes the 'ship game' rather dull. Ofcourse I have my opinions that each class should have their individual role - similar to rpgs - so that each ship class has a strategic role they play in a fleet. However do you share the same sentiment that the proliferation of battleships to be a problem ?
    (Excuse me if this felt like a loaded question. I could've worded them better) *
    I answered a similar question above already, so the short version. We think that destroyers and cruisers are underutilized, and we are considering our options for a long-term solution to this one-sided fleet setup. Don't expect a quicks solution in the near future but we are looking into it.
    Answered by
    Question by M I L K:
    Will we see lag support for larger games and galaxies? I’m quite tired of my game running 5x slower mid game
    The work on improving the game's performance is very continuous in nature and something that we try to do when we get the opportunities. We've seen some performance improvements in the latest updates, and we're doing what we can to try to make it better yet in future updates. Especially since it's one of the goals for the new Custodian team!
    Answered by
    Question by ASpec:
    are there any plans to create community packs done in combination with modders? Cities and Surviving Mars have had similar programs and I'd love to see some of 3rd party content designers create their own pack that are official extensions of the game. Something more extensive than the ModJam pack.
    No current plans due to multiple reasons, but one obvious question is if it would be who would support the content if it breaks? If we have user generated content / paid mods, what happens if someone stops working on it? I think the modding situation works well as it currently is, but its certainly a question that will keep reappearing and being reconsidered.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård
    Question by Stone:
    Will rogue servitors get some love? A buddy of mine used to always play as a rogue servitor but he wont touch the civic because of the two huge nerfs to their unity production.
    we'll keep looking over balance as best we can, one for the community to team pipeline on custodians.
    Answered by
    JoJo (QA Lead)
    Question by Human 6,212,224,590:
    Would having one or more prominent, community-beloved (and, obviously, functional) mods under your belt (and the ability to prove it) be considered an asset when applying to the Stellaris team?
    Yes. To be more specific - it is of course a plus, but it is not a prerequisite to apply!
    Answered by
    Question by ThatGuy:
    [is it possible we will see new flag types such as a tricolour, new colours (please just white )]
    Nothing planned, but I do keep nagging people about the poor flag selection. At least more colours dangit.
    Answered by
    JoJo (QA Lead)
    Question by Ben the Fox:
    How does one program a opinion modifer into the game? They seem rather complicated and clearly I was missing something.
    I can recommend asking for help modding the game in #modmaking_discussion or #beginner_help in the Stellaris Modding Den discord https://discord.gg/bqRnpsfC
    Answered by
    Question by WizardLizardScoot:
    are there any plans to add more advanced tactics for fleets, like formations and specific ship roles to make each ship type more worthwhile in the meta? Formations are cool. Ask Ender Wiggin
    No current plans. Personally its something I have spent some thoughts on, but there are several issues with Formations that make them very tricky to use in Stellaris. I haven't given hope up on them yet though, and even if they aren't the solution we need or will go with, its worthwhile to explore them internally.
    Answered by
    Question by Dragon of Desire:
    The Nemesis trailer had slowly been filling up with the purple, and other trailers seemed to mention things like stars going dark and other events and the lore that has been discovered with the game is slowly pointing more and more to some unknown threat in the universe. Are you allowed to say what is being built up to? Or am I looking too deep into something that was meant to just look cool?
    It is about the content of the DLC; destroying stars is one of the steps of the Become the Crisis path, while the Galactic Community, lead by the Custodian, is trying to stop it.
    Answered by
    Question by Naysmith:
    Currently, Bio and Synth Ascension both get a good pop growth amplifier (clone vats+gene clinic and bonus capital jobs). Psionic only gets default robot labs, angering the spiritualists in their themed ascension. And half the clinic boost, since they don't get assembly. Any plans on giving them more ways to grow?
    We have been looking at options for improving the Psionic experience, but nothing has been decided on so far.
    Answered by
    Question by Guilliman:
    Any thought on asking the modding community for small projects/ideas that you can pick and choose from to implement? Eg; let us make you hundreds of non-mechanically complex techs, civics and traits. There might be tons of cool, easily implemented ideas to expand those parts of the game.
    It's usually not the lack of ideas that prevent us from adding new content to the game, it's more so that reviewing it and supporting it. We like the idea of involving the community's ideas, but haven't yet found a good venue for it. If the community has really good suggestions, make sure to discuss them and pitch them to the Custodians.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård
    Question by dan3401:
    are there plans to add addiotnal scaling options for the start of game such as changing the speed of the galatic community, fed xp gain or the date for tech soft caps for fasters game?
    We definitely want to revisit game setup options in the future as we see value in allowing the players to tailor their own experience.
    Answered by
    Question by tr33:
    With the Plantoids "Rework" can we get a Plantoid Jeff Portrait?
    Jeff has already grown more powerful than we imagined! We can't control him anymore!
    Answered by
    Question by Tamwin5:
    Both piracy and crime are systems are basically fully self contained, without any links or interaction to other systems. Any plans to connect them to each other and more outside systems?
    I'd argue that Crime is actually quite deeply involved with planetary mechanics, but Piracy is indeed not where we would like it to be, both in impact and required player action. No plans for the near future though.
    Answered by
    Question by Cairos:
    is it possible for the game to stop using portraits I have assigned my own empire or an empire I have set to be generated in my new game? It breaks immersion to run into another race looking exactly the same as my own race or another race i created
    If we take a look at expanding and updating the game/galaxy setup/settings, it would make sense to have that as an option.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård
    Question by Hurpix:
    Hello! Have you considered to remake the empire creator user interface, or do you have any plans doing so?
    No current plans for when, but we have made some exploratory designs for some changes to it.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård
    Question by El Presidente:
    Are you thinking about changing culture a bit so it will be more like in the other PDX titels but with ethics attached to them? Example: The empire x has a culture group and other subcultures can emerge out of them (far away colonies).
    And could Religion play a role in intergalactic politics?
    I very much like the idea of groups of pops belonging to different cultures. There's no current plans for changing that, but it's definitely been on my mind as something I'd want to figure out.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård
    Question by Turelus:
    will any other the older anomalies/space fauna outcomes be changed to give more options or interesting/random outcomes to shake them up for veterans who know them all extremely well?
    An interesting idea! As it happens, my Content Design Lead did exactly that on one of the really old events earlier today, and it's certainly something that is on our radar for the future - though I'd stop short of making any specific promises in this regard.
    Answered by

    Questo sarà l'ultimo Dev Diary per l'estate. Spero che potrete tutti uscire a godervi il sole e che quest'anno potrete incontrare i vostri amici e la vostra famiglia. É stato un anno difficile per tutti. I Dev Diary torneranno nelle prime settimane di Agosto!

    Buona estate!
  5. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    Stellaris Dev Diary #218 - Plantoids Gameplay
    Ciao a tutti!

    Spero abbiate passato un'ottima estate! Il team sta tornando al lavoro per completare la patch Lem in tempo per il rilascio di Settembre.

    Come detto nel dev diary 214, vogliamo aggiungere funzionalità a DLC esistenti. Oggi parleremo di cosa la patch Lem porterà al Plantoids Species Pack.


    Aggiungeremo 2 nuove Civics e 3 nuovi Tratti di Specie al Plantoids Species Pack. Partiamo dai nuovi Tratti.

    Nuovi Tratti
    Abbiamo aggiunti 3 nuovi tratti disponibili se la Specie è Plantoide o Fungoide.


    Nuovi tratti e loro costo.
    Phototrophic: mutualmente esclusivo con Radiotrophic, trasforma parte del costo di mantenimento in cibo in costo in Energia. Solo per Plantoidi o Fungoidi.


    Radiotrophic: mutualmente esclusivo con Phototrophic,trasforma parte del costo di mantenimento in cibo in costo in Energia. Inoltre rende utile abitare Mondi Tomba, dove il costo in Energia viene rimosso. Solo per Plantoidi o Fungoidi.


    Budding: questo tratto permette di assemblare POP, anche di un'altra specie. Ad esempio due specie con Syncretic Evolution Origin possono assemblare insieme una delle due. Questo tratto è probabilmente ottimo per Menti Alveari.


    Nuove Civics
    Queste due nuove Civic sono disponibili per imperi normali e per Menti Alveari. Solo Idyllic Bloom èdisponibile solo se la Specie è Plantoide o Fungoide.

    Catalytic Processing: questa Civic permette di produrre Leghe dal Cibo invece che da Minerali. I Distretti iniziali di chi inizia con questa Civic sono diversi per essere bilanciati. Imperi normali e Menti Alveari convertono 9 Cibo in 3 Leghe. Imperi Machine trasformano 12 Cibo in 4 Leghe.


    Catalytic Processing is available to many types of empires, but not all of them.
    Idyllic Bloom: questa Civic permette di trasformare pianti in Mondi Gaia costruendo dei Gaia Seeders e aggiornandoli. I Gaia Seeders hanno 4 fasi e con la quarta e ultima parte la terraformazione del pianeta in un mondo Gaia. Disponibile per Imperi Regolari e Menti Alveari.




    Questo è tutto per questa settimana, ci vediamo alla prossima!


    Stellaris Dev Diary #219 - Selectable Traditions
    Saluti, fan dello spazio!
    Oggi parliamo di miglioramenti al sistema delle Tradizioni, come annunciato nel dev diary 214.

    Selezionare le vostre Tradizioni
    Non vogliamo semplicemente aggiungere nuovi Alberi delle Tradizioni, perciò abbiamo rivisto il sistema per renderlo più aperto ai cambiamenti.

    Vediamo i cambiamenti, ma tenete conto che nulla è finalizzato e manca la parte grafica. Accettiamo feedback.

    Ora non sarete più limitati ai soliti 7 alberi di Tradizioni (con alcune sostituzioni), ma potrete scegliere quali Alberi vanno nei 7 slot disponibili.


    Alcuni degli Alberi delle Tradizioni che era in precedenza sostituti di altri (come Adattabilità al posto di Diplomazia) sono ora scelte disponibili. Quindi ad esempio Adattabilità è ora disponibile anche per imperi non-machine. Sincronicità continua a essere esclusiva con Armonia (la prima solo per imperi gestalt, la seconda per gli altri). Versatilità è disponibile per tutti imperi machine.

    Cambiamenti a Tradizioni esistenti

    • Judgment Corps: non previene più il crimine, ma con questo gli Enforcer producono 1 Unity.
    • Privy Council: aumenti limite Editti di +1.
    • Finisher: non più +1 Influenza mensile, ma +20% admin cap. Per tutti gli imperi.

    • Open Markets sostituito da Diplomatic Networking: ambasciate ora producono 3 Unity
    • Secure Shipping sostituito da Eminent Diplomats: accettazione diplomatica +5 ed Emissari che stanno Migliorando Relazioni hanno 1% probabilità al mese di ottenere un Favore dall'impero obiettivo.
    • Insider Trading sostituito da Trust or Bust: Trust Cap +50, Trust Growth +33%
    • Finisher: non aumenta più Trust Cap o Trust Growth, ma aumenta Peso Diplomatico di 10% e Emissari +1

    • Mind and Body: ora aumenta anche Leader Skill Cap di +1
    • Kinship: effetto su tempo demozione aumentato da -50% a -75%
    • Bulwark of Harmony spostato in Unyielding, sostituito da Harmonious Directives: +1 Edict Cap

    • Adoption: non più Starbase Cap +2, ma ora Naval Cap +20
    • The Great Game: vecchi effetti rimossi, ora aumenta danni a Starbases di +20%

    • Finisher: non più Lavori da Mercanti, ma aumenta Stabilità +5 e Pop Resource Output +5%. Per tutti i tipi di impero.

    Nuovi Alberi di Tradizioni
    Aggiungiamo 3 nuovi Alberi di Tradizioni: Mercantile, Unyielding and Subterfuge. Subterfuge è sbloccato dal DLC Nemesis, Unyielding è sbloccato dal DLC Apocalypse, e Mercantile (originariamenti sbloccato dal DLC Megacorp) è disponibile per tutti. La ragione è che ora le Politiche Commerciali sono sbloccate da questo Albero. Non potrete più convertire Trade Value in Energia + Beni Commerciali ameno che non abbiate la tradizione (3) Adaptive Economic Policies.


    Mercantile (per tutti)
    • Adopt: Starbase Collection Range +1, Trade Protection +5
    • (1) Trickle Up Economics: Clerks forniscono +1 Trade Value
    • (2) Commercial Enterprises: edificio Commercial Zones ora fornisce 1 Merchant Job. Lo stesso vale per Distretti Commerciali di Mondi Anello e Habitat.
    • (3) Adaptive Economic Policies: può convertire parte del Trade Value in Unity o Beni Commerciali
    • (3) (swap) Federal Trade Fleets: sostituto per membri di una Federazione Lega Commerciale. Aumenta contributo alla flotta di +50%, come per Entente Coordination.
    • (4) Marketplace of Better Ideas: aumenta trade value di +10%
    • (5) Insider Trading: spostato da Diplomazia, -10% Market Fee
    • Finisher: aumenta trade value di +10%

    Unyielding (per chi ha Apocalypse)
    • Adoption: Starbase Cap +2 e Starbase Upgrade Speed +50%
    • (1) Resistance is Frugal: edificio Stronghold ora produce 3 Unity e Defense Army Health aumentata di +33%
    • (2) Never Surrender: riduce Planet Bombardment Damage di-25%, war exhaustion di -25% e aumenta costo rivendicazioni ostili di +25%
    • (3) Bulwark of Harmony: spostato da Harmony Traditions, stessi effetti di prima
    • (4) Fortress Doctrine: aumenta Hit Points e Damage di Starbases e Defensive Platforms del 33%,e riduce costo di mantenimento di Starbase del -20%
    • (5) Defense in Depth: aumenta Starbase Cap di +2 e riduce costo aggiornamento Starbase di -50%. Inoltre, possessori di Nemesis avranno anche aumento di Hostile Operation Difficulty di +4 per l'Operazione Sabotage Starbase.
    • Finisher: Max Defensive Platforms +50%

    Subterfuge (per chi ha Nemesis)
    • Adoption: +1 Codebreaking
    • (1) Information Security: +1 Encryption
    • (2) Operational Security: +1 Codebreaking, +2 Operation Skill
    • (3) Non-Disclosure Agreements: Hostile Operation Difficulty +1, costo e mantenimento di Hostile Operation +50%
    • (4) Double Agents: se un'Operazione Ostile contro di noi fallisce, otteniamo 10 Intel sull'impero che ci ha provato
    • (5) Shadow Recruits: aumenta Infiltration Speed di +50%
    • Finisher: Operazioni terminate con Successo ritornano metà del proprio costo in Infiltration Level


    Settimana prossima parleremo di Humanoids Species Pack.


    Stellaris Dev Diary #220 - Additions to Humanoids Species Pack

    Oggi parliamo di aggiunte allo Humanoids Species Pack.

    Partiamo dai Civic aggiunti.

    Masterful Crafters


    Il Civic Masterful Crafters, accennato nel Dev Diary 214, sostituisce Artisans con Artificiers. Questi producono Beni Commerciali come gli Artisans, ma aggiungono anche Trade Value e Engineering Research. Non disponibile per Imperi gestalt.


    Inoltre questa aggiunge slot di edifici a Distretti Industriali.

    Esiste una versione analoga anche per Megacorporazioni.

    Pleasure Seekers


    La seconda Civic, Pleasure Seekers, fornisce accesso allo Standard di Vita detto Stile di Vita Decadennte, che aumenta Felicità e costo in Beni Commerciali per tutti i POP coinvolti.


    Inoltre, il lavoro di Intrattenitore ora fornisce +1% Pop Growth e i Servitori ora forniscono +5 Amenities.


    Esiste una versione analoga anche per Megacorporazioni.

    Vediamo ora la nuova Origine:
    Clone Army


    Cosa fare quando sopravvivi ai tuoi creatori? A questa domanda cerca una risposta la Clone Army origin.

    Come Clone Soldiers, il vostro impero sarà pronto alla guerra, anche se all'inizio non avrete nemici. Le vostre vite e la vostra continua esistenza dipendono dagli edifici Ancient Clone Vat buildings, che sostengono la vostra popolazione.


    C'è un limite al numero di Ancient Clone Vats che potete avere nel vostro impero, ovvero 5.


    Ora, potete comportarvi da bravi soldati-cloni e fare la guerra come siete stati creati per fare, oppure potete esplorare i segreti della vostra storia. La scelta sarà vostra.

    Oh, potete combinare Clone Army sia con Masterful Crafters che con Pleasure Seekers.

    Queste 3 aggiunti non dipendono dal ritratto. Alcune però hanno restrizioni legate a etiche o altre civic.


    Ci vediamo al prossimo Dev Diary.
  6. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    Stellaris Dev Diary #221 - Balance and Quality of Life Improvements
    Ciao gente, io sono @Alfray Stryke, un membro del Team di QA per Stellaris. Come parte del lavoro dei Guardiani per la patch 3.1 “Lem”, come detto nel Dev Diary #215, il team sta controllando il bilanciamento e la qualità-della-vita per varie meccaniche del gioco e vorremmo presenterare i cambiamenti maggiori. Questa non è una lista completa e può contenere dei numeri non finalizzati. Anche i cambiamenti al Necroids Species Pack di cui parla il Dev Diary #216 saranno inclusi nella patch Lem.

    Void Dwellers

    Sappiamo che l'implementazione dei Void Dwellers con due tratti separati, uno positivo e uno negativo, ha portato a un comportamento che non ci piace - in particolare a rimuovere geneticamente il tratto negativo. Per risolvere questa situazione abbiamo fatto dei cambiamenti:

    • Ora c'è un singolo tratto Void Dweller, quindi non si può sfruttare la modifica genetica della specie
    • Il modificatori sono cambiati, prima erano:
      • +15% Risorse da Lavoratori e Specialisti & -10% velocità di crescita (per il tratto positivo)
      • -60% velocità di crescita (per il tratto negativo)
    • La nuova versione unificata è:
      • +15% Pop Resource Output su Habita.
      • -15% Pop Resource Output su Mondi Non-Artificiali
      • -10% Velocità di Crescita
      • -30% Felicità su Mondi Non-Artificiali


    Il nuovo tratto Void Dweller coi suoi modificatori

    Questo significativo che i vostri POP Void Dwellers sono produttivi e felice sugli Habitat, hanno il bonus di produttività rimosso sui Mondi Anello e hanno penalità a produzione e felicità sui pianeti (meglio lasciarli a immigrati o robot!)

    Shattered Ring

    Prima di prendere le vostre forche al plasma (sì le forche al plasma sono canon ora), ri-bilanciare l'Origine Shattered Ring è in discussione da tempo. Abbiamo cercato di ridurre il potere iniziale dell'Origine pur mantenendo la fantasia originale e alla fine abbiamo creato una progressione per Shattered Ring simile a quella dell'Origine Remnants.


    La Tecnocrazia Voor, che mostra un Segmento Infranto di Mondo Anello come pianeta di origine.

    L'anello infranto accetta i seguenti tipi di distretto:
    • Città, Alveare & Nexus - abitazioni in base al tipo di impero
    • Industriale - dove creare beni di consumo e leghe
    • Commercio - dove impiegati e artigiani portano denaro
    • Generatore (non presente nell'immagine) - dove menti alveari e intelligenze machine potenziano l'infrastruttura. Notate che distretti Generatori e Commercio sono alternativi in base a chi possiede l'anello, come un Mondo Anello normale
    • Agricoltura - dove si crea il cibo
    • Miniere - ne parliamo a breve

    Dopo aver rimosso tutte le macerie, ci sarà spazio per 25 distretti.

    Vi chiederete "A cosa servono i distretti miniera? cosa estraggono?"
    La risposta è l'anello stesso!


    Distretti miniera, ovvero tunnel pieni di minerali e leghe

    Essendo una civiltà che ha conosciuto solo la vita sull'anello prima di ottenere il viaggio spaziale, le uniche risorse disponibili sono quelle di cui è composto l'anello stesso. Fortunatamente mondi anello rovinati sono enormi e possono sopravvivere senza alcuni materiali senza cadere verso il sole locale.

    Pertanto i distretti minerari su anelli infranti rimpiazzano i normali lavori da minatori con lavori da minatori di rottami con un output di base di 2 minerali e 1 lega al mese.

    Come detto vogliamo che la progressione per l'anello infranto assomigli a quella del mondo reliquia dell'origine Remnants. Quindi dopo aver rimosso tutti i detriti dell'anello infranto e aver ricercato la tecnologia appropriata potete riparare l'anello per ripristinare un Mondo Anello completamente funzionante.


    Ovviamente a volte bisogna fare delle riparazione a casa propria.

    Dopo aver completato questo compito monumentale, i distretti del mondo infranto sono aggiornati al corrispondente distretto di mondo anello a un rapporto di 5:1 - quindi 5 distretti di agricoltura diventano 1 segmento di agricoltura. Dato che riparare l'anello vuole dire non poterne più recuperare i materiali, i distretti minerari sono rimossi e viene aggiunta la possibilità di creare segmenti di ricerca.

    Cambiamenti qualità-della-vita e Ecumenopoli

    Abbiamo ricevuto un sacco di feedback sull'assegnazione dei distretti industriali quando un pianeta diventa un Ecumenopoli.

    Prima della3.1, si assumeva che tutti i distretti industriali fossero devoti alla produzione di leghe e quindi convertiti in archeologie fonderie. Non più, nella 3.1 i distretti industriali sono convertiti in base alla designazione del pianeta:

    • Con la designazione “Mondo Fonderia”, i distretti industriali sono convertiti in archeologie fonderie con un rapporto di 2:1
    • Con la designazione “Mondo Fabbrica”, idistretti industriali sono convertiti in archeologie fabbriche con un rapporto di 2:1
    • Con ogni altra designazione, compresa “Mondo Industriale”, i distretti industriali sono convertiti sia in archeologie fonderie che fabbriche, con un rapporto di 4:1:1


    Terra, un reliquia di un tempo lontano, pronta a essere restaurata.


    Earth, restaurata! Notate che l'algoritmo governativo locale non ha presunto che tutte le capacità industriali debbano sostenere la Flotta Guardiana.

    Un'altra modifica implementata è che l'Ascension Perk Progetto Archeologia e la decisione di restaurare mondi reliquia in Ecumenopoli sono ora accessibili ai Rogue Servitors. In aggiunta, le Archeologie per il tempo libero sono state modificate per contenere bio-trofei in torri lussureggianti.


    Le coccole saranno fornite al Piano 314, Stanza 15 alle 9:26.

    Varie modifiche qualità-della-vita

    Come detto sopra, la designazione planetaria per i beni di consumo è ora diventata "Mondo Fabbrica", perché abbiamo aggiunto una designazione "Mondo Industriale".


    Tante designazioni planetarie per varie necessità

    La nuova designazione "Mondo Industriale" è ideale per pianeti dove non volete focalizzare i distretti industriali in un singolo tipo di di Lavoro, fornendo invece un piccolo sconto al mantenimento sia di Artigiani che Metallurgisti.


    Designazione "Mondo Industriale"

    Sia i Mondi Alveari che i Mondi Machine hanno ottenuti bonus aggiuntivi per renderli più vicini ai Mondi Gaia. I Mondi Alveari ora hanno un +1 innato Lavoro Spawning Drone mentre i Mondi Machine ora hanno un +1 innato Lavoro Replicator. Il Mondo Machine fornito dall'Origine Resource Consolidation inizia con uno slot bloccato che una volta rimosso fornisce il posto di Lavoro Replicator.


    Culti Sovversivi (MegaCorporazioni con sia Vangelo delle Masse che Sindacato Criminale) non hanno più accesso al Tempio della Prosperità. Invece ora possono creare un Altare Sovversivo nelle loro Filiali - aumentando sia l'attrazione per l'etica Spiritualista che il Crimine su quel pianeta.



    Sovvertire le aspettative con offerte così buone che sono quasi criminali!

    Con questo passo il testimone a @Gruntsatwork per discutere i cambiamenti ai Civic!


    Ciao a tutti. Sono uno dei Game Designers che al momento sta lavorando su Stellaris nel team dei Guardiani. Anche se siamo stati occupati con scelte radicali qui e là, nuovi Civic e Origini, abbiamo anche voluto bilanciare le Civic esistenti, soprattutto per quelle anomale e sotto o sovra utilizzate.

    La seguente lista contiene Civic che sono state rafforzate:
    Imperi Normali
    • Beacon of Liberty: forniva +15% Unity prodotta -> ora fornisce ANCHE -15% Empire Sprawl from Pops
    • Imperial Cult: forniva +1 Edict cap -> ora fornisce +2 Edict cap
    • Idealistic Foundation: forniva +5% Happiness -> ora fornisce +10% Happiness
    • Environmentalist: forniva -10% Consumer Goods Upkeep -> ora fornisce -20% Consumer Goods Upkeep
    • Parliamentary System: forniva +25% Faction Influence -> ora fornisce +40% Faction Influence
    • Efficient Bureaucracy: forniva +10% Admin Cap -> ora fornisce +20% Admin Cap
    • Nationalistic Zeal: forniva -10% War Exhaustion Gain e -10% Claim Cost -> ora fornisce -20% War Exhaustion Gain e -15% Claim Cost
    • Functional Architecture: forniva -10% Building and District Cost, -10% Building and District Upkeep e +1 Building Slot -> ora fornisce -15% Building and District Cost, +2 Building Slots, riduzione Upkeep rimossa
    Menti Alveari
    • Subspace Ephase: forniva +15% Naval Capacity -> ora fornisce +20% Ship Speed e ANCHE +15% Naval Capacity
    • Divided Attention: forniva +10% Admin Cap -> ora fornisce +20% Admin Cap
    Intelligenze Machine
    • Constructobot: forniva -10% Building and District Cost, -10% Building and District Upkeep e+1 Building Slot -> ora fornisce -15% Building and District Cost, +2 Building Slots, riduzione Upkeep rimossa
    Speriamo che questi cambiamenti aumentino l'appeal di questi Civic, pur avendo modificato solo numeri.

    Ora, questo non risolve tutti i problemi, quindi abbiamo anche deponteziato i 2(3) Civic considerati "obbligatori":
    • Slaver Guilds : ridotta popolazione schiavizzata da 40% a 35%
    • Indentured Assets: ridotta popolazione schiavizzata da 40% a 35% (Megacorp)
    • Technocracy: aggiunto costo di mantenimento di 1 Bene di Consumo per Lavoro di Scienziati che creano Unity grazie alla Tecnocrazia

    Come potete vedere, le prime due sono modifiche minore rispetto alle terza. Lo scopo è rendere queste Civic leggermente meno attraenti, ma non vogliamo certe renderle inutile. L'idea è farle passare dalla categoria "da scegliere ogni volta" a quella "potenziali scelte, in base alle circostanze".

    Ascolteremo il vostro feedback qui e sulle altre piattaforme oltre alla nostra telemetria e continueremo a lavorare sul bilanciamento.

    Come nota finale, ci sono altre Civic che potrebbero essere rafforzate e ci lavoreremo, ma non per la patch Lem.

    Questo è tutto per questa settimana. Settimana prossima torneremo a parlare di cambiamenti della patch Lem.
  7. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    Stellaris Dev Diary #222 - Moddability Updates in LEM
    Benvenuti a un altro DD sul Modding di Stellaris! Oggi vi parlerò delle nuove caratteristiche del linguaggio di scripting in arrivo con la prossima patch 3.1.

    Abbiamo già detto che le Tradizioni saranno moddabili, con meno problemi legati a interfaccia e localizzazione. Posso confermare che ora è anche possibile sbloccare nuovi Alberi di Tradizioni in base a decisioni prese nel gioco. Ma oggi parleremo soprattutto di variabili


    Già nella scorsa patch abbiamo aggiunti vari modi per salvare informazioni nel gioco, ma ne mancavano alcuni utili come trigger, ad esempio il numero di POP di un pianeta. Eravamo anche limitati nel modo di usare le variabili, soprattutto se guardavamo a giochi più recenti come CK3. Per finire, la sintassi per usarle non era ideale in molte situazioni.

    Con la 3.1, abbiamo aumentato il potere delle variabili. Prima di tutto il formato: prima per ottenere il valore dovevamo riferirci alle variabili stesse, ora possiamo fare più cose:
        value = my_var                                 #gets the value of my_var variable set on the current scope
        value = from.capital_scope.my_var              #gets the value of the my_var variable set on from’s capital
        value = trigger:num_pops                       #gets the number of pops in the current scope
        value = from.capital_scope.trigger:num_pops    #gets the number of pops in from’s capital
    Ora potere fare "dot scoping" e potere fare riferimento ai trigger contrigger:<trigger>. Disponibile solo per trigger che controllano un numero, senza { }.

    (rimosso il brutto formato per copiare variabili tra "scope": "value = { scope = x variable = y }")

    La patch 3.0 aveva già un effetto,export_trigger_to_variable, ma solo per il potere della flotta. Era un prototipo, abbiamo espanso la funzionalità per tutti i trigger simili. Si possono anche valutare trigger complessi, con {}, pur comparando un singolo numero:
        export_trigger_value_to_variable = {
            trigger = num_assigned_jobs
            parameters = {
                job = miner
            variable = num_miner_jobs
    3.0 aveve anche aggiunto modi per ottenere valori dal gioco e metterli in variabili e aveva aggiunto posti dove usarli, ad esempio come moltiplicatori diadd_resource eadd_modifier. Con la 3.1, abbiamo aggiunto tanto nuovi modi per usare variabili:
    • valori in trigger che controllano singoli numeri, e.g. "num_pops > my_variable", "intel = { who = from value < trigger:num_pops }"
    • valori in effetti che usano singoli numeri, e.g. "add_experience = my_variable".
    • come moltiplicatore in "triggered resource tables" (e.g. in un edificio):
         resources = {
            category = planet_buildings
            cost = {
                trigger = { <triggers> }
                minerals = 100
            multiplier = my_var/owner.trigger:num_pops
    • In MTTH/AI Chance modifiers:
         ai_chance = {
             factor = 1
             modifier = {
                add/factor = my_var/trigger:num_pops
                is_variable_set = my_var
    • add_modifier ora ha anche time_multiplier che si può usare
    • In ordered_script_lists: lascio spiegare la documentazione:
    ordered_owned_fleet - Iterate through each fleet owned by the country - executes the enclosed effects on one of them for which the limit triggers return true. Picks the specific object according to the order specified (position 0, order_by = trigger:num_pops would run the effects on the X with the most pops)
    ordered_owned_fleet = {
        limit = { <triggers> }
        position = <integer, starting with 0>
        order_by = <variable>/trigger:<trigger>
        inverse = yes/no (default: no - if yes, then 0 is lowest rather than highest)
    Supported Scopes: country
    [*]Se il numero non è intero lo si può arrotondare con round_variable_to_nearest
    Un riassunto di queste funzionalità è stato aggiunto nel folder events (e allegato a questo DD - N.d.AC: vedi post originale su forum Paradox). In futuro potremmo fare ulteriori espansioni. Noi ne abbiamo già approfittato, e.g.:
    • Migliorate ricompense per Death Cult: rimosse circa 1000 linee di script pur considerando più fattori
    • Corretta ricompensa in contanti per Golden Rule: prima c'era solo una tenue connessione con l'investimento, ora non più
    • Migliorata la Sfida di Scienza per il Controllo di una Federazione: aggiunti il numero di tech ricercate e di tech ripetibili ricercate come fattori
    • e altro
    Cambiamenti a Sprite Sheet

    Vecchi elementi del gioco usano sprite sheet per icone - un sistema dove una lista di icone sta su una sola linea e specifichiamo quale usare. Abbiamo avuto problemi anche noi in passato e i modder non possono sovrascrivere facilmente, solo un mod può usarla.
    Abbiamo cambiato il riferimento all'indice perché usino il sistema normale. Abbiamo già fatto l'aggiornamento per tipi di esercito, tipi di automazione colonia, tipi di bombardamento e (con grande difficoltà) dimensioni nave.

        spriteType = {
            name = "GFX_ship_size_military_1"
            sprite_sheet_sprite_type = "GFX_ship_sizes"
            default_frame = 2
    Questo richiederà un aggiornamento per i mod che modificavano tali oggetto, ma in futuro questo causerà meno problemi per tutti!


    Alcuni hanno notato che in alcuni casi non sempre random_list era randomizzata davvero. Abbiamo risolto questo e altri problemi, ad esempio in loop while o every_x che ogni volta sceglievano lo stesso effetto. Abbiamo quindi risolto:
    - il problema con on_actions like on_game_start e se dovessimo rifare lo stesso errore in futuro, il gioco ci avvertirà
    - Loop while e every_x loops ora maggiormente randomici
    - abbiamo aggiunto per sicurezza un effetto reroll_random

    Altra roba figa

    Ora possiamo anche aggiungere "triggered pop modifiers" ai traits, come un bonus a una classe di pianeti e malus a un'altra classe. Questo ci ha permesso di unire i due tratti dei Void Dwellers in uno che si applica diversamente in base al pianeta su cui si trova.

    Anche la nuova Origine Clone Army fa cose nuove. E quanto fatto per essa può essere riutilizzato, ad esempio per:
    • avere specie bloccate su un singolo genere
    • avere un limite per impero per un certo edificio (e cambiarlo durante la partita)
    • è stata aggiunta una regola, “should_force_decline_species”, che fa diminuire una specie su un pianeta in base a certe condizioni e impedisce migrazione verso un pianeta dove diminuirebbe.

    Per finire abbiamo aggiunto un sacco di nuovi effetti, trigger e modificatori. Ecco i più importanti:
    [*]set_visited = <system> - reveals a system to you, without you having surveyed it
    [*]set_saved_date - lets you save a specific date (can be in the future) so that you can use it in locs, similar to variables: [This.my_saved_date].
    [*]Technically, the last effect is actually adding a <scope>_flag, so the standard flag effects and triggers have been ported over to all scopes
    [*]You can now use [loc] commands in button effects, which apparently will be very useful for dynamic modded UIs
    [*]You can define descriptions for districts, buildings, jobs and special projects through desc = { text = X trigger = { Y } } now. They also now take loc commands.
    [*]We deleted has_non_swapped_tradition and has_tradition_swap, and consolidated them into has_active_tradition. Modders: do a search-replace!
    [*]Every scope that lacked script flags (e.g. country_flag) now has them. Also, variables work in all scopes now too.
    [*]Note for updating mods: count_diplo_ties is now count_relation, count_armies is count_owned_army or count_planet_army (depending on the case). any/every/random_mining_station/research_station have also been removed, because they were nonsense. Use simply mining_station/research_station/orbital_station scope change instead. Also, observation_outpost no longer takes a "limit", but you can say "exists = observation_outpost" as compensation.
    Aggiungere tutte queste funzionalità è stata una manna per noi del Team dei Guardiani e le stiamo lentamente applicando a vecchie parti del gioco che potrebbero beneficiarne. Spero che continueremo a farlo in futuro e allo stesso sono eccitato e spaventato da quello che potranno farne i modder!

    Un'ultima cosa: il vecchio trigger_docs.log è ora deprecato e invece abbiamo un nuovo e più completo folderscript_documentation i cui contenuti sono allegati a questo posto (N.d.AC: vedi post originale su forum Paradox).

    Come forse alcuni sanno, abbiamo già dato un'anteprima della patch Nemesis ai Modder e questo ci ha fatto avere ~10 mod aggiornati il giorno del rilascio, per un totale di circa 1.6 milioni di iscritti, e siamo molto felici per il risultato e per la reazione della comunità. Potremmo espandere questo esperimento in futuro. Per Lem stiamo pensando di aggiungere un'altra decina di Modders all'esperimento early-access. Se siete interessati potete compilare il Modder Early Access Request form.
  8. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    Stellaris Dev Diary #223 - Release Date and Patch Notes for the 3.1 Lem Update


    Ciao a tutti!

    Prima di tutto, siamo lieti di annunciare che la patch 3.1 “Lem”, così chiamata in onore dello scrittore di fantascienza Stanisław Lem, sarà rilasciata il 14 Settembre! Abbiamo chiamato questa patch “Lem” per onorare il 100esimo anniversario della nascita di Stanisław Lem.

    Questo è il primo rilascio per il Team dei Guardiani e siamo sicuri che sarà un'esperienza interessante mentre continuiamo a lavorare, iterare e definire come dovrebbe essere un rilascio dei Guardiani. Vorrei dire due parole per chiarire le aspettative per il futuro:

    Su questa patch abbiamo lavorato per molto tempo, come potrete vedere dall'ampio changelog, ma i futuri aggiornamenti del team dei Guardiani saranno probabilmente meno ampi. Vogliamo puntare a piccoli rilasci più frequenti, come detto all'annuncio dell'iniziativa dei Custodi. Ora che abbiamo fatto il primo rilascio, puntiamo a farne un altro tra 3 mesi. Dato che il tempo a disposizione inferiore, questo porterà a una patch meno corposa.

    Tuttavia, io lo vedo come qualcosa da celebrare! Dato che non dobbiamo più aspettare 6 mesi per un rilascio, possiamo fare le cose più velocemente e rispondere al feedback della comunità più facilmente!

    Il team ci ha messo l'anima in questa patch vi assicuro che faremo lo stesso anche in futuro. Ecco a voi quindi le patch notes per la 3.1:
    ######################### VERSION 3.1.1 ###########################

    # 3.1 Stanislaw "Lem" Free Features

    ## Buffing the backlog

    # Plantoids

    * Idyllic Bloom civic added. Can be used for Plantoids and Fungoids and gives the ability to transform ideal worlds into Gaia worlds.
    * Added Phototrophic, Radiotrophic and Budding species traits for Plantoid and Fungoid species.
    * Added Catalytic Processing civics for all government types.
    * Maweer Caretakers pre-scripted empire now uses Idyllic Bloom civic in place of Inward Perfection.
    * Owning the Plantoids Species Pack adds the Phototrophic trait to the Nu-Baol.
    * Owning the Plantoids Species Pack adds the Radiotrophic trait to the Nivlac.

    # Humanoids

    * Added Masterful Crafters Civic.
    * Added Pleasure Seekers Civic.
    * Added Clone Army Origin.

    # Synthetic Dawn

    * Rogue Servitors can now take the Arcology Project Ascension Perk and restore Relic Worlds to Ecumenopolises.
    * Ecumenopolises owned by Rogue Servitors have Sanctuary Arcologies, capable of housing Bio-Trophies.

    # Apocalypse

    * Added a new 'Unyielding' tradition tree.

    # MegaCorp

    * Subversive Cults no longer have access to the Temple of Prosperity, instead gaining the Subversive Shrine.

    # Ancient Relics

    * Added three new archaeology sites for Ancient Relics.

    # Lithoids

    * Extended the Rock Brain anomaly event chain for certain Lithoid empires.

    # Necroids

    * Reanimated Armies Civic has been renamed to Reanimators and their empires can now reanimate Biological Leviathans, among other things.
    * Enabled Necrophage origin for Hive Minds.

    # Nemesis

    * Added a new 'Subterfuge' tradition tree.

    ## Selectable Traditions

    * Reworked the Traditions interface to make Tradition Trees selectable. Allowing Empires to have access to more than 7 different trees (Empires are still limited to only having 7 active trees).
    * Adaptability, Synchronicity and Versatility traditions are now their own tradition trees, rather than being tradition swaps.
    * Diplomacy and Adaptability are now both available to almost everyone, and are no longer mutually exclusive.
    * Added a new 'Mercantile' tradition tree to the base game.

    ## Other

    * Updated the star system layout of Alpha Centauri to be more scientifically accurate.
    * Updated the visuals of the Sea of Consciousness star system.
    * You can now queue construction of starbase buildings that require certain modules before those modules have completed construction (such as the Offworld Trading Company).
    * Void Dweller empires with species that eat food now start with a 100 food stockpile instead of none.
    * Added two new archaeology sites to the base game.

    # Balance


    * Sectors released as vassals from megacorps are now released as Oligarchies with the Merchant Guilds civic and one or two random civics (depending on their technology).
    * The Federation Science Challenge now takes greater account of empires' relative technological standing when picking a winner.
    * When a Reanimator country defeats an organic army in battle, they have a 1/3 chance of creating a new undead army.
    * Reanimators no longer need to research any techs before they can build their necromancy building. Their necromancy building now gives two Necromancers instead of one. Necromancers now produce +2 each extra society and physics, but one fewer defensive armies.
    * Increased chance of pops escaping Necrophage purging to 25%.
    * Reworked the Void Dweller trait to now provide a Pop Output bonus of 15% on habitats and a Pop Output penalty of -15% on non-artificial worlds, ringworlds have neither a bonus nor a penalty. Additionally, they have a -30% happiness penalty on non-artificial worlds.
    * Removed stability modifier from Memorialist building and added it to Memorialist job instead.
    * Death Cult sacrifice bonuses now depend to a far greater degree on the % of your population you have just put to death (rather than on the sheer number of sacrifices). They will generally be far more impactful in the early game.
    * Death Cult: number of Mortal Initiate jobs from upgraded buildings reduced to 2 and 3 from 3 and 5, as your demographics can usually not sustain massacring 5 pops per planet every decade.
    * Beacon of Liberty: Gave +15% produced Unity -> Now ALSO also gives -15% Empire Sprawl from Pops
    * Imperial Cult: Gave +1 Edict cap -> Now gives +2 Edict cap
    * Idealistic Foundation: Gave +5% Happiness -> Now gives +10% Happiness
    * Environmentalist: Gave -10% Consumer Goods Upkeep -> Now gives -20% Consumer Goods Upkeep
    * Parliamentary System: Gave +25% Faction Influence -> Now gives +40% Faction Influence
    * Efficient Bureaucracy: Gave +10% Admin Cap -> Now gives +20% Admin Cap
    * Nationalistic Zeal: Gave -10% War Exhaustion Gain and -10% Claim Cost -> Now gives -20% War Exhaustion Gain and -15% Claim Cost
    * Functional Architecture: Gave -10% Building and District Cost, -10% Building and District Upkeep and +1 Building Slot -> Now gives -15% Building and District Cost, +2 Building Slots, Upkeep reduction removed
    * Subspace Ephase: Gave +15% Naval Capacity -> Now gives +20% Ship Speed and ALSO gives +15% Naval Capacity
    * Divided Attention: Gave +10% Admin Cap -> Now gives +20% Admin Cap
    * Constructobot: Gave -10% Building and District Cost, -10% Building and District Upkeep and +1 Building Slot -> Now gives -15% Building and District Cost, +2 Building Slots, Upkeep reduction removed
    * Slaver Guilds : Reduced enslaved population from 40% to 35%
    * Indentured Assets: Reduced enslaved population from 40% to 35% (Megacorp civic)
    * Technocracy: Added 1 Consumer Goods upkeep to Scientist Jobs that create unity because of Technocracy
    * Non-homicidal Necrophages no longer start with two extra pops. (The purifier and swarm variants keep it, since they lose a few pops during the purge).
    * Necrophages can now only have Stone, Bronze or Iron Age primitives as their guaranteed planets. These planets are also guarded by a few more defence armies than they usually would be.
    * The Necrophage Elevation Chamber no longer provides a planet stability bonus.
    * Reduced Slaver Guilds and Indentured Servitude slave percentages from 40% to 35%.
    * Open Markets diplomatic tradition moved to Mercantile.
    * Insider Trading diplomatic tradition moved to Mercantile.
    * Secured Shipping diplomatic tradition removed. Effect moved to Mercantile traditions.
    * Added three new traditions for Diplomacy: Diplomatic Networking, Direct Diplomacy, Eminent Diplomats.
    * Bulwark of Harmony tradition moved to Unyielding, replaced with Harmonious Directives which increases edict cap by +1.
    * Mind and Body harmony tradition now also increases leader skill cap by +1.
    * Kinship harmony tradition effect on demotion time increased from -25% to -75%.
    * Supremacy adoption effect no longer increases starbase capacity by +2, but instead increases naval capacity by +20.
    * Trade Policies are now locked behind the Adaptive Economic Policies Mercantile tradition.
    * Rebalanced Pop costs for Caravaneer events to better reflect pop growth changes.
    * Rebalanced pop rewards and costs of multiple events to better reflect pop growth changes.
    * Reduced the pop requirement for Executive Retreat and Xeno-outreach Agency to better reflect the current pop system.
    * Prosperity traditions finisher no longer provides merchant jobs or gestalt jobs, but rather increases planet stability by+5 and pop resource output by +5%.
    * Reworked and rebalanced how some rare events are fired: e.g. repeatedly entering and exiting systems will no longer eventually guarantee certain events.
    * Tweaked carrying capacity formula to make housing usage modifiers more useful again (instead of taking total housing, it now takes total pops plus free housing).
    * Reduced the benefit orbital stations and starbase constructions receive from technologies when gathering resources.
    * Planetary designations that provided build cost modifiers now instead provide upkeep modifiers.
    * Urban World designation now reduces the upkeep of buildings and districts instead of affecting industrial district cost.
    * Refinery designation now increases production rather than reducing upkeep.
    * Added an Industrial World planetary designation that provide reduced benefits to both alloy and consumer good production, and do not shift jobs. The existing "Industrial World" is renamed "Factory World".
    * Automatic planetary designation selection will no longer be quite so sure that Refinery Worlds are what you really need more than anything else right now.
    * The Shattered Ring starting segment is now a size 25 habitable world with normal districts. Housing, Generator, Trade, Industrial and Farming districts present will convert to Ringworld Districts at a 5:1 ratio when the Ringworld is restored.
    * Buildings and districts that add bio-trophy jobs no longer add to carrying capacity, since having bio-trophies that use no housing will now increase carrying capacity already.
    * Reduced exorbitant fees for using Golden Rule federation elections (i.e. the money you get from distributing or appropriating the pot now more closely corresponds to the pot).
    * Industrial districts now convert into Foundry Arcologies and Factory Arcologies depending on the planetary designation.
    * The final level of capital building now unlocks all 4 corporate building slots (up from 3).
    * Judgment Corps domination tradition no longer increases crime prevention, but rather makes Enforcers produce 1 Unity.
    * Domination tradition finisher no longer increases monthly influence gain by +1, but rather increases increases admin cap by +20% for all empires.
    * Colonial Viceroys domination tradition now also increases monthly influence by +0.5.
    * Sacrificial Temples are now limited to 5 per planet.
    * Halved the minerals from mining The Interloper.
    * Replaced the mineral deposit on The Irreparable Damage with an engineering research deposit.
    * Rogue Servitor industrial habitat districts will no longer provide Artisan jobs but can still access the jobs by activating the Factory Habitat colony designation.
    * Cave Cleaner is now a Worker-tier job rather than Specialist.
    * Gas Plant Engineer job is now less attractive.
    * Racket Destroyer deal cost increased from 200 Minerals to 2000 Minerals.
    * Hive Minds are now able to purge other hive pops again.
    * Added so you can terraform a Tomb World to a Gaia World directly if you have the correct prerequisites.
    * Made it so that empires can't get worthless buildings from Reverse-Engineering Arcane Technologies.

    # Performance and Stability

    * Added a sanity check to prevent a possible crash when closing the game during gameplay.
    * Extend the timeout for client to respond to the startgame message so they wouldn't be kicked out the session by the host.
    * Fixed an Out of Sync error on hotjoin.
    * Significantly reduced the freeze caused by spawning the L-Gate.
    * Slightly reduced the performance burden of the auto-migration system.

    # UI

    * Changed humming ambient sound in main menu to "Ambient" category and volume.
    * Added indications in the UI (purge tooltip in species rights and planet view) as to how likely pops are to escape your current purge type, so long as the chance is not 0% or 100%.
    * There is no longer a "Close" button on diplomatic events, so you can no longer accidentally close important decisions by hitting "Esc" to e.g. save.
    * In the pop selection within the planet interface, you can now see how much of their output comes from buildings such as Mineral Processing Centers (which increase mineral output by lump sums), as well as how much of their upkeep is from edicts.
    * Various job modifiers have been improved to indicate Gestalt alternatives and similar variations.
    * The left-hand navigation bar will remain in a collapsed state when the mouse is left hovering, after making a menu choice.
    * Fixed so it's possible to click the lock icon when leftbar/navbar is in expanded state.
    * Switched the presentation order of Alloys and Consumer Goods in various UI contexts to match the order in the top bar.
    * Added clearer information on when you will next be able to use certain espionage operations in tooltips.
    * Added information on when the next Necrophage Elevation Ceremony will be on their elevation buildings' tooltips.
    * Corrected several errors in the tooltips for setting or unsetting a forced assembly species (specifically in the amount of assembly progress you will lose).
    * Fixed UI for Operation Sabotage Starbase.
    * The game will now tell you that the game is ready to start in the hotjoining interface (where previously there would be no message after "synchronizing game").
    * Food from deposits should now be possible to see on the map.
    * Added Hyperlane Opacity slider, defaulting to 0.3.
    * Clone Vats building is now sorted under Pop Assembly in the Construct Building list.
    * Tweaked colors of Restricted systems names to be slightly more readable.

    # AI

    * The AI will now cancel espionage operations for which it lacks the available spy power / infiltration level.
    * AI can now build 4-6 construction & science ships depending on how well it is doing financially, meaning some empires will expand and have their mining stations quicker than others.
    * The AI should now upgrade its fleets during peacetime.
    * AI now waits 15 years to fully take over the player.
    * Improve AI human takeover behavior:
    * * No naval bonus from difficulty in takeover.
    * * AI does not colonize after takeover
    * * AI does not destroy buildings after takeover.
    * * AI stops building armies after takeover
    * * AI stops building starbases & starbase modules after takeover
    * * AI stops buying & selling pops after takeover
    * * Code:
    * * * AIs taking over for a human player now take that into account when deciding on buildings to construct.
    * * * AI now considers building caps when deciding on what buildings to construct.
    * * * Removed the Upkeep check for approximation because of locking itself out of building certain stuff in deficit
    * * Script:
    * * * Reduced amount of jobs allowed to build new stuff
    * * * Increased scores for deficit, focus & amenities building weights
    * * * Reduced weight for pop buildings
    * * * Economic plans now favor less research and more stability and economic balance
    * * * Added a job weight for low income for artisan jobs
    * * * Increased job weight for technicians for low income situations
    * * * Reduced low income threshold for miner jobs
    * Economic plan fixed for hive & gestalt.
    * AI now cares more about energy & alloys. Added a building limit define.
    * The AI can now propose targeted Galactic Community resolutions even if they do not have Terrible or Excellent opinion of the target.
    * Changed the way that AI weight of Galactic Community resolutions is affected by opinion towards target and proposer, so that it is a multiplicative value instead of additive.
    * Increase the amount of saved credits.
    * Allow 10% over admin cap.
    * Don't build starbases on income below 100.
    * Consolidate economic plans & better subplans. Instead of economic plans based on time passed the AI now checks its own economic situation in order to adapt its strategy. As in, if I’m low on consumer goods I will not build research facilities.

    # Modding

    # Variables

    * In places where you use the value of a variable, you can now generally use "trigger:<any simple value trigger>" or "scope.another_scope.my_variable" (or a combination of the two: "capital_scope.trigger:num_pops" would work).
    * Made variables work in the last few scopes they didn't previously work in.
    * Overhauled how triggers using a single numerical value work. You can now do the following with them:
    * * Check against another scope for which the trigger would be valid, e.g. num_pops = from.owner.
    * * Check against a variable in the current scope, e.g. num_pops = my_saved_variable.
    * * Save the value the trigger would return true at (i.e. with = operator) as a variable, e.g. export_trigger_value_to_variable = { trigger = num_pops variable = my_var } => sets my_var to 61 if the current empire has 61 pops. For triggers using { }, you can specify parameters in “parameters = { }”
    * Enabled the use of variables for values in effects using a single numerical value work. E.g. add_experience = my_var
    * Changed format of check_variable_arithmetic considerably to let you specify multiple parameters (including e.g. multiple add parameters).
    * Added round_variable_to_nearest effect, in case you don't want to set something to 47.152
    * Added a time_multiplier parameter to add_modifier, so that you can multiply your number of days/months/years by a variable.
    * Added ordered_script_lists. So you can order, say, all playable countries, by their number of pops and run an effect on the one with the most, least, or e.g. 3rd most pops.
    * Enabled use of variables in all "modifier = { factor = X }" calculations.
    * Triggered resource tables can now take a "multiplier = variable" parameter, e.g. "produces = { multiplier = my_var energy = 100 }".
    * You can now use variables for the count parameter in "count_country" and the like.
    * Fixed multipliers for add_modifier in country scope (it worked elsewhere fine, just not in country scope...).
    * Simplified check/set/add/multiply/etc_variable to use the new format for "value". I.e. you don't need to specify = { } for complicated things anymore (in fact that won't work) but should instead use dot scoping.

    # Other

    * Consolidated has_non_swapped_tradition and has_swapped_tradition triggers into a single has_active_tradition trigger.
    * Added define for maximum allowed number of tradition category selections.
    * Added potential trigger to tradition categories.
    * Added num_researched_techs and fixed a bug where num_repeatable_techs wouldn't count you researching multiple levels of the same tech.
    * Special projects can now take triggered descriptions.
    * Fixed the AI being able to pick is_dialog_only event options and therefore escape the consequences of an event.
    * Defensive armies now have a pop-scope spawn_chance, so that you can control a bit better which ones are spawned.
    * Added save_detail_ai_build_plan console command.
    * Added reroll_random effect, which can be used in cases where random_lists would return the same result multiple times, but don't use in places where the random is used in tooltips as the result in the tooltip is likely to be wrong.
    * Adoption and Finisher tooltips of Tradition trees are now automatically generated.
    * Added ability to specify a numerical empire_limit for buildings (and have it show nicely in tooltips, like the planet cap).
    * Corrected spelling of "is_for_colonizable" and "colonizable_planet".
    * Added triggered pop modifiers for species traits.
    * Added defense_platform_modifier to Starbases.
    * save_ai_build_plan_details now also saves the decisions to ai.log.
    * Added fire_and_forget parameter to Resolutions.
    * Added num_sapient_pops trigger for planet and country scopes.
    * The clone_leader effect now copy the event leader and immortality flags.
    * Added parameter in starbase levels to exclude them from trade collection, so that trade collection range modifiers in country scope can be useful.
    * Added country_hostile_claim_influence_cost_mult modifier.
    * Added starbase_defense_platform_capacity_mult modifier.
    * Colony type icons now take keys instead of numbers.
    * Added num_tradition_categories trigger.
    * Created a triggered planet modifier that only works for pop_growth_speed.
    * Added on_actions for on_tradition_picked and on_ascension_perk_picked.
    * Added set_visited effect to make you able to see a solar system you have never visited before, also fixed the "no" case of set_surveyed.
    * Added triggered desc = { } for districts (to overwrite the base district, not to added an extra line to the tooltip as in the current triggered_desc).
    * Added set_saved_date effect.
    * Added script flags (with effects and triggers as usual) to all scopes missing them.
    * You can now use scripted loc in the names of button effects.
    * Added hostile_<type>_difficulty_add and hostile_<type>_difficulty_mult modifiers.
    * Added hostile_<category>_difficulty_add and hostile_<category>_difficulty_mult modifiers.
    * Added espionage_hostile_operation_difficulty_add and espionage_hostile_operation_difficulty_mult modifiers.
    * Added espionage_hostile_operation_cost_add and espionage_hostile_operation_cost_mult modifiers.
    * Added use_armynames_from to army types (works like use_shipnames_from in ship sizes).
    * Added a modifier diplo_action_acceptance_add that increases AI acceptance of all diplomatic actions.
    * Added on_building_downgraded on_action.
    * set_name now works on sectors and wars.
    * Added add_blocker effect (which unlike add_deposit will let you have control over which deposit the blocker will block).
    * Rephrased pop_can_live_on_planet trigger to can_live_on_planet (working in either pop or species scope, and taking a planet event target rather than a boolean).
    * added triggers "is_starbase_building_module" and "is_starbase_building_building" checking if the scoped starbase is building a specific item.
    * added trigger "starbase_buildable_is_in_queue_before" to check if a buildable is in queue before another. Scope is starbase.
    * Split has_system_trade_value trigger into that (and fixed a case where it would return the wrong number), has_collected_system_trade_value and has_uncollected_system_trade_value.
    * Fixed various issues with setting species archetype restrictions for government elements (civics, authorities) so that it is now checked in every case and can be used safely.
    * The effect "change_species_characteristics" can supports "add_trait", "remove_trait" and "add_traits_at_start_of_list"-flag.
    * Added effects to set a country's ruler title or heir title to a specified value, and to restore them to default.
    * Added should_remove_response_message_when_not_possible property for diplomatic actions, to remove response messages of the diplo action type if the possible check fails.
    * trigger_docs has been split between its components, which are now in their own subdirectory. Modifiers are now also in their own log file.
    * Fixed a bug where using a solar system as a location on various effects (e.g. enable_special_project) would not work but also not give an error log message. It now sets the location at the primary star in that system.
    * Added documentation for certain advanced scripting functionalities in scripted_effects/99_advanced_documentation.txt.
    * Added GetFossil and GetFossilPlural loc keys for species.
    * Added Civics and Origins "species_class" condition. Old "species" requirement is now called "species_archetype" instead.
    * Added galcom_member and council_member script lists.
    * Replaced AI define RESOLUTION_WEIGHT_OPINION_FACTOR with multiple other defines.
    * Replaced use of icon_frame in army types with sprites.
    * Changed observation_outpost into a scope change rather than a trigger/effect. This means it can be used on the right hand side of effects and triggers, e.g. exists = observation_outpost. On the other hand, "limit" no longer works on it, and it will no longer refer to every observation outpost in the country from country scope.
    * Removed any/every/random_mining_station/research_station as you should use just mining_station/research_station instead (more efficient).
    * Added on_action on_country_released_in_war.
    * LOGISTIC_POP_GROWTH_CEILING, REQUIRED_POP_GROWTH_SCALE, and REQUIRED_POP_ASSEMBLY_SCALE defines have been removed as they have been replaced by sliders in galaxy generation.
    * Traits can now be restricted to a Species class (e.g. fungoid).
    * Removed need for bombardment_stances to use icon_frame. The game will now look for a sprite called GFX_planet_modifier_ground_support + <key>.
    * Planet classes also now use "icon = <sprite>" instead of icon_frame.
    * Removed hardcoding of species archetype behaviour. Relevant happiness and growth modifiers are now automatically generated. (Note: a few of them have changed name slightly, and "robotic = yes" has been shifted from species classes to species archetypes).
    * Added on_star_system_destroyed on_action (called at the start of destroy_star_system).
    * Added orbital_station script list for country and system scopes.
    * The detail view shown when clicking ambient objects will no longer cut off text longer than a couple of lines.
    * Removed count_diplo_ties, as it is the same as count_relation but used older code.
    * Removed count_armies as it is the same as count_owned_army and count_planet_army but with older code.
    * Removed use of icon_frame in non-starbase ship sizes. It now only does something on starbases. Other ship sizes use "icon = key", which will look up several individual sprites; modders can therefore add new ships without overwriting the sprite sheet dds file.
    * Allowed you to define triggered descriptions for jobs and buildings.
    * Ambient Object descriptions can now take [loc.GetProperty] commands.
    * Added game_rule should_force_decline_species, which if true will set a species to decline on a planet regardless of purge status or overcrowding.
    * Fixed on_army_killed_in_combat so it can't be called multiple times per army.* In certain cases where one would use "mult" in weight scripting, you now should use "factor" (the game will warn you on startup in error.log).
    * Added has_climate trigger for planets.
    * Added abort_trigger for event chains (the ones in common/event_chains).
    * Fixed issues with scopes when using finish_site and finish_current_stage archaeology effects.
    * Added GetRemnantName/GetSpeciesRemnantName for cases where you really want your dead robot not to leave a skeleton.
    * Improved the randomness of random functions within while loops and every_x loops.
    * The "after" effect in events will no longer fire when an "is_dialog_only" option is picked (making it fire multiple times for the same event).

    # Bugfixes

    * Fixed some cases where someone else opening the L-Cluster would cause the related Situation Log entry to stick around forever.
    * Archaeology sites (and espionage operations) now correctly use the difficulty of the current stage, rather than that of the last stage.
    * Reinforcement fleets now get removed when destroyed.
    * Fixed colony ships not being affected by ship construction modifiers.
    * Fixed a number of inconsistent id3 tags in the Soundtrack DLC's MP3 and FLAC files.
    * Removed negative Void Dweller trait, preventing players from genetically modifying species to avoid taking penalties.
    * Removed the hidden event to flip Void Dwellers traits.
    * Made it so that only Organics get taxed for the growth discouraged decision.
    * Scions can no longer choose to comply with staying out of the War in Heaven.
    * Fixed Lithoid Craters being removed when terraforming into Hive worlds.
    * Fixed an unlocalised tooltip in the Baol event chain.
    * Made it so Calamitous Birth can't stack multiple Lithoid Craters or Buried Lithoids.
    * Fix for typo in Sanctuary of Repose building tooltip.
    * Fixed it so that if you ever reforge your Doomsday homeworld it will no longer have the Doomsday modifier.
    * Gestalts will now quickly stamp out crime on conquered planets.
    * Made it so Nanites can't ever spawn on terraformable worlds.
    * Made it so that a shielded planet won't show up in the event art when you pacify a habitat.
    * Shortened the Voidborne description so that it fits inside the Ascension Perk UI.
    * Fixed Messenger Project not being visible on galaxy map.
    * City Sizes on the planetary view now increase faster to account for recent changes to pop growth.
    * Replaced certain parts of localisation which were plain strings with appropriate localisation references.
    * Point Defense will no longer ignore missiles if strike craft are present on the battlefield.
    * Fixed non gestalt empires from being able to colonize with gestalt pops while in a federation.
    * Fixed it not being possible to issue move orders to explored and surveyed systems while having only science ships selected.
    * Fixed some interface elements using hardcoded strings rather than translated text.
    * Made the Event ‘The Cube’ more gestalt friendly.
    * If you swap from organic to artificial pop assembly or vice versa during mid-assembly, you now lose all progress in that assembly.
    * Fixed you finding an encryption key on your own empire (again!).
    * Fixed Target Uplink Computer effect not applying to defense platforms.
    * Added weightings which were missing from the Fanatical Purifiers name parts list.
    * Addressed issues with synchronized loc. entries for Pop Faction names. The various faction names now use the correct strings and may be rendered in Simplified Chinese.
    * Contact Report: Remnants event now happens when you encounter a ruined megastructure.
    * Fixed Ministry of Culture displaying the wrong job description for Machine Empires
    * Updated the job priority tooltip to be more clear
    * Made it so the Earth Custodianship isn't locked behind the Humanoid DLC
    * Addressed issues with various synchronized loc. entries for Empire names. Random names for empires including Hive Minds, Necrophages, Fanatical Purifiers and Corporate authorities now use the correct strings and may be rendered in Simplified Chinese.
    * Ascended Synthetic Spiritualists will no longer outlaw their own rulers.

    * Fixed the wrong event text being displayed for the Grassy Militia anomaly event.
    * Claims distance cost modifier now considers wormholes, even if borders are closed.
    * Updated First Contact Protocols tooltips to more accurately reflect the effects.
    * Improved consistency in map mode names.
    * Fixed an instance where Crisis factions couldn't reach their offensive targets and got stuck
    * Reinforcing fleets will now arrive and attempt to merge even if the target fleet is in combat.
    * Fixed jobs without employment caps being listed as X employed out of -1 available slots in job breakdown tooltip.
    * Sprawling Slums tooltip changed now accurately reflects what the deposit actually does on clear.
    * Fixed repealing Resolutions not working as expected.
    * Repealing the 4th resolution under the Mutual Defence category now makes proper reference to the Castigation Proclamation, rather than the Military Readiness Act.
    * Fixed the Prioritized and Deprioritized indicators on pop job assignment icons blocking mouse input.
    * Fixed colony designations including pre-sapient pops when evaluating pop limitations for the potential trigger.
    * Fixed crash when using the add_pops command.
    * Corrected capitalization in descriptive text for Organic Sanctuaries and Organic Paradises.
    * Fixed several issues related to planets displaying negative available jobs.
    * Fixed auto-pause not working for anomalies if auto-unpause was enabled.
    * Fixed the On the Shoulders of Giants Origin sometimes starting you off in a solar system with too many planets.
    * Rebalanced likelihood of certain rare events from occurring.
    * Starting with the Void Dweller or Shattered Ring origin in combination with the Reanimators civic now starts your empire off with a Dread Encampment.
    * Fixed it not being possible to enact the "Create Resort World" decision after repealing it
    * Fixed cases (e.g. Lithoid Necrophages) where species would repeatedly start assembling or growing and then cancel after the next monthly tick.
    * Fixed some cases where Necrophages would pause regular pop growth during purging.
    * Fixed issues with the portrait tooltip in empire creation sometimes being empty or containing empty lines
    * Fixed the “Randomize Ruler Name” button not always being enabled even though the requirements for it were met.
    * Fixed it being possible to open DLC landing pages during hotjoin and breaking the UI flow.
    * Fixed template list in fleet manager sometimes getting stuck in a scrolled state when a template was removed.
    * Industrial Worlds and Industrial Habitat designations no longer attempt to remove Foundry Drone jobs for Rogue Servitors, they now target Fabricator jobs.
    * Fixed construct mining station tooltip showing maintenance on energy mining stations.
    * Fixed pops sometimes staying in jobs that no longer existed after colony designation was changed.
    * Hive minds now perceive the "Living Sea" event with bespoke event text, rather than seeing the same events which are granted to regular, non-machine empires.
    * Fixed the Go To button for the "Unit Lost" event.
    * Made it so 'Diplomatic Corps ridiculed' expires after 3600 days.
    * Forge and Factory World designations now remember that a third tier of the buildings exist.
    * Fixed missing strings of random names for Supremacist and Technologist pop factions.
    * Fixed the icon for picking a colony designation being a robotic cow. Also made the robotic cow be used correctly for Machine Fringe Planets.
    * Humiliated modifier now has a negative icon.
    * Leisure districts no longer provide housing for Rogue Servitors.
    * Tooltips for Organic Sanctuary buildings and Leisure Districts for Rogue Servitors have additional information about their jobs.
    * Made it so you can not stack multiple "Missing Tree of Life" modifiers by trading systems.
    * Updated the Tooltips of the Ministry of Culture to be more appropriate for Gestalts.
    * Made it so the Infested World counter correctly updates when destroying a system with a Star Eater.
    * Reworded Lithoid rare resource traits to be clearer to the player.
    * Rebalanced the amount of pops required to gain certain event jobs.
    * Event "Unit Lost" now makes proper reference to the affected fleet.
    * Fixed Mars missing Terraforming Candidate when Sol spawns naturally.
    * Machine World Preference now uses the appropriate icon.
    * Fixed some consistency issues where Discovery traditions were called Exploration in French.
    * Fixed tooltip for Collective Reasoning tradition.
    * Fixed various instances of an invalid apostrophe glyph appearing in localized text.
    * Fixed it being impossible to communicate with caravaneers in certain circumstances.
    * Fixed exploitable_planets trigger always returning false (and its tooltip).
    * Made tooltips for invalid species traits highlighted in red in empire creation.
    * Fixed repair fleet orders not being carried out to completion if placed in a queue.
    * Implemented unused icons for titan ship components.
    * Fixed uncolonized Habitats mysteriously turning into shattered worlds when subjected to Star Eaters or the Aetherophasic Engine.
    * Fixed DLC icons being accessible in MP empire selection.
    * Adjusted a response string for spiritualists upon completion of First Contact, preventing a name reference from exceeding its bounds.
    * Fixed a missing loc string if your request to form a Federation timed out.
    * Fixed reference to "tiles" in collateral damage's tooltips.
    * As Death Cults, you no longer lose effects from active Sacrifices if you temporarily cease to have any Mortal Initiates (e.g. by sacrificing them all).
    * Fixed event-spawned leaders lacking certain traits they should have had from their species' characteristics, such as Psionic and Erudite.
    * Fixed modifiers to district build speed not being applied to tooltips when you choose to build them.
    * Fixed Academic Privilege Living Standard's tooltip missing some crucial information on what it does (+10% pop research output).
    * Fixed certain Traditions, such as Machine Synchronicity tradition Integrated Preservation, only taking effect after some delay or upon reload.
    * Fixed some issues with "Life Finds a Way" event not doing what the tooltip said.
    * Fixed misleading tooltip of the Oracle Nexus event.
    * Clarified some matters in the Memorialist civic tooltip.
    * AI controlled slaver guilds should now colonize planets.
    * Fixed a rare issue where you could have a +-1 skill bonus in first contact skill tooltips.
    * Cleared planets and asteroid belt from the Shattered Ring solar system.
    * Fixed a wrong Ethics reference in Polish localization
    * Made the Tradition "Faith in Science" have a less misleading tooltip.
    * Fixed <leader class> skill modifiers applying to multiple or all leader classes, instead of just the one they were meant to apply to.
    * Fixed traditions that refund you costs of demolished buildings to properly refund you if you manually demolish or downgrade buildings using the planet interface.
    * All colony designations of the appropriate type will now gain benefits from Resolutions such as Environmental Ordinance Waivers.
    * Fixed buildings with a queued upgrade in progress being counted twice towards building count limits.
    * It is no longer possible to shift criminals to worker jobs by manually prioritizing the worker job.
    * Fixed it being possible to retain species rights that had been made invalid by a change in government type or civics
    * Made it so the Hologram Planet anomaly no longer can spawn on planets with already existing dig sites.
    * The Totalitarian Faction will now be happy if you have the Slaver Guilds civic.
    * Agrarian Idyll Civic now properly adds 2 farming districts to your homeworld.
    * Purging every primitive on a planet now removes the Stellar Culture Shock modifier.
    * The ruler of the Galactic Imperium is no longer blocked from getting the Subjugation war goal / CB when they kindly offer protectorate status to another empire.
    * Hive Worlds no longer have access to both the Forge World and the Hive World Foundry colony designation.
    * Upon invading a Ketling primitive world the associated special project will now be removed from your situation log.
    * Fixed Fungoid research station model to remove hole in cylinder.
    * Passing Space Amoeba Protection Act resolution no longer allows you to pass the Tiyanki Conservation Act again.
    * Passing either the Tiyanki Conservation Act or the Tiyanki Pest Control will now fulfill the "pass a resolution" Galactic Focus.
    * Fixed cases where the cooldown for finding archaeology sites in quick succession would be triggered even though no archaeology site was found.
    * Fixed you getting unsuitable arc sites in the L-Cluster.
    * Void Dwellers are now correctly given starting resources depending on species and ethics.
    * Fixed not being able to revoke nominated Galactic Market planets if the relocation vote was ongoing.
    * If Shard is defeated the relevant event chains will be removed from all other nations.
    * The "What Separates Us" event will no longer fire if the other species are robots.
    * Added a more negative icon to the "Failed Savior" modifier.
    * The Shifting Sands event now properly gives a boost to physics research.
    * Lost to Bureaucracy event will no longer create planetary features out of thin air when you clear the blockers spawned.
    * Reintroduced gaining menace from turning a world into a Tomb World via bombardment.
    * Fixed defense platforms not being destroyed when dismantling a starbase.
    * Modified mesh to resolve Z-fighting between ringworld sections.
    * Enclave text boxes now reset correctly between messages.
    * Fixed an issue where you could take in Caravaneer pops even if your policies would automatically purge them.
    * Fixed Merchants Guilds not giving enough jobs from the Imperial Palace building.
    * Dimensional Horror now shows on the galaxy map.
    * "Repeal Crisis" resolutions are no longer missing an icon.
    * Fixed a bug that allowed you to gain menace by repeatedly vassalizing and releasing the same empire.
    * Fixed it being possible to open ship details for strange vessels via the fleet manager.
    * Added missing icon to the Study Hive Mind Drones Modifier.
    * Fixed a case where the third Baol arc site would not spawn.
    * You now gain visibility on the systems where you know the next Baol or Zroni arc site will be if you have never been there before, rather than having to guess where they are.
    * Fixed army transport fleets sometimes forgetting fleet stance and control group information when embarking
    * Land Appropriation and automatic resettlement now respect whether a species is allowed to live on the planet (e.g. won't resettle organics onto Machine Worlds).
    * Reanimators is now fully incompatible with Synthetic Ascension, rather than just quietly doing nothing as before.
    * Prosperity Traditions Interstellar Franchising and Public Works (+Hive/Machine variants) are now fully informative of which districts they provide boosts to.
    * Unemployed Lithoids will no longer move back to a Doomed homeworld through auto-migration, even if there *are* plenty of good jobs and housing available. (can_planet_receive_auto_migration added to Game Rules.)
    * Notifications for refused peace offers are now properly removed when a war has ended.
    * Fixed various error log messages relating to Crisis Objectives, along with several edge cases where the rewards were not granted when they should have been.
    * Stopped the automatic picker for assembling species from picking obsolete species with fewer traits.
    * Fixed Lithoids using Biological pop growth modifiers to determine whether they should be more likely to be picked as the next species to be grown.
    * Fixed a case where a Fallen Empire could send you multiple demands to change your ways if you didn't answer them fast enough.
    * Fixed pop Self Modification chain from pitting modified species against modified species.
    * Vassals created by the Galactic Sovereign no longer believe that they are also Galactic Sovereigns. There can only be one.
    * Fixed a too-long string cutting off invader power values in ground combat view in French.
    * Fixed an issue where destroying the Contingency's final world with a Star-Eater would not not properly end the Contingency Crisis.
    * Updated numbers in espionage operation roll tooltip to show correct information.
    * Fixed an issue where Nomads would keep asking for a Planet over and over, before establishing communications.
    * Thought Enforcement tech is now researchable with the Utopia DLC.
    * Fixed a crash upon mousing over a system with planets in as an observer.
    * Fixed a couple of Edicts having wrong deactivation cost.
    * The tooltip when you can't reinforce a fleet shouldn't duplicate the cause.
    * Fleets can be reinforced even if one ship type in the fleet can't be built.
    * Adjusted the term used in French to refer to empires who oppose Galactic Community resolutions.
    * Further fixes to the end of the Cybrex precursor chain.
    * Added defines to support Diffuse color as Emissive rather than Player color for skinned as well as static models.
    * You can no longer invite someone you are at war against to join your side in a new war.
    * Fixed it being possible to get multiple Imperial Cores via certain war goals releasing new empires.
    * Corrected opinion text placement in the Declare War view.
    * Grammar fixes to anomaly event "Adrift", and event "The Discovery of Alien Life" (assimilator variant).
    * The Manifesti faction should no longer reform after it has disbanded, either through suppression or lack of popularity.
    * Fixed several cases where the Vultaum, Yuht, First League, Irassian, and Cybrex precursor chains would not end properly if someone else found the homeworld first.
    * Fixed the Research Institute building not properly converting to Planetary Supercomputer when conquered by Gestalt empires, and vice versa.
    * Fixed auto-resettlement for Void Dweller habitats and certain other planets (needs a new save, though).
    * Fixed a typo in the Ruined World archaeology chain.
    * Fixed the spelling error in the “Restored Warship” event.
    * Fixed excessive unemployment caused by the Cave Cleaner job being too attractive.
    * Fixed an issue where Branch Office value tooltips could be displayed based on the wrong Branch Office owner.
    * Branch Office value generated from Criminal jobs for Criminal Syndicates is now properly shown in the tooltip for Branch Office value.
    * Fixed typo in “Operatives Toe the Line”.
    * Fixed crash on sector colony development update.
    * Fixed missing tooltips for increase/decrease buttons in monthly trade view.
    * Hyperlane registrar should now be unlocked with the correct technology.
    * Hive Minds can no longer assemble non-hive pops from spawning pools.
    * The colonizable planet icon should no longer disappear when a ship leaves an unsurveyed system.
    * Victorious ground troops will no longer embark automatically if there are hostile military fleets present in the system.
    * Starbase Defense Platforms can no longer be upgraded while the starbase is engaged in combat.
    * Fixed fleet speed being dictated by the first ship in the fleet instead of the slowest one.
    * Updated German translation for Arc Emitter.
    * Fixed a typo in Haahn's species name.
    * Fixed a few German text overlaps.
    * Fixed broken text references in "Pirate Haven Destroyed" event.
    * Fixed planetary deposit interfaces not showing triggered modifiers as icons.
    * Fixed jump distance counting not always finding the shortest path.
    * Fixed cases where event options with random effects were often not as random as they should be.
    * Updated a couple of Neural Slug events for Hive Mind empires.
    * When you play as the Commonwealth of Man, the UNE will now always correctly spawn again.
    Grazie a chi ci segue in questo viaggio per rendere Stellaris un gioco sempre migliore!
  9. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    La patch 3.1 "Lem", la prima prodotta dal team dei "Guardiani", è stata ufficialmente rilasciata oggi.


    ######################### VERSION 3.1.1 ###########################

    # 3.1 Stanislaw "Lem" Free Features

    ## Buffing the backlog

    # Plantoids

    * Idyllic Bloom civic added. Can be used for Plantoids and Fungoids and gives the ability to transform ideal worlds into Gaia worlds.
    * Added Phototrophic, Radiotrophic and Budding species traits for Plantoid and Fungoid species.
    * Added Catalytic Processing civics for all government types.
    * Maweer Caretakers pre-scripted empire now uses Idyllic Bloom civic in place of Inward Perfection.
    * Owning the Plantoids Species Pack adds the Phototrophic trait to the Nu-Baol.
    * Owning the Plantoids Species Pack adds the Radiotrophic trait to the Nivlac.

    # Humanoids

    * Added Masterful Crafters Civic.
    * Added Pleasure Seekers Civic.
    * Added Clone Army Origin.

    # Synthetic Dawn

    * Rogue Servitors can now take the Arcology Project Ascension Perk and restore Relic Worlds to Ecumenopolises.
    * Ecumenopolises owned by Rogue Servitors have Sanctuary Arcologies, capable of housing Bio-Trophies.

    # Apocalypse

    * Added a new 'Unyielding' tradition tree.

    # MegaCorp

    * Subversive Cults no longer have access to the Temple of Prosperity, instead gaining the Subversive Shrine.

    # Ancient Relics

    * Added three new archaeology sites for Ancient Relics.

    # Lithoids

    * Extended the Rock Brain anomaly event chain for certain Lithoid empires.

    # Necroids

    * Reanimated Armies Civic has been renamed to Reanimators and their empires can now reanimate Biological Leviathans, among other things.
    * Enabled Necrophage origin for Hive Minds.

    # Nemesis

    * Added a new 'Subterfuge' tradition tree.

    ## Selectable Traditions

    * Reworked the Traditions interface to make Tradition Trees selectable. Allowing Empires to have access to more than 7 different trees (Empires are still limited to only having 7 active trees).
    * Adaptability, Synchronicity and Versatility traditions are now their own tradition trees, rather than being tradition swaps.
    * Diplomacy and Adaptability are now both available to almost everyone, and are no longer mutually exclusive.
    * Added a new 'Mercantile' tradition tree to the base game.

    ## Other

    * Updated the star system layout of Alpha Centauri to be more scientifically accurate.
    * Updated the visuals of the Sea of Consciousness star system.
    * You can now queue construction of starbase buildings that require certain modules before those modules have completed construction (such as the Offworld Trading Company).
    * Void Dweller empires with species that eat food now start with a 100 food stockpile instead of none.
    * Added two new archaeology sites to the base game.

    # Balance


    * Sectors released as vassals from megacorps are now released as Oligarchies with the Merchant Guilds civic and one or two random civics (depending on their technology).
    * The Federation Science Challenge now takes greater account of empires' relative technological standing when picking a winner.
    * When a Reanimator country defeats an organic army in battle, they have a 1/3 chance of creating a new undead army.
    * Reanimators no longer need to research any techs before they can build their necromancy building. Their necromancy building now gives two Necromancers instead of one. Necromancers now produce +2 each extra society and physics, but one fewer defensive armies.
    * Increased chance of pops escaping Necrophage purging to 25%.
    * Reworked the Void Dweller trait to now provide a Pop Output bonus of 15% on habitats and a Pop Output penalty of -15% on non-artificial worlds, ringworlds have neither a bonus nor a penalty. Additionally, they have a -30% happiness penalty on non-artificial worlds.
    * Removed stability modifier from Memorialist building and added it to Memorialist job instead.
    * Death Cult sacrifice bonuses now depend to a far greater degree on the % of your population you have just put to death (rather than on the sheer number of sacrifices). They will generally be far more impactful in the early game.
    * Death Cult: number of Mortal Initiate jobs from upgraded buildings reduced to 2 and 3 from 3 and 5, as your demographics can usually not sustain massacring 5 pops per planet every decade.
    * Beacon of Liberty: Gave +15% produced Unity -> Now ALSO also gives -15% Empire Sprawl from Pops
    * Imperial Cult: Gave +1 Edict cap -> Now gives +2 Edict cap
    * Idealistic Foundation: Gave +5% Happiness -> Now gives +10% Happiness
    * Environmentalist: Gave -10% Consumer Goods Upkeep -> Now gives -20% Consumer Goods Upkeep
    * Parliamentary System: Gave +25% Faction Influence -> Now gives +40% Faction Influence
    * Efficient Bureaucracy: Gave +10% Admin Cap -> Now gives +20% Admin Cap
    * Nationalistic Zeal: Gave -10% War Exhaustion Gain and -10% Claim Cost -> Now gives -20% War Exhaustion Gain and -15% Claim Cost
    * Functional Architecture: Gave -10% Building and District Cost, -10% Building and District Upkeep and +1 Building Slot -> Now gives -15% Building and District Cost, +2 Building Slots, Upkeep reduction removed
    * Subspace Ephase: Gave +15% Naval Capacity -> Now gives +20% Ship Speed and ALSO gives +15% Naval Capacity
    * Divided Attention: Gave +10% Admin Cap -> Now gives +20% Admin Cap
    * Constructobot: Gave -10% Building and District Cost, -10% Building and District Upkeep and +1 Building Slot -> Now gives -15% Building and District Cost, +2 Building Slots, Upkeep reduction removed
    * Slaver Guilds : Reduced enslaved population from 40% to 35%
    * Indentured Assets: Reduced enslaved population from 40% to 35% (Megacorp civic)
    * Technocracy: Added 1 Consumer Goods upkeep to Scientist Jobs that create unity because of Technocracy
    * Non-homicidal Necrophages no longer start with two extra pops. (The purifier and swarm variants keep it, since they lose a few pops during the purge).
    * Necrophages can now only have Stone, Bronze or Iron Age primitives as their guaranteed planets. These planets are also guarded by a few more defence armies than they usually would be.
    * The Necrophage Elevation Chamber no longer provides a planet stability bonus.
    * Reduced Slaver Guilds and Indentured Servitude slave percentages from 40% to 35%.
    * Open Markets diplomatic tradition moved to Mercantile.
    * Insider Trading diplomatic tradition moved to Mercantile.
    * Secured Shipping diplomatic tradition removed. Effect moved to Mercantile traditions.
    * Added three new traditions for Diplomacy: Diplomatic Networking, Direct Diplomacy, Eminent Diplomats.
    * Bulwark of Harmony tradition moved to Unyielding, replaced with Harmonious Directives which increases edict cap by +1.
    * Mind and Body harmony tradition now also increases leader skill cap by +1.
    * Kinship harmony tradition effect on demotion time increased from -25% to -75%.
    * Supremacy adoption effect no longer increases starbase capacity by +2, but instead increases naval capacity by +20.
    * Trade Policies are now locked behind the Adaptive Economic Policies Mercantile tradition.
    * Rebalanced Pop costs for Caravaneer events to better reflect pop growth changes.
    * Rebalanced pop rewards and costs of multiple events to better reflect pop growth changes.
    * Reduced the pop requirement for Executive Retreat and Xeno-outreach Agency to better reflect the current pop system.
    * Prosperity traditions finisher no longer provides merchant jobs or gestalt jobs, but rather increases planet stability by+5 and pop resource output by +5%.
    * Reworked and rebalanced how some rare events are fired: e.g. repeatedly entering and exiting systems will no longer eventually guarantee certain events.
    * Tweaked carrying capacity formula to make housing usage modifiers more useful again (instead of taking total housing, it now takes total pops plus free housing).
    * Reduced the benefit orbital stations and starbase constructions receive from technologies when gathering resources.
    * Planetary designations that provided build cost modifiers now instead provide upkeep modifiers.
    * Urban World designation now reduces the upkeep of buildings and districts instead of affecting industrial district cost.
    * Refinery designation now increases production rather than reducing upkeep.
    * Added an Industrial World planetary designation that provide reduced benefits to both alloy and consumer good production, and do not shift jobs. The existing "Industrial World" is renamed "Factory World".
    * Automatic planetary designation selection will no longer be quite so sure that Refinery Worlds are what you really need more than anything else right now.
    * The Shattered Ring starting segment is now a size 25 habitable world with normal districts. Housing, Generator, Trade, Industrial and Farming districts present will convert to Ringworld Districts at a 5:1 ratio when the Ringworld is restored.
    * Buildings and districts that add bio-trophy jobs no longer add to carrying capacity, since having bio-trophies that use no housing will now increase carrying capacity already.
    * Reduced exorbitant fees for using Golden Rule federation elections (i.e. the money you get from distributing or appropriating the pot now more closely corresponds to the pot).
    * Industrial districts now convert into Foundry Arcologies and Factory Arcologies depending on the planetary designation.
    * The final level of capital building now unlocks all 4 corporate building slots (up from 3).
    * Judgment Corps domination tradition no longer increases crime prevention, but rather makes Enforcers produce 1 Unity.
    * Domination tradition finisher no longer increases monthly influence gain by +1, but rather increases increases admin cap by +20% for all empires.
    * Colonial Viceroys domination tradition now also increases monthly influence by +0.5.
    * Sacrificial Temples are now limited to 5 per planet.
    * Halved the minerals from mining The Interloper.
    * Replaced the mineral deposit on The Irreparable Damage with an engineering research deposit.
    * Rogue Servitor industrial habitat districts will no longer provide Artisan jobs but can still access the jobs by activating the Factory Habitat colony designation.
    * Cave Cleaner is now a Worker-tier job rather than Specialist.
    * Gas Plant Engineer job is now less attractive.
    * Racket Destroyer deal cost increased from 200 Minerals to 2000 Minerals.
    * Hive Minds are now able to purge other hive pops again.
    * Added so you can terraform a Tomb World to a Gaia World directly if you have the correct prerequisites.
    * Made it so that empires can't get worthless buildings from Reverse-Engineering Arcane Technologies.

    # Performance and Stability

    * Added a sanity check to prevent a possible crash when closing the game during gameplay.
    * Extend the timeout for client to respond to the startgame message so they wouldn't be kicked out the session by the host.
    * Fixed an Out of Sync error on hotjoin.
    * Significantly reduced the freeze caused by spawning the L-Gate.
    * Slightly reduced the performance burden of the auto-migration system.

    # UI

    * Changed humming ambient sound in main menu to "Ambient" category and volume.
    * Added indications in the UI (purge tooltip in species rights and planet view) as to how likely pops are to escape your current purge type, so long as the chance is not 0% or 100%.
    * There is no longer a "Close" button on diplomatic events, so you can no longer accidentally close important decisions by hitting "Esc" to e.g. save.
    * In the pop selection within the planet interface, you can now see how much of their output comes from buildings such as Mineral Processing Centers (which increase mineral output by lump sums), as well as how much of their upkeep is from edicts.
    * Various job modifiers have been improved to indicate Gestalt alternatives and similar variations.
    * The left-hand navigation bar will remain in a collapsed state when the mouse is left hovering, after making a menu choice.
    * Fixed so it's possible to click the lock icon when leftbar/navbar is in expanded state.
    * Switched the presentation order of Alloys and Consumer Goods in various UI contexts to match the order in the top bar.
    * Added clearer information on when you will next be able to use certain espionage operations in tooltips.
    * Added information on when the next Necrophage Elevation Ceremony will be on their elevation buildings' tooltips.
    * Corrected several errors in the tooltips for setting or unsetting a forced assembly species (specifically in the amount of assembly progress you will lose).
    * Fixed UI for Operation Sabotage Starbase.
    * The game will now tell you that the game is ready to start in the hotjoining interface (where previously there would be no message after "synchronizing game").
    * Food from deposits should now be possible to see on the map.
    * Added Hyperlane Opacity slider, defaulting to 0.3.
    * Clone Vats building is now sorted under Pop Assembly in the Construct Building list.
    * Tweaked colors of Restricted systems names to be slightly more readable.

    # AI

    * The AI will now cancel espionage operations for which it lacks the available spy power / infiltration level.
    * AI can now build 4-6 construction & science ships depending on how well it is doing financially, meaning some empires will expand and have their mining stations quicker than others.
    * The AI should now upgrade its fleets during peacetime.
    * AI now waits 15 years to fully take over the player.
    * Improve AI human takeover behavior:
    * * No naval bonus from difficulty in takeover.
    * * AI does not colonize after takeover
    * * AI does not destroy buildings after takeover.
    * * AI stops building armies after takeover
    * * AI stops building starbases & starbase modules after takeover
    * * AI stops buying & selling pops after takeover
    * * Code:
    * * * AIs taking over for a human player now take that into account when deciding on buildings to construct.
    * * * AI now considers building caps when deciding on what buildings to construct.
    * * * Removed the Upkeep check for approximation because of locking itself out of building certain stuff in deficit
    * * Script:
    * * * Reduced amount of jobs allowed to build new stuff
    * * * Increased scores for deficit, focus & amenities building weights
    * * * Reduced weight for pop buildings
    * * * Economic plans now favor less research and more stability and economic balance
    * * * Added a job weight for low income for artisan jobs
    * * * Increased job weight for technicians for low income situations
    * * * Reduced low income threshold for miner jobs
    * Economic plan fixed for hive & gestalt.
    * AI now cares more about energy & alloys. Added a building limit define.
    * The AI can now propose targeted Galactic Community resolutions even if they do not have Terrible or Excellent opinion of the target.
    * Changed the way that AI weight of Galactic Community resolutions is affected by opinion towards target and proposer, so that it is a multiplicative value instead of additive.
    * Increase the amount of saved credits.
    * Allow 10% over admin cap.
    * Don't build starbases on income below 100.
    * Consolidate economic plans & better subplans. Instead of economic plans based on time passed the AI now checks its own economic situation in order to adapt its strategy. As in, if I’m low on consumer goods I will not build research facilities.

    # Modding

    # Variables

    * In places where you use the value of a variable, you can now generally use "trigger:<any simple value trigger>" or "scope.another_scope.my_variable" (or a combination of the two: "capital_scope.trigger:num_pops" would work).
    * Made variables work in the last few scopes they didn't previously work in.
    * Overhauled how triggers using a single numerical value work. You can now do the following with them:
    * * Check against another scope for which the trigger would be valid, e.g. num_pops = from.owner.
    * * Check against a variable in the current scope, e.g. num_pops = my_saved_variable.
    * * Save the value the trigger would return true at (i.e. with = operator) as a variable, e.g. export_trigger_value_to_variable = { trigger = num_pops variable = my_var } => sets my_var to 61 if the current empire has 61 pops. For triggers using { }, you can specify parameters in “parameters = { }”
    * Enabled the use of variables for values in effects using a single numerical value work. E.g. add_experience = my_var
    * Changed format of check_variable_arithmetic considerably to let you specify multiple parameters (including e.g. multiple add parameters).
    * Added round_variable_to_nearest effect, in case you don't want to set something to 47.152
    * Added a time_multiplier parameter to add_modifier, so that you can multiply your number of days/months/years by a variable.
    * Added ordered_script_lists. So you can order, say, all playable countries, by their number of pops and run an effect on the one with the most, least, or e.g. 3rd most pops.
    * Enabled use of variables in all "modifier = { factor = X }" calculations.
    * Triggered resource tables can now take a "multiplier = variable" parameter, e.g. "produces = { multiplier = my_var energy = 100 }".
    * You can now use variables for the count parameter in "count_country" and the like.
    * Fixed multipliers for add_modifier in country scope (it worked elsewhere fine, just not in country scope...).
    * Simplified check/set/add/multiply/etc_variable to use the new format for "value". I.e. you don't need to specify = { } for complicated things anymore (in fact that won't work) but should instead use dot scoping.

    # Other

    * Consolidated has_non_swapped_tradition and has_swapped_tradition triggers into a single has_active_tradition trigger.
    * Added define for maximum allowed number of tradition category selections.
    * Added potential trigger to tradition categories.
    * Added num_researched_techs and fixed a bug where num_repeatable_techs wouldn't count you researching multiple levels of the same tech.
    * Special projects can now take triggered descriptions.
    * Fixed the AI being able to pick is_dialog_only event options and therefore escape the consequences of an event.
    * Defensive armies now have a pop-scope spawn_chance, so that you can control a bit better which ones are spawned.
    * Added save_detail_ai_build_plan console command.
    * Added reroll_random effect, which can be used in cases where random_lists would return the same result multiple times, but don't use in places where the random is used in tooltips as the result in the tooltip is likely to be wrong.
    * Adoption and Finisher tooltips of Tradition trees are now automatically generated.
    * Added ability to specify a numerical empire_limit for buildings (and have it show nicely in tooltips, like the planet cap).
    * Corrected spelling of "is_for_colonizable" and "colonizable_planet".
    * Added triggered pop modifiers for species traits.
    * Added defense_platform_modifier to Starbases.
    * save_ai_build_plan_details now also saves the decisions to ai.log.
    * Added fire_and_forget parameter to Resolutions.
    * Added num_sapient_pops trigger for planet and country scopes.
    * The clone_leader effect now copy the event leader and immortality flags.
    * Added parameter in starbase levels to exclude them from trade collection, so that trade collection range modifiers in country scope can be useful.
    * Added country_hostile_claim_influence_cost_mult modifier.
    * Added starbase_defense_platform_capacity_mult modifier.
    * Colony type icons now take keys instead of numbers.
    * Added num_tradition_categories trigger.
    * Created a triggered planet modifier that only works for pop_growth_speed.
    * Added on_actions for on_tradition_picked and on_ascension_perk_picked.
    * Added set_visited effect to make you able to see a solar system you have never visited before, also fixed the "no" case of set_surveyed.
    * Added triggered desc = { } for districts (to overwrite the base district, not to added an extra line to the tooltip as in the current triggered_desc).
    * Added set_saved_date effect.
    * Added script flags (with effects and triggers as usual) to all scopes missing them.
    * You can now use scripted loc in the names of button effects.
    * Added hostile_<type>_difficulty_add and hostile_<type>_difficulty_mult modifiers.
    * Added hostile_<category>_difficulty_add and hostile_<category>_difficulty_mult modifiers.
    * Added espionage_hostile_operation_difficulty_add and espionage_hostile_operation_difficulty_mult modifiers.
    * Added espionage_hostile_operation_cost_add and espionage_hostile_operation_cost_mult modifiers.
    * Added use_armynames_from to army types (works like use_shipnames_from in ship sizes).
    * Added a modifier diplo_action_acceptance_add that increases AI acceptance of all diplomatic actions.
    * Added on_building_downgraded on_action.
    * set_name now works on sectors and wars.
    * Added add_blocker effect (which unlike add_deposit will let you have control over which deposit the blocker will block).
    * Rephrased pop_can_live_on_planet trigger to can_live_on_planet (working in either pop or species scope, and taking a planet event target rather than a boolean).
    * added triggers "is_starbase_building_module" and "is_starbase_building_building" checking if the scoped starbase is building a specific item.
    * added trigger "starbase_buildable_is_in_queue_before" to check if a buildable is in queue before another. Scope is starbase.
    * Split has_system_trade_value trigger into that (and fixed a case where it would return the wrong number), has_collected_system_trade_value and has_uncollected_system_trade_value.
    * Fixed various issues with setting species archetype restrictions for government elements (civics, authorities) so that it is now checked in every case and can be used safely.
    * The effect "change_species_characteristics" can supports "add_trait", "remove_trait" and "add_traits_at_start_of_list"-flag.
    * Added effects to set a country's ruler title or heir title to a specified value, and to restore them to default.
    * Added should_remove_response_message_when_not_possible property for diplomatic actions, to remove response messages of the diplo action type if the possible check fails.
    * trigger_docs has been split between its components, which are now in their own subdirectory. Modifiers are now also in their own log file.
    * Fixed a bug where using a solar system as a location on various effects (e.g. enable_special_project) would not work but also not give an error log message. It now sets the location at the primary star in that system.
    * Added documentation for certain advanced scripting functionalities in scripted_effects/99_advanced_documentation.txt.
    * Added GetFossil and GetFossilPlural loc keys for species.
    * Added Civics and Origins "species_class" condition. Old "species" requirement is now called "species_archetype" instead.
    * Added galcom_member and council_member script lists.
    * Replaced AI define RESOLUTION_WEIGHT_OPINION_FACTOR with multiple other defines.
    * Replaced use of icon_frame in army types with sprites.
    * Changed observation_outpost into a scope change rather than a trigger/effect. This means it can be used on the right hand side of effects and triggers, e.g. exists = observation_outpost. On the other hand, "limit" no longer works on it, and it will no longer refer to every observation outpost in the country from country scope.
    * Removed any/every/random_mining_station/research_station as you should use just mining_station/research_station instead (more efficient).
    * Added on_action on_country_released_in_war.
    * LOGISTIC_POP_GROWTH_CEILING, REQUIRED_POP_GROWTH_SCALE, and REQUIRED_POP_ASSEMBLY_SCALE defines have been removed as they have been replaced by sliders in galaxy generation.
    * Traits can now be restricted to a Species class (e.g. fungoid).
    * Removed need for bombardment_stances to use icon_frame. The game will now look for a sprite called GFX_planet_modifier_ground_support + <key>.
    * Planet classes also now use "icon = <sprite>" instead of icon_frame.
    * Removed hardcoding of species archetype behaviour. Relevant happiness and growth modifiers are now automatically generated. (Note: a few of them have changed name slightly, and "robotic = yes" has been shifted from species classes to species archetypes).
    * Added on_star_system_destroyed on_action (called at the start of destroy_star_system).
    * Added orbital_station script list for country and system scopes.
    * The detail view shown when clicking ambient objects will no longer cut off text longer than a couple of lines.
    * Removed count_diplo_ties, as it is the same as count_relation but used older code.
    * Removed count_armies as it is the same as count_owned_army and count_planet_army but with older code.
    * Removed use of icon_frame in non-starbase ship sizes. It now only does something on starbases. Other ship sizes use "icon = key", which will look up several individual sprites; modders can therefore add new ships without overwriting the sprite sheet dds file.
    * Allowed you to define triggered descriptions for jobs and buildings.
    * Ambient Object descriptions can now take [loc.GetProperty] commands.
    * Added game_rule should_force_decline_species, which if true will set a species to decline on a planet regardless of purge status or overcrowding.
    * Fixed on_army_killed_in_combat so it can't be called multiple times per army.* In certain cases where one would use "mult" in weight scripting, you now should use "factor" (the game will warn you on startup in error.log).
    * Added has_climate trigger for planets.
    * Added abort_trigger for event chains (the ones in common/event_chains).
    * Fixed issues with scopes when using finish_site and finish_current_stage archaeology effects.
    * Added GetRemnantName/GetSpeciesRemnantName for cases where you really want your dead robot not to leave a skeleton.
    * Improved the randomness of random functions within while loops and every_x loops.
    * The "after" effect in events will no longer fire when an "is_dialog_only" option is picked (making it fire multiple times for the same event).

    # Bugfixes

    * Fixed some cases where someone else opening the L-Cluster would cause the related Situation Log entry to stick around forever.
    * Archaeology sites (and espionage operations) now correctly use the difficulty of the current stage, rather than that of the last stage.
    * Reinforcement fleets now get removed when destroyed.
    * Fixed colony ships not being affected by ship construction modifiers.
    * Fixed a number of inconsistent id3 tags in the Soundtrack DLC's MP3 and FLAC files.
    * Removed negative Void Dweller trait, preventing players from genetically modifying species to avoid taking penalties.
    * Removed the hidden event to flip Void Dwellers traits.
    * Made it so that only Organics get taxed for the growth discouraged decision.
    * Scions can no longer choose to comply with staying out of the War in Heaven.
    * Fixed Lithoid Craters being removed when terraforming into Hive worlds.
    * Fixed an unlocalised tooltip in the Baol event chain.
    * Made it so Calamitous Birth can't stack multiple Lithoid Craters or Buried Lithoids.
    * Fix for typo in Sanctuary of Repose building tooltip.
    * Fixed it so that if you ever reforge your Doomsday homeworld it will no longer have the Doomsday modifier.
    * Gestalts will now quickly stamp out crime on conquered planets.
    * Made it so Nanites can't ever spawn on terraformable worlds.
    * Made it so that a shielded planet won't show up in the event art when you pacify a habitat.
    * Shortened the Voidborne description so that it fits inside the Ascension Perk UI.
    * Fixed Messenger Project not being visible on galaxy map.
    * City Sizes on the planetary view now increase faster to account for recent changes to pop growth.
    * Replaced certain parts of localisation which were plain strings with appropriate localisation references.
    * Point Defense will no longer ignore missiles if strike craft are present on the battlefield.
    * Fixed non gestalt empires from being able to colonize with gestalt pops while in a federation.
    * Fixed it not being possible to issue move orders to explored and surveyed systems while having only science ships selected.
    * Fixed some interface elements using hardcoded strings rather than translated text.
    * Made the Event ‘The Cube’ more gestalt friendly.
    * If you swap from organic to artificial pop assembly or vice versa during mid-assembly, you now lose all progress in that assembly.
    * Fixed you finding an encryption key on your own empire (again!).
    * Fixed Target Uplink Computer effect not applying to defense platforms.
    * Added weightings which were missing from the Fanatical Purifiers name parts list.
    * Addressed issues with synchronized loc. entries for Pop Faction names. The various faction names now use the correct strings and may be rendered in Simplified Chinese.
    * Contact Report: Remnants event now happens when you encounter a ruined megastructure.
    * Fixed Ministry of Culture displaying the wrong job description for Machine Empires
    * Updated the job priority tooltip to be more clear
    * Made it so the Earth Custodianship isn't locked behind the Humanoid DLC
    * Addressed issues with various synchronized loc. entries for Empire names. Random names for empires including Hive Minds, Necrophages, Fanatical Purifiers and Corporate authorities now use the correct strings and may be rendered in Simplified Chinese.
    * Ascended Synthetic Spiritualists will no longer outlaw their own rulers.

    * Fixed the wrong event text being displayed for the Grassy Militia anomaly event.
    * Claims distance cost modifier now considers wormholes, even if borders are closed.
    * Updated First Contact Protocols tooltips to more accurately reflect the effects.
    * Improved consistency in map mode names.
    * Fixed an instance where Crisis factions couldn't reach their offensive targets and got stuck
    * Reinforcing fleets will now arrive and attempt to merge even if the target fleet is in combat.
    * Fixed jobs without employment caps being listed as X employed out of -1 available slots in job breakdown tooltip.
    * Sprawling Slums tooltip changed now accurately reflects what the deposit actually does on clear.
    * Fixed repealing Resolutions not working as expected.
    * Repealing the 4th resolution under the Mutual Defence category now makes proper reference to the Castigation Proclamation, rather than the Military Readiness Act.
    * Fixed the Prioritized and Deprioritized indicators on pop job assignment icons blocking mouse input.
    * Fixed colony designations including pre-sapient pops when evaluating pop limitations for the potential trigger.
    * Fixed crash when using the add_pops command.
    * Corrected capitalization in descriptive text for Organic Sanctuaries and Organic Paradises.
    * Fixed several issues related to planets displaying negative available jobs.
    * Fixed auto-pause not working for anomalies if auto-unpause was enabled.
    * Fixed the On the Shoulders of Giants Origin sometimes starting you off in a solar system with too many planets.
    * Rebalanced likelihood of certain rare events from occurring.
    * Starting with the Void Dweller or Shattered Ring origin in combination with the Reanimators civic now starts your empire off with a Dread Encampment.
    * Fixed it not being possible to enact the "Create Resort World" decision after repealing it
    * Fixed cases (e.g. Lithoid Necrophages) where species would repeatedly start assembling or growing and then cancel after the next monthly tick.
    * Fixed some cases where Necrophages would pause regular pop growth during purging.
    * Fixed issues with the portrait tooltip in empire creation sometimes being empty or containing empty lines
    * Fixed the “Randomize Ruler Name” button not always being enabled even though the requirements for it were met.
    * Fixed it being possible to open DLC landing pages during hotjoin and breaking the UI flow.
    * Fixed template list in fleet manager sometimes getting stuck in a scrolled state when a template was removed.
    * Industrial Worlds and Industrial Habitat designations no longer attempt to remove Foundry Drone jobs for Rogue Servitors, they now target Fabricator jobs.
    * Fixed construct mining station tooltip showing maintenance on energy mining stations.
    * Fixed pops sometimes staying in jobs that no longer existed after colony designation was changed.
    * Hive minds now perceive the "Living Sea" event with bespoke event text, rather than seeing the same events which are granted to regular, non-machine empires.
    * Fixed the Go To button for the "Unit Lost" event.
    * Made it so 'Diplomatic Corps ridiculed' expires after 3600 days.
    * Forge and Factory World designations now remember that a third tier of the buildings exist.
    * Fixed missing strings of random names for Supremacist and Technologist pop factions.
    * Fixed the icon for picking a colony designation being a robotic cow. Also made the robotic cow be used correctly for Machine Fringe Planets.
    * Humiliated modifier now has a negative icon.
    * Leisure districts no longer provide housing for Rogue Servitors.
    * Tooltips for Organic Sanctuary buildings and Leisure Districts for Rogue Servitors have additional information about their jobs.
    * Made it so you can not stack multiple "Missing Tree of Life" modifiers by trading systems.
    * Updated the Tooltips of the Ministry of Culture to be more appropriate for Gestalts.
    * Made it so the Infested World counter correctly updates when destroying a system with a Star Eater.
    * Reworded Lithoid rare resource traits to be clearer to the player.
    * Rebalanced the amount of pops required to gain certain event jobs.
    * Event "Unit Lost" now makes proper reference to the affected fleet.
    * Fixed Mars missing Terraforming Candidate when Sol spawns naturally.
    * Machine World Preference now uses the appropriate icon.
    * Fixed some consistency issues where Discovery traditions were called Exploration in French.
    * Fixed tooltip for Collective Reasoning tradition.
    * Fixed various instances of an invalid apostrophe glyph appearing in localized text.
    * Fixed it being impossible to communicate with caravaneers in certain circumstances.
    * Fixed exploitable_planets trigger always returning false (and its tooltip).
    * Made tooltips for invalid species traits highlighted in red in empire creation.
    * Fixed repair fleet orders not being carried out to completion if placed in a queue.
    * Implemented unused icons for titan ship components.
    * Fixed uncolonized Habitats mysteriously turning into shattered worlds when subjected to Star Eaters or the Aetherophasic Engine.
    * Fixed DLC icons being accessible in MP empire selection.
    * Adjusted a response string for spiritualists upon completion of First Contact, preventing a name reference from exceeding its bounds.
    * Fixed a missing loc string if your request to form a Federation timed out.
    * Fixed reference to "tiles" in collateral damage's tooltips.
    * As Death Cults, you no longer lose effects from active Sacrifices if you temporarily cease to have any Mortal Initiates (e.g. by sacrificing them all).
    * Fixed event-spawned leaders lacking certain traits they should have had from their species' characteristics, such as Psionic and Erudite.
    * Fixed modifiers to district build speed not being applied to tooltips when you choose to build them.
    * Fixed Academic Privilege Living Standard's tooltip missing some crucial information on what it does (+10% pop research output).
    * Fixed certain Traditions, such as Machine Synchronicity tradition Integrated Preservation, only taking effect after some delay or upon reload.
    * Fixed some issues with "Life Finds a Way" event not doing what the tooltip said.
    * Fixed misleading tooltip of the Oracle Nexus event.
    * Clarified some matters in the Memorialist civic tooltip.
    * AI controlled slaver guilds should now colonize planets.
    * Fixed a rare issue where you could have a +-1 skill bonus in first contact skill tooltips.
    * Cleared planets and asteroid belt from the Shattered Ring solar system.
    * Fixed a wrong Ethics reference in Polish localization
    * Made the Tradition "Faith in Science" have a less misleading tooltip.
    * Fixed <leader class> skill modifiers applying to multiple or all leader classes, instead of just the one they were meant to apply to.
    * Fixed traditions that refund you costs of demolished buildings to properly refund you if you manually demolish or downgrade buildings using the planet interface.
    * All colony designations of the appropriate type will now gain benefits from Resolutions such as Environmental Ordinance Waivers.
    * Fixed buildings with a queued upgrade in progress being counted twice towards building count limits.
    * It is no longer possible to shift criminals to worker jobs by manually prioritizing the worker job.
    * Fixed it being possible to retain species rights that had been made invalid by a change in government type or civics
    * Made it so the Hologram Planet anomaly no longer can spawn on planets with already existing dig sites.
    * The Totalitarian Faction will now be happy if you have the Slaver Guilds civic.
    * Agrarian Idyll Civic now properly adds 2 farming districts to your homeworld.
    * Purging every primitive on a planet now removes the Stellar Culture Shock modifier.
    * The ruler of the Galactic Imperium is no longer blocked from getting the Subjugation war goal / CB when they kindly offer protectorate status to another empire.
    * Hive Worlds no longer have access to both the Forge World and the Hive World Foundry colony designation.
    * Upon invading a Ketling primitive world the associated special project will now be removed from your situation log.
    * Fixed Fungoid research station model to remove hole in cylinder.
    * Passing Space Amoeba Protection Act resolution no longer allows you to pass the Tiyanki Conservation Act again.
    * Passing either the Tiyanki Conservation Act or the Tiyanki Pest Control will now fulfill the "pass a resolution" Galactic Focus.
    * Fixed cases where the cooldown for finding archaeology sites in quick succession would be triggered even though no archaeology site was found.
    * Fixed you getting unsuitable arc sites in the L-Cluster.
    * Void Dwellers are now correctly given starting resources depending on species and ethics.
    * Fixed not being able to revoke nominated Galactic Market planets if the relocation vote was ongoing.
    * If Shard is defeated the relevant event chains will be removed from all other nations.
    * The "What Separates Us" event will no longer fire if the other species are robots.
    * Added a more negative icon to the "Failed Savior" modifier.
    * The Shifting Sands event now properly gives a boost to physics research.
    * Lost to Bureaucracy event will no longer create planetary features out of thin air when you clear the blockers spawned.
    * Reintroduced gaining menace from turning a world into a Tomb World via bombardment.
    * Fixed defense platforms not being destroyed when dismantling a starbase.
    * Modified mesh to resolve Z-fighting between ringworld sections.
    * Enclave text boxes now reset correctly between messages.
    * Fixed an issue where you could take in Caravaneer pops even if your policies would automatically purge them.
    * Fixed Merchants Guilds not giving enough jobs from the Imperial Palace building.
    * Dimensional Horror now shows on the galaxy map.
    * "Repeal Crisis" resolutions are no longer missing an icon.
    * Fixed a bug that allowed you to gain menace by repeatedly vassalizing and releasing the same empire.
    * Fixed it being possible to open ship details for strange vessels via the fleet manager.
    * Added missing icon to the Study Hive Mind Drones Modifier.
    * Fixed a case where the third Baol arc site would not spawn.
    * You now gain visibility on the systems where you know the next Baol or Zroni arc site will be if you have never been there before, rather than having to guess where they are.
    * Fixed army transport fleets sometimes forgetting fleet stance and control group information when embarking
    * Land Appropriation and automatic resettlement now respect whether a species is allowed to live on the planet (e.g. won't resettle organics onto Machine Worlds).
    * Reanimators is now fully incompatible with Synthetic Ascension, rather than just quietly doing nothing as before.
    * Prosperity Traditions Interstellar Franchising and Public Works (+Hive/Machine variants) are now fully informative of which districts they provide boosts to.
    * Unemployed Lithoids will no longer move back to a Doomed homeworld through auto-migration, even if there *are* plenty of good jobs and housing available. (can_planet_receive_auto_migration added to Game Rules.)
    * Notifications for refused peace offers are now properly removed when a war has ended.
    * Fixed various error log messages relating to Crisis Objectives, along with several edge cases where the rewards were not granted when they should have been.
    * Stopped the automatic picker for assembling species from picking obsolete species with fewer traits.
    * Fixed Lithoids using Biological pop growth modifiers to determine whether they should be more likely to be picked as the next species to be grown.
    * Fixed a case where a Fallen Empire could send you multiple demands to change your ways if you didn't answer them fast enough.
    * Fixed pop Self Modification chain from pitting modified species against modified species.
    * Vassals created by the Galactic Sovereign no longer believe that they are also Galactic Sovereigns. There can only be one.
    * Fixed a too-long string cutting off invader power values in ground combat view in French.
    * Fixed an issue where destroying the Contingency's final world with a Star-Eater would not not properly end the Contingency Crisis.
    * Updated numbers in espionage operation roll tooltip to show correct information.
    * Fixed an issue where Nomads would keep asking for a Planet over and over, before establishing communications.
    * Thought Enforcement tech is now researchable with the Utopia DLC.
    * Fixed a crash upon mousing over a system with planets in as an observer.
    * Fixed a couple of Edicts having wrong deactivation cost.
    * The tooltip when you can't reinforce a fleet shouldn't duplicate the cause.
    * Fleets can be reinforced even if one ship type in the fleet can't be built.
    * Adjusted the term used in French to refer to empires who oppose Galactic Community resolutions.
    * Further fixes to the end of the Cybrex precursor chain.
    * Added defines to support Diffuse color as Emissive rather than Player color for skinned as well as static models.
    * You can no longer invite someone you are at war against to join your side in a new war.
    * Fixed it being possible to get multiple Imperial Cores via certain war goals releasing new empires.
    * Corrected opinion text placement in the Declare War view.
    * Grammar fixes to anomaly event "Adrift", and event "The Discovery of Alien Life" (assimilator variant).
    * The Manifesti faction should no longer reform after it has disbanded, either through suppression or lack of popularity.
    * Fixed several cases where the Vultaum, Yuht, First League, Irassian, and Cybrex precursor chains would not end properly if someone else found the homeworld first.
    * Fixed the Research Institute building not properly converting to Planetary Supercomputer when conquered by Gestalt empires, and vice versa.
    * Fixed auto-resettlement for Void Dweller habitats and certain other planets (needs a new save, though).
    * Fixed a typo in the Ruined World archaeology chain.
    * Fixed the spelling error in the “Restored Warship” event.
    * Fixed excessive unemployment caused by the Cave Cleaner job being too attractive.
    * Fixed an issue where Branch Office value tooltips could be displayed based on the wrong Branch Office owner.
    * Branch Office value generated from Criminal jobs for Criminal Syndicates is now properly shown in the tooltip for Branch Office value.
    * Fixed typo in “Operatives Toe the Line”.
    * Fixed crash on sector colony development update.
    * Fixed missing tooltips for increase/decrease buttons in monthly trade view.
    * Hyperlane registrar should now be unlocked with the correct technology.
    * Hive Minds can no longer assemble non-hive pops from spawning pools.
    * The colonizable planet icon should no longer disappear when a ship leaves an unsurveyed system.
    * Victorious ground troops will no longer embark automatically if there are hostile military fleets present in the system.
    * Starbase Defense Platforms can no longer be upgraded while the starbase is engaged in combat.
    * Fixed fleet speed being dictated by the first ship in the fleet instead of the slowest one.
    * Updated German translation for Arc Emitter.
    * Fixed a typo in Haahn's species name.
    * Fixed a few German text overlaps.
    * Fixed broken text references in "Pirate Haven Destroyed" event.
    * Fixed planetary deposit interfaces not showing triggered modifiers as icons.
    * Fixed jump distance counting not always finding the shortest path.
    * Fixed cases where event options with random effects were often not as random as they should be.
    * Updated a couple of Neural Slug events for Hive Mind empires.
    * When you play as the Commonwealth of Man, the UNE will now always correctly spawn again.

    I savegame di versioni precedenti potrebbero non essere compatibili.

    Fonte: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/foru...1-1-lem-patch-released-checksum-22a5.1490682/
  10. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    Per coloro che non hanno Stellaris ma sono curiosi di provarlo, fino alla fine di questo weekend (lunedì 20 settembre escluso immagino) è possibile giocare gratis al gioco base Stellaris su Steam.

    La stessa cosa vale per HOI4, se qualcuno fosse interessato.
  11. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    Stellaris Dev Diary #224 - Lem is out, what now?
    Ciao a tutti!

    La prima patch del team dei Guardiani è stata appena rilasciata e speriamo che vi stia piacendo sperimentare le modifiche introdotte. Stiamo entusiasti del fatto che molti di voi sembrino felici per l'Iniziativa dei Custodi e per la patch Lem. Come sempre, il vostro feedback è molto importante per noi, quindi fateci sapere cosa ne pensate. Grazie anche a quelli di voi che hanno lasciato recensioni su Steam di recente, è bello sapere che così tanti di voi siano contenti del gioco.

    Per quanto riguarda la 3.1, siamo al corrente di alcuni exploit che sono stati trovati e continueremo a monitorare quello che comunità riuscirà a trovare nel weekend. Settimana prossima esamineremo quello che è venuto fuori e dopodiché decideremo se fare un hotfix ed eventualmente con quali contenuti.

    Siamo ancora focalizzati sul rilascio e stiamo imparando da quello che abbiamo fatto. Nelle prossime settimane inizieremo a parlare dei piani per il futuro, in termini di meccaniche e cambiamenti al gioco, quindi rimanete sintonizzati!

    Per voi ecco una serie di bellissimi sfondi associati a questo rilascio!

    La settimana scorsa hanno tenuto un'altra sessione Q&A sul nostro server Discord. Potete leggere la trascrizione qua:
    Question by jugyeong!
    Since now Commercial Zones give 1 merchant jobs if you go through mercantile tradition, does Commerce Megaplexes give 2 merchant jobs and 6 clerk jobs?
    Yes, it's +1 to the number of Merchant jobs the building provides for both tiers.
    Answered by
    Alfray Stryke (QA)

    Question by Captain Cape!
    For the clone army origin, will there be any way to increase the limit of 5 ancient cloning vats?
    At present, no, but it is set up in such a way as that would be easy to implement, should we (or modders) want to in future.
    Answered by

    Question by UMAR!
    Are there any plans to change the way ship-experience works? In the current system ships get 100 starting xp if the fleet academy starbase-building is built on the shipyard and then 1 xp per day in battle. I myself cannot say to ever have seen a ship that made it to the Veteran rank at 1000xp (900 days in actual combat! (and that's just the second rank out of 3, the last one is 10.000!)). In my opinion it is time to add more ways to earn ship-xp , like for example the ability to "drill" your ships, or to significantly decrease the xp requirements to get these boni.
    All experience and especially ship experience work in pretty unintuitive ways currently and is something we are discussing at internally.
    Answered by
    Iggy (Content Design)

    Question by Antmanton!
    Any chance of a defense platform rework? They're too expensive early-game, and too fragile late-game. Also, can we get a tab in the Fleet Manager for mass-management, ie showing Starbases as "fleets" where we can queue, build/reinforce, and upgrade platforms across the empire from one screen?
    There's certainly a chance of it at some point! I (and I think most people on the design team) would agree with your analysis there, so it's on the radar for the Custodians in general, but so are a lot of things, so no promises at all on when.
    Answered by

    Question by Positivity!
    As a Rogue Servitor main, seeing us get ecumenopoli this update made me really happy. Are there are plans for further reworks to treating my little bio-lords, or even putting the super-exceptional ones to work?
    Personally, I think it'd be cool, but it goes against the current flavour of their empires.
    Answered by
    Alfray Stryke (QA)

    Question by Invictus!
    Will there be more updates similar to Lem coming in the future, as in the type that expand on past DLC's and are made by the Stellaris Custodian Team? If so, when could we start expecting the next one? Thanks!
    The custodians will keep doing custodian work. We do not have dates to share, but we will keep working on updates like Lem!
    Answered by
    Duplo (Tech Lead)

    Question by Henri!
    Do you plan on adding more megastructures in the future, like ones that produce alloys/food for example?
    There are no current plans that we are ready to talk about. If new megastructures are added, it would be a part of future DLC. The Custodians would not be adding new features like that.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård

    Question by Megacorp of Jeff!
    are there any plans to give megacorps unique origins?
    Adding origins to older DLCs is something we are constantly on the lookout as custodians. You can see with the Clone Army origin, we are constantly looking for ways to improve existing content and if we find a megacorp origin we would like to have in the game I am sure we will add it.
    Answered by
    Iggy (Content Design)

    Question by Liggi!
    Often the AI will propose Resolutions that end up being very unpopular and get stuck at the bottom of the queue, essentially making that empire inactive in the Galactic Community for the rest of the game. Any plans to give the AI the ability to withdraw resolutions under some conditions like the player can?
    AI is definitely one of the areas Custodians are looking into; so tweaking the way AI is proposing resolutions and handles diplomacy in general is something I'd like to see us tackle at some point
    Answered by

    Question by shadoWarbird!
    The new traditions tree selection UI looks incredibly sexy. Are there any plans to touch up on any of the other UI systems in place and give them a graphical update?
    When as Custodians we rework further core systems, it would be quite remiss of us not to improve their UX quality too!
    Answered by

    Question by mkajkot!
    Will the mechanics of planetary combat develop in the future?
    A rework to ground combat is unlikely to happen due to the relatively high cost and relatively low value.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård

    Question by Zoythrus™!
    I saw that Criminal Megacorps with the Gospel of the Masses civic get a new "criminal" temple.
    Are there any plans to buff Criminal empires in general? They're cool but feel lackluster.
    Not in Lem, we are constantly on the lookout when it comes to buffing less played builds such as the reanimators.
    Answered by
    Iggy (Content Design)

    Question by Gavin The Cleanerbot!
    after the nerfs to various origins, are there plans to bring the rest of them in line with eachother, barring of course challenge origins such as doomsday?
    We want to keep looking over origins and civics. Some we would certainly like to remain as "challenging" origins, but anything not marked as "challenging" shouldn't feel like a bad choice when you take it. So we will keep coming back to balancing them in future free patches, but not always strictly against each other.
    Answered by

    Question by drachenklinge!
    how does reducing the research focus of the AI, which already is very bad in research improve the AI?
    The Lem AI is better at researching than the Dick one, in our tests.
    Answered by

    Question by Warmaster Iconoclast!
    have you by any chance thought of making an energy beings species pack?
    The thought has certainly occurred, similar to other examples like fish people, but we have no current plans that we are ready to share.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård

    Question by boobie villain!
    It was mentioned on the stream today that you guys were experimenting with having trade policies offer more unique resources such as science or naval cap (the latter in perticular sounds like an excellent feature for the corporate naval contractors civic). How does the team go about experimenting with features such as this? Thanks!
    Typically we add features that are being experimented with to an in-development build of the game and conduct both single-player and multiplayer games with it.
    Answered by
    Alfray Stryke (QA)

    Question by HeaxBeast!
    are there any plans to add specific necroid or mollusk or avian traits among others? It could be argued that each species is pretty unique and deserving of slightly different playstyles through optional traits
    Sounds cool! Nothing we are currently working on but I personally enjoyed the flavor of portrait locked traits.
    Answered by
    Iggy (Content Design)

    Question by drachenklinge!
    how is the current status of the planned empire sprawl overhaul? Can we expect it to drop in the next update in 3 months, does it need a lot more polishing, or was the idea thrown out?
    We are actively working on it, but its a massive change, that will require a lot of balancing and testing, don't expect it with the next release after Lem
    Answered by

    Question by Junkan!
    will the ship previewer be added in this update since its the only feature i miss more then anything since the testing phase
    Glad you like it! The Ship Browser was disabled in a previous patch by mistake. It will be enabled again in Lem, but it's still under A/B feature testing, meaning some players will have it and others won't. If you did have it before, there is a high chance that you will have it again.
    Answered by
    Monzun (Code Custodian)

    Question by Android Mead!
    will an empire with budding and clone army be able to ignore/exceed the limits from ancient clone vats. Similarly how do clone vats from the genetic ascension interact with the clone army origin if at all.
    If you can bypass the limit of clone vats please report it on https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/forums/stellaris-bug-reports.941/ [​IMG]
    Answered by
    Iggy (Content Design)

    Question by timbrk!
    which new feature or change from the Lem Update are you most excited about?
    I really really like the selectable traditions.
    Answered by
    Duplo (Tech Lead)

    Question by HowYouBear!
    I would like to know if you will synchronise the user_empire_design with it's corresponding playset. (meaning we don't have to actually switch manually the file while playing vanilla / modded for different empires)
    Can you repost this as suggestion on the forums please (when they're back online)!
    Answered by
    Alfray Stryke (QA)

    Question by Luke5Arman!
    Is there going to be any rework/change to psionics? The two other ascension paths can be useful when taken in the 3rd and 4th ascension slot, but for psionics it feels like you need to take them ASAP to get much value from them, since they're so RNG based.
    We are aware of certain AP might not be totally balanced and it is something we want to take a look at as custodians, however nothing to announce right now.
    Answered by
    Iggy (Content Design)

    Question by Moonotaur!
    Ok kinda small but, Trains? If we get a planetary change or updates maybe Internal efficency, carting supplies around a planet is difficult... I also just wanna know.. TRAINS
    Sorry the HoI4 team currently have a monopoly on all trains
    Answered by
    Iggy (Content Design)

    Question by Android Mead!
    are there already plans for what to tackle in the next custodian update or does it remain to be seen? Similarly can we expect to see the next one around December/januaryish since that would be 3 months from now
    Of course, we always have plans and tasks for future updates, though they're not set in stone. Current plan for the next update is november-ish, though it is not going to be as big Lem
    Answered by

    Question by Onimorphus!
    Any plans to review the genemoding gameplay? Right now the UI and mechanics for genemoding is somewhat clunky, between the necrophage conversion methods and the idea of 'old clones being replaced by newer improved ones' sugested on the Clone Army Origin, there are some base paths to improve on the old 'special project' based genemoding.
    No current plans to rework gene-modding, but we agree that there's a lot that could be improved. If there are concrete ideas about QoL-improvements or other suggestions, make sure to bring them up on the forums or discord.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård

    Question by Cloudread!
    Playing tall is kind of pointless now, since anything you could do tall, you could do better with another planet or system. Are there any plans to add more viability to tall gameplay? Whether as part of a future DLC, or maybe Custodian content to a previous DLC (Megacorp perhaps)?
    It is something we are considering with the experiments on Empire Sprawl and Unity, which, again, is further in the future and not guaranteed to solve the problem, but again, its something we are aware of, see it as an issue (to a degree) and want to solve (without making expanding a bad choice either)
    Answered by

    Question by Helicopter200!
    Will machine world texture would be changed like in Synthethic Dawn banner to be metalic instead of being barren planet ?
    Machine Worlds should be using their own texture, if they're using the texture of Barren Worlds, please file a bug report (with save and screenshot)
    Answered by
    Alfray Stryke (QA)

    Question by Moonotaur!
    With the selectable traditions it's quite obvious you plan to add more but how many more? Is this gonna be just 10-15 or could we be customising our empire out of 50+ of them?
    There's a sweet spot before the UI becomes impractical to use due to simply having too much, and the tradition trees become quite same-ish. That leaves room for a few more than we have now, that is true, but I cannot imagine us ever having 50 tradition trees.
    Answered by

    Question by Emperor Louis!
    in a dev diary teasing what was coming for Humanoids you mentioned the possibility of content for orcs, was it later dismissed because content like barbaric despoilers and warrior culture cover that ground?
    Probably a bit of both. Some expressions that covered that fantasy already exist in the game, and other ideas we had weren't necessarily strong enough to add to the game in their current form.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård

    Question by Onimorphus!
    With the new method of terraforming from the Idyllic Bloom civic, are there any plans to expand on the terraform mechanics? Right now its a very straight forward process of "click a button and wait" for such a relevant sci-fi concept.
    I do agree that terraforming is pretty boring right now and I hope to spice it up in a future update.
    Answered by
    Iggy (Content Design)

    Question by Jack Cyber!
    any plans to try and give hiveminds and machines more stuff in general to even try and compete with some unofficial dlcs(mods) on the workshop?
    We do want to add more options for both Hives and Machines, but we also, in general, do not compare ourselves or compete with mods for content. I'll add that while its something we want to do, its not on the level of having an exact plan and schedule. Singular civics and origins might get implemented if something really amazing is suggested.
    Answered by

    Question by MandatoryMarten!
    Hello! Seeing as releasing sectors as vassals from a megacorp now creates an oligarchy instead of another megacorp, will the same apply when a subjugation war for a subsidiary ends in status quo or will that still create a new megacorp?
    Currently the behaviour of Subjugation Wars for MegaCorps is unchanged. However it's something we're aware of, but no promises of when this might be changed.
    Answered by
    Alfray Stryke (QA)

    Question by Liggi!
    If you could click you fingers and instantly change anything in Stellaris with zero dev / design work, what would you change?
    I would love to change the fleet manager and the way we manage fleets.
    Answered by
    Duplo (Tech Lead)

    Question by ArmoredHero11!
    A while back, there was talk/plans to enhance the factions system and internal politics with things like internal tension between factions, civil wars, rebellions, government departments, cults, priesthoods, etc. Are you still moving forward with those plans and ideas or are you no longer going to mess with factions and internal politics?
    Internal politics would be fun, it would probably be a more expansion team thing if we ever did it rather than a custodian one.
    Answered by
    Iggy (Content Design)

    Question by SamB!
    Necrophage devouring swarm pretty please? I need to be able to play as the flood so much it hurts.
    Answered by

    Question by Henri!
    Most of the ascension perks feel extremely weak compared to others, even the ones that just give you buffs instead of features (for example techno logical ascendancy is much better than transcendent learning), do you guys plan on reworking or buffing some of the perks?
    We have a plan to go over Ascensions Perks in the future.
    Answered by

    Question by UMAR!
    is there a plan to change the way empire sprawl affects research/unity? at the moment it is possible to just un-employ/re-employ bureaucrats when a tech is about to be finished our a tradition is about to be picked. It would be less exploitable if sprawl would directly affect research/unity output
    Yes, as mentioned in dev diary #215 we are discussing a more spicy rework of unity and empire sprawl in the future.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård

    Question by Morebits!
    Are Democracies going to improved?
    We are not happy with how mandates works and it could probably be a good thing for the custodians to look at.
    Answered by
    Iggy (Content Design)

    Question by MathyM!
    Do you think the upcoming changes to Unity will make Spiritualists viable, or will they still be outclassed by Meritocratic Technocrats?
    Spiritualist being a competitive and engaging choice is the goal. And thanks to the Custodians modus operandi, we hope to work on it until that is achieved.
    Answered by

    Question by Traitor!
    could we have the option to set an empire's default policies in the empire creation screen?
    That would add a lot of complexity to that UI, so its unlikely to happen because its not really adding value to the overall player experience of empire creation. It's possible that its rather the opposite, it would make the UI feel too complex for many.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård

    Question by MathyM!
    When improving AI, do you look at popular community mods such as Startech? Can we expect to see a default AI that surpasses community-created ones in the future, perhaps tied to difficulty settings?
    When looking at AI improvements, we mostly focus on improving the code side of the issues it has. There is also the consideration of making the AI general enough to deal with any tweaks or mods. Figuring out how we want the AI to behave, though, is always an interesting problem where community input and solutions are useful.
    Answered by

    Question by Liggi!
    The Manifesti event chain has an issue where the “final” event in the chain never fires. It’s been reported a few times but they always get marked as “Needs info” even after providing saves. Is the team aware of this bug? What can we do to help get enough info?
    Could you link me the bug report in the chat channel, please?
    Answered by

    Question by Chillie!
    will you add new ascension paths (like we have psionics, synths and genetic) or at least more ascension perks overall in the future?
    Nothing that extensive is currently planned.
    Answered by
    Iggy (Content Design)

    Question by Traitor!
    could the Xenophile faction attraction be tuned down a little? It seems ridiculous that having a handful of aliens (20 Nu-Baols, or 10% of the total empire population say) would lead to that faction outpacing the original ones.
    If you have data supporting this please feel free to report it here: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/forums/stellaris-suggestions.943/
    Answered by
    Iggy (Content Design)

    Question by Henri!
    Are you guys able to say what will be the ratio of food to alloy?
    Catalytic Technicians/Drones have a job upkeep[​IMG]utput ratio of 3 food:1 alloy
    Answered by
    Alfray Stryke (QA)

    Question by Money LLC CEOverlord!
    Do we know whenabouts the change to admin cap might/will come?
    Not in Lem, and probably not in the next update either, but perhaps in one of the updates next year.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård

    Question by Nelosi!
    have you ever considered doing a tradition swap for psionics (called Magicks or Arcanum) so that Psionics can stop being the weakest ascension path. Or is there anything else planned to make them stop being weak? As it stands now, their immediate benefits are not sufficient to provide early conquest benefits over other paths; and if that is a player's goal, it's simply stronger to pick no ascension path.
    As of Lem, Tradition Swaps are gone and no longer used, so if anything is added to Traditions, it would be an entire new tree but no such thing is planned for right now.
    Answered by

    Question by Xander!
    How difficult would it be to make an Expansion Planner UI for Megacorp Branch Offices? The whole process of manually looking around the galaxy for planets to build on is extremely painful, and I often find myself just halting expansion at some point due to the sheer work involved in finding branch office candidates.
    It would require quite a bunch of work, and a lot of effort to design a usable interface. It would be pretty cool though, so it may actually happen, at some point in the future.
    Answered by
    Duplo (Tech Lead)

    Question by trndr!
    will pasifist megacorps also get a way to convert other megacorp to oligarchies or will that be limited to capture and release tactics?
    Pacifists in general have issues dealing with interstellar issues and that is by design.
    Answered by
    Iggy (Content Design)

    Question by Emperor Louis!
    How extensive is the clone army event chain? (without spoilers for what happens of course)
    Among other Clone Army content, there is an archaeology site
    Answered by

    Question by Ketrai, filthy clerk unionist.!
    From the looks of it catalytic processing is going to be actively detrimental to your empire until the very late game. (Mineral hubs are better in comparison) (and there's more space minerals than food from hydro bays.) I'm all for other playstyles, but one that makes your empire worse seems a bit weird to me. Is it possible this one could be tweaked to give a base food bonus simimal to mining guilds?
    As we've done with Lem, we'll continue to tweak the balance of civics as we feel they need it.
    Answered by
    Alfray Stryke (QA)

    Question by exi!
    What do you think about about repeatables which will be unlocked by traditions? For example: Mecrantile gives access to a repeatables for clerks and trade value.
    The idea itself isn't bad, but it's weak on the part of how that would be presented to the player. Such a detail would be inappropriate for the tradition UI, for example.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård

    Question by Helicopter200!
    Will primitives will get an Story Pack and new age like when they explore solar system and exploit resources?
    I would personally love to work on a Primitive Story Pack! Maybe some day...
    Answered by
    Mr. Cosmogone

    Question by Onimorphus!
    Any plans to add a heist/spy movie style operation to steal other empires relics? They belong in our museums afterall... XD
    The problem with espionage operation ideas similar to that is that the AI would be able to do it to you (or other players in multiplayers). Being targeted by it would be an extremely big swing in power, and potentially really unfun for the player.
    Answered by

    Question by Tamwin5!
    Any plans to go into Crime and Piracy more and make them effect each other, or is that more of an Expansion team thing?
    I would certainly like to work on Crime and Piracy, to make them more engaging and that engagement more rewarding, but that would require a pretty massive rework and would be far off, since it would require several patch-cycles worth of development but...the desire is there, thats all I can say for now.
    Answered by

    Question by Liggi!
    Will you post a new roadmap for Stellaris soon?
    There are currently no plans to work with public roadmaps. The reason for this is that we want to work with community feedback and using road maps risk locking us on a path that is not flexible enough to incorporate such feedback.
    Answered by
    Monzun (Code Custodian)

    Question by AiLystAP!
    Any plans to expand our civilization’s interaction with primitives? Will they finally notice that I turned their moon into an Ecumonopolis? Or my massed fleets drifting around my Mega Shipyard that I built in their system?
    Adding some new cool content with primitives seems like a good idea for a future story pack.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård

    Question by Alex B!
    Could we get a tab in the Expansion Planner for planets we can build habitats on, filterable by deposit?
    That would be difficult to show to the player in a clear way, since you're able to build habitats in orbit of all planets in your systems.
    Answered by
    Alfray Stryke (QA)

    Question by EliteSpectre!
    Are there plans to give Megacorps more civics as right now they're selection feels very anemic compared to the rest
    We custodians will keep adding more content to where it makes sense and where it will add variety.
    Answered by
    Iggy (Content Design)

    Question by Warmaster Iconoclast!
    how likely is it that we might get more civics that give unique Government Types?
    Not impossible but I'm afraid we have no plans in that area right now.
    Answered by

    Question by 1237Peeper!
    Will there be any more species DLCs a la the Necroids and Plantoids?
    Answered by
    Duplo (Tech Lead)

    Question by PAO | CrimsonBlade2!
    Can you fix the bug of the relic theft event where it says prev instead of from? On the forum someone made a thread about it some months ago
    Can you fix factions and made it so that at least authoritarians or xenophobes can purge pops with the ethics you suppress, or at least gene-mod them with nervestapling if they are bioascended?
    For bugs, can you please file a bug report with a save and screenshot attached. https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/forums/stellaris-bug-reports.941/
    Answered by
    Alfray Stryke (QA)

    Question by UltimateTobi!
    Has the military AI been touched in any way, shape or form?
    The economic AI was the focus for the Lem patch and improving that, but for instance the AI will upgrade its fleets now.
    Answered by

    Question by Stamos!
    Are there any plans for psionics in the future
    Answered by

    Question by Spaceception!
    Will any old science events be rolled into the archeological site system?
    And for events in general, are there plans for more empire (planet/gov/species) events that can occur throughout your game?
    This is an extensive process and usually requires at least 3 times as much writing is probably not going to happen for many events. If there is anything that you feel would really work as a digsite feel free to pitch it here: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/forums/stellaris-suggestions.943/
    Answered by
    Iggy (Content Design)

    Question by megaboto.t.0.9!
    mister/miss devs, what is your opinion on turning the local baol population into oatmeal?
    I don't like oatmeal
    Answered by

    Question by Green Slime!
    Given the trend of plant and humanoid species getting their own special features in the upcoming update, can we expect the same treatment from other types of species as well? Arthropods, Molluscoids, and the rest? Wouldn't also mind a Lithoid retouch, would be interetsing to see their unique traits give something other than strategic resource.
    A part of the value the Custodians are trying to create will be to add content to existing DLC. If we had a good idea for something we wanted to add to the Lithoids Species Pack, for example, there is nothing preventing us from doing that. As to whether or not we would be adding more species-specific content in the future, that would be good content for adding in future species packs.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård

    Question by drachenklinge!
    If two clone origin players work together and one side builds ancient clone vat on a planet, just to gift the planet the other clone player. Then they repeat this with all planets of the other player. Could they bypass the ancient clone vats limit this way, causing a player to get hundreds and hundreds of pops and dozens of ancient clone vats? And what happens with the ancient clone vats if an normal empire conquers an clone empire?
    That exploit shouldn't work, but if you find a way to bypass the building or pop limit, please give us a bug report. https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/forums/stellaris-bug-reports.941/
    Answered by
    Alfray Stryke (QA)

    Question by Liggi!
    This isn't a question but I love you all.
    Answered by
    Duplo (Tech Lead)

    Question by Android Mead!
    with the addition of new archeological sites have any new relics been sneakily added? I hope to see more relics added in future regardless.
    We love relics, but there are no sneaky relics in this patch.
    Answered by
    Mr. Cosmogone

    Question by Nelosi!
    Has the team noticed the absurd power of Lithoid Necrophage, and it's ability to scale at the same rate as (old) shattered ring? Is there any plans to alter how lithoids can interact with (or even possibly prohibit them from taking) necrophage?
    We are aware of it, we are still in consideration about how or if its something we need to solve directly or if indirect changes will bring them a bit more in line.
    Answered by

    Question by Hurpix!
    Will we see new planetary features/modifiers, and if so will there be a way in the game setup screen to make them appear more frequent?
    Will ai finally defeat space pirates?
    When playing random empires I noticed that the prosperous unification origin happens almost 90% of the time, any chance to take a look into that?
    No. Hopefully. Working as Intended.
    Answered by
    Iggy (Content Design)

    Question by MathyM!
    Are there plans for more keyboard shortcuts, or improved support for modding controls? There is too much mouse movement and scrolling right now, it would be great to use our keyboards for microing.
    There are technical issues limiting how we can work with hotkeys, but hotkeys and overall interaction design is one of the things the Custodian team will work on, so some improvements can be expected. These will however most likely be in the form of improving the hotkeys we already have to make them more useful. Improving them on a technical level or adding something like rebindable keys is unfortunately for the most part outside the scope of Stellaris.
    Answered by
    Monzun (Code Custodian)

    Question by Legit-Rikk!
    Since you mark challenging origins as challenging, why not mark the strong origins as strong/easy?
    Good idea, I will make a jira.
    Answered by
    Iggy (Content Design)

    Question by Chillie!
    What is your favourite ethic in stellaris? I am judging the person answering.
    Fanatic authoritarian, because we need a safe and secure society.
    Answered by
    Duplo (Tech Lead)

    Question by Froozigiusz!
    Will we see in the future a community made content pack dlc like in the "City: Skylines"?
    There are no current plans for sold UGC (user-generated content), mostly due to the fact that our games tend to change quite a lot compared to games like Cities: Skylines. Selling community-content through some sort of partnership program is a good business idea, but there are too many unknowns with possible negative implications to make this a priority for Stellaris. If a piece of UGC stopped working, who would be responsible for fixing it if the creater stopped being active with Stellaris?
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård

    Question by Gorantev!
    For RP purposes I sometimes start a game with 0 AI empires, and with either 0 primitives, or with considerable number of primitives. Will there any special events for such games, where you, the player, get such big of headstart? It'll be great for RP'ing.
    Sounds like an interesting mod!
    Answered by
    Iggy (Content Design)

    Question by Xander!
    Do you have any plans to add new Operations or otherwise adjust espionage? Right now, the active part of the system seems extremely underwhelming and not really worth the brain cycles to use, while the passive intel gathering is useful. Maybe allowing the user to be more particular in the effects of Operations? Say, like stealing specific techs or spawning pirates on particular systems? This wouldn't be very frustrating for the player to play against, but would be satisfying to do.
    Custodians are always looking at previous systems and trying to figure out how to improve them. Personally, I'd love to see more espionage operations and more options for it (and proposing them) as well. The downsides are, as you mentioned, posibility of frustrating the player, bad UI / UX experience (imagine scrolling through all the technologies an empire has!), having the AI use the system properly etc.
    Answered by

    Question by Zro Prophet Psi!
    Do you have more hiveminded plans, and what's your opinion with forgotten Queens?
    Hello I am a content designer on the Custodian teams and I really like Hiveminds and I will always try to fight for more interesting hivemind content.
    Answered by
    Iggy (Content Design)

    Question by Walter the Walter Keeper!
    Hate to be greedy but two questions. 1. Can Walter be part of the Stellaris canon? 2. Are there any plans for primitive content? I would love for a Independence Day type event to go down
    I didn't know who/what Walter is, but now I do and in my heart it's part of the canon already. Can't answer the second question: my head is full of Walter now.
    Answered by
    Duplo (Tech Lead)

    Question by Gorantev!
    *Better AI please? I'd love to have at least half-decent opponents. Same goes for factions, that actually do something outside of just giving influence, actually useful Heirs, more dangerous and less predictable rebellions, more engaging, dynamic and complex internal politics and affairs (especially for late game, especially for huge Empires where regions are getting massive)? And I'd welcome any changes for the better.*
    The economic AI has been improved in Lem and and AI performance is something we're well aware of (I'm the QA assigned to keep an eye on the AI). We're currently looking at further improvements to the economic AI and we'll see how these turn out.
    Answered by
    Alfray Stryke (QA)

    Question by Money LLC CEOverlord!
    could we ever get multiple branch offices per planet or some kind of competitivity mechanic to allow gaining branches without war?
    No current plans, but it makes sense, so maybe.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård

    Question by Ketrai, filthy clerk unionist.!
    Any plans to tweak post apocalyptic? The new radiotropic trait seems like a match made in heaven. But there is no way to guarantee more tomb worlds. Maybe a terraforming option? It's dissapointing exterminators with armageddon bombarding and primitives with their own nuke folly are actually able to create more. But an origin built around tomb worlds isn't.
    Yes and no. There's a few narrative hurdles to overcome, considering that the post-apocalyptic origin is written to regret the apocalypse. But there are people within the team (cough cough Alfray Stryke (QA) ) who are championing the post-apocalyptic wreckers, who want their worlds to all be radioactive. I'd say there's a reasonable chance for it to be possible in the future, but I can't give an indication on when and in what form.
    Answered by

    Question by Nelosi!
    Was the balance to technocracy accounting for the discount provided by discovery's -20% to researcher upkeep? If so, I see the balance, and calculated (taking CG cost away for given society tech) a culture worker generates 1 unity for .533 CG, an entertainer does so for .5 CG, and with Discovery Technocracy, a researcher generates 1 unity per .8 CG. Was changing the unity alteration to technocracy explored? Or were the developers set on keeping it as similar as possible, while implementing an integer (1, 2 etc) change to keep the descriptions simple?
    Yes, it was considered. The point was not to nerf them in relation to culture workers or entertainers but to themselves and yes, keeping them similar in description and effect was very important as well. So, if you take anything from that, its that we are observing technocracy change carefully, but we are comparing it to its past performance more than to other civics combos. We are also open to future changes, if required.
    Answered by

    Question by jasonpepe!
    Any plans about adding religion system and internal policy affairs (for new DLC)? It seems that they can spicy-up depth for both playstyle and long-term gamplay, as well as silly AI behaviors so they can at least try to play as their roles.
    This is a difficult thing to work on as we don't want to force your story to be whatever we set up. Even if we were to create a religion system we could never account for every way you would want to set up your religion in your backstory.
    Answered by
    Iggy (Content Design)

    Question by Botak!
    do you have any plans to add new steam achievements in every or maybe after few free update ?
    We are definitely interested in adding more achievements and we hope to be able do so in our upcoming patches, but as of now there are no concrete plans.
    Answered by
    Monzun (Code Custodian)

    Question by HeaxBeast!
    primitive story pack WHEN?
    Not in the past, but maybe in the future
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård

    Question by DragonMaster95!
    Can you take a look into buffing civics like Barbaric dispoiler, because civics like this one are easily replaced by an ascension perk.
    We will continue looking into civics and origins with future updates, maybe not every patch but they will not be forgotten.
    Answered by

    Question by Onimorphus!
    Any plans to add more 'government types' to hive mind/machine empires, like a distinction between a 'single mind super organism' hive and a 'mutiple minds shared senses ' harmonious collective one?
    No current plans, but the concept has been discussed. The different between a swarm controlled by a hive mind and a collection of individuals gathered in a psychic choir, for example.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård

    Question by Zaxen!
    I haven't played Stellaris for almost 2 years now. I stopped playing due to the late-game lag. Has that issue been fixed?
    The main issue here is you not playing! More seriously, there were major performance improvements we put in 3.0.
    Answered by
    Alfray Stryke (QA)

    Question by Alex B!
    If I have a lot of generally unrelated suggestions, should I compile them all into a single post in the suggestion forum or should I make a lot of different posts?
    Separate Suggestion will make it easier concerning upvotes, to see which idea actually has how much support. Too many ideas in one thread just make it a lot harder to digest.
    Answered by

    Question by Lukaso!
    Are You going to add more star systems near Sol like Tau Ceti or Epsilon Eridani that will spawn similarly like Alpha Centauri?
    I would love to make more scientifically accurate systems, however we are probably not adding any more systems to the sol initializer. If you have any suggestions for the existing systems feel free to post them here with sources! https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/forums/stellaris-suggestions.943/
    Answered by
    Iggy (Content Design)

    Question by Regunes!
    did you make new models for undead tyanki/voidspawn
    Sadly no, however those are not the only leviathans you can reanimate. [​IMG]
    Answered by
    Iggy (Content Design)

    Question by Warmaster Iconoclast!
    will we meet the Hunters, natural predators of the Prethoryn, at some point in the future?
    I don't think so. If the hunters are to come, we will most likely be long dead at the hand of the Prethoryn.
    Answered by
    Duplo (Tech Lead)

    Question by Positivity!
    Rogue Servitor Lost Colony origin. Coin flip whether the original empire are machines, confused that you found pets, or organics, concerned that they're pets.
    What are coins?
    Answered by
    Alfray Stryke (QA)

    Question by Money LLC CEOverlord!
    Would there ever be a look into distancing traits like Lithoid from the species groups? Dwarves should be able to eat rock, for the Worm's sake!
    As far as I am aware, no such plans I'm afraid
    Answered by

    Question by Helicopter200!
    Will in future be added more types of planets and species packs that will have more alien-ish look?
    Planets: not so likely, but never say never. Aliens: likely
    Answered by

    Question by UMAR!
    with the introduction of radiotropic, will we finally get the ability to terraform planets into tomb-worlds? All one would need is an anti-matter-reactor and a wrench... no expensive terraforming equipment required...
    As Caligula mentioned, this is something I've championed internally. We'll see if they let me off the QA leash.
    Answered by
    Alfray Stryke (QA)

    Question by Tamwin5!
    Do you know if there are any plans for the suggestion section of the forums? Improvements, more attention, etc.
    Yes, please see DD 217
    Answered by
    Iggy (Content Design)

    Question by AiLystAP!
    Any planned update to Shroud interactions? Interactions with new (Pleasure Seekers) and old civics?
    The Shroud is mysterious and is there is probably an infinite amount of content that we could add to it. So. hopefully [​IMG]
    Answered by
    Iggy (Content Design)

    Question by PAO | CrimsonBlade2!
    Can you make spiritualists more balanced against materialists by at least giving them +1 edict cap per level, so normal ones have +1 and fanatics +2 ?
    Can you fix factions and made it so that at least authoritarians or xenophobes can purge pops with the ethics you suppress, or at least gene-mod them with nervestapling if they are bioascended?
    Since relics are important, if you eliminate an empire by taking it last inhabited planet/habitat/ringworld can you instantly get all its relics so they don't get lost in the ether forever?
    The balance between materialists and spiritualists is a commonly reoccurring topic. We've never managed to quite nail what spiritualist gameplay should be, but Unity and maintaining a cohesive civilization are concepts that would make sense for spiritualists.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård

    Question by gumbych!
    will there be an opportunity to for a "machine cult" type of civic/origin?
    No current plans, but who knows what a future DLC could contain?
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård

    Question by Luke5Arman!
    Are there any plans to up the number of ascension perks from say, 8 to 10, or maybe have 2 separate dedicated slots for the ascension types? I know there's supposed to be tension about choosing perks, but there are times where I feel like I absolutely can't make a decision to try a cool early/mid option, since the slots have to be saved for the hither tier folks.
    I think we would rather make the less powerful APs more interesting and competitive.
    Answered by
    Iggy (Content Design)

    Question by ArmoredHero11!
    What are your plans to include more diplomacy features into the game like acting as mediator between two allies that can’t stand each other as well as repairing damage done to your federation by espionage attacks to pit one federation member against another?
    It's a cool idea, but there are no current plans to speak of.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård

    Question by Liggi!
    What’s your favourite idea that’s totally out of scope for Stellaris, but you’d personally love to see in a Stellaris II?
    When a land invasion starts I would love to launch a special version of another of our GSG with a custom map and play the actual invasion.
    Answered by
    Duplo (Tech Lead)

    Question by FlamingNoodle!
    why is game balance a priority
    Variety is the spice of life.
    Answered by
    Iggy (Content Design)

    Question by Darth!
    1. if we cannot increase the limit of 5 ancient clone vats, how do we get rid of or sidestep the limitation?
    2. have you considered increasing the number of ascension perk slots
    3. what happens if an empire with the gaia seeders civic get a planet with a non-fully upgraded seeder (not yet a gaia world) orbitally bombarded into a tomb world? is the building destroyed, can a new building be built?*
    1) Spoilers, find out in play 2) We would rather all all ascension perks are competitions. 3) The building should be destroyed, you'll need to fix the ecosystem again.
    Answered by
    Alfray Stryke (QA)

    Question by MathyM!
    Is the slave market getting any changes? It’s never a good option to sell pops for the little credits that you get. Could the prices be boosted dynamically? Perhaps an auction system?
    No current plans, but we have discussed a simple bidding system in the past. We'll see if that gets revived in the future or not.
    Answered by
    Daniel Moregård
  12. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    Stellaris Dev Diary #225 - 3.1.2 "Lem" Patch Update
    Ciao Comunità di Stellaris!

    Questa settimana parleremo meno del futuro sviluppo del gioco e più di quello che abbiamo fatto con il lavoro del team dei Guardiani. Questo vuol dire che forniremo anticipazioni sulla prossima patch 3.1.2. Settimana prossima dovremmo tornare alla normale programmazione dei DD, ma questa settimana proseguiremo la conversazione della settimana scorsa.

    Prima di tutto, grazie a tutti quelli che hanno fornito un bug report. I bug report sono molto utili per noi e vogliamo ringraziare la Comunità per aver dedicato il tempo a riferire i problemi della patch Lem. Voglio fornire un po' di contesto a voi tutti.

    Il giorno del rilascio abbiamo avuto un picco di ~18k giocatori su Steam. Se ciascuno ha giocato per 1 ora, queste sono 18 000 ore di gioco. Supponendo 40 ore lavorative a settimana, questo equivale a 450 settimane di lavoro. Questa non è una scusa, ma solo per spiegare che la nostra comunità gioca di più in una singola ora dopo il rilascio che quanto possiamo fare noi nel tempo intercorso tra Nemesis e oggi.

    Detto questo, abbiamo preparato una patch per la 3.1.1 “Lem”! Il team dei Guardiani ha speso la scorsa settimana a risolvere problemi segnalati dalla Comunità e speriamo di riuscire a rilasciare questa patch per la metà di settimana prossima (se non ci sono ulteriori problemi).
    ######################### VERSION 3.1.2 ###########################

    # Performance and Stability

    * Fixed a crash where releasing a vassal as a Clone Army could cause an invalid species.

    # Bugfixes

    * Fixed the Clone Army origin tooltip not having a matching ship upkeep reduction with their admirals. Also changed the bonus to scale in a cleaner way, the upkeep is now 5/10/20% based on the Army's decisions.
    * The Genetic Crossroads special project will now abort if a species completes Synthetic Evolution before finishing it.
    * Fixed habitability of planets that clone armies have abandoned through lack of clone vats being locked at 0% for them.
    * Ancient Clone Vats can now only assemble Clone Soldier pops.
    * Going into a food deficit when using the Catalytic Processing civic will now give a -50% production penalty to alloy production. This penalty is in line with the penalty non-catalytic empires suffer from a mineral deficit
    * Fixed players being able to move their Science Ship to blow up systems using the “Elder One” event.
    * Fixed exploit where AI acceptance from Eminent Diplomats tradition also applied to trade deals.

    # Known Issues

    * The penalty to alloy production from a food deficit in catalytic empires is not shown in the deficit tooltip.
    * Mastercraft Inc. Civic does not change Artisans into Artificers on an Ecumenopolis.
    * Some inconsistencies in the number of jobs exchanged by Foundry Station designation for empires with the Catalytic processing civic.
    * It’s possible for the Nivlac species to be created without the Radiotrophic trait in certain instances.
    * Party Aftermath event can create crossbreed species between caravaneers and an infertile clone pop.
    * Shattered Ring World can turn into a planet due to takeover or devastation.
    * Mechanical pops with a Decadent Lifestyle have no pop upkeep.
    * Awakened Empires don't use traditions properly.
    * Machine empires can spawn with the necrophage origin.

    Per quelli di voi che stanno aspettano che i Mod si aggiornino, stiamo mantenendo una lista di mod aggiornati per la patch 3.1.*, che potete trovare qui.

    Settimana prossima parleremo delle operazioni del team dei Guardiani.

    Il Team di Stellaris

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