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[JA2] Rocket Rifle

Discussione in 'Jagged Alliance' iniziata da GyJeX, 6 Gennaio 2007.

  1. GyJeX


    6 Dicembre 2005
    santu sezzidu in dommo
    Ho notato che ci stanno anche nella 1.13 (e addirittura sparano raffiche devastanti di 5 colpi!!!), qualcuno che ha finito JA2 vanilla si ricorda la procedura per aggirare la protezione delle armi (quella che riconosce le impronte digitali) e renderle utilizzabili anche a persone diverse ? Io ricordo che Gumpy c'entrava qualcosa ma la procedura mi sfugge... Son passati ormai tanti anni...
  2. BadBlackBear


    17 Febbraio 2006
    ·[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]2.4 – ROCKET RIFLES

    Q: Where to find Rocket Rifles?

    A: After you take over Alma, you will find a general in one of the buildings, when you speak to him, speak being "direct", he will mention that there are weapons being made in Orta, which is north of Meduna. Once you take this area, move into the building, there will be a Bloodcat researcher, bribe him (took $20,000 to do it for me) and he will lead you to the basement. The basement is almost as well fortified as the outside of the building, after you clear it, you will find a scientist in back. Threaten him until he starts walking, follow him to a room, it will be full of crates, which contained, the first time I played, 6 rocket rifles and several packs of minirockets (HE, AP, and a few HEAP), and the second time found 8, all with no fingerprint ID.

    Q: I found a Rocket Rifle on a dead enemy elite, and the user ID was programmed to his fingerprint only. I need to know if I can reprogram the user ID so I can fire it.
    A: There is a guy in the southwest part of Grumm, called Fredo (looks and talks like a transvestite) that has an electronic shop that can erase the fingerprint ID from the Rocket Rifle. Only way to get rid of them. Just take it to him and he should have it fixed in a day. Also, don’t take anything from his shop. I did that and the only thing he did from then on was calling me an asshole.
    NOTE: Before taking it into combat give it to the person who you want to use it have him fire a shot, it won't shoot but it will get his fingerprint, then your all set.

    Sempre dalla mia soluzione che ho sottomano, poi cmq dovrebbe centrare qualcosa con l'abilità eletronics
  3. GyJeX


    6 Dicembre 2005
    santu sezzidu in dommo
    Grazie Max, ho trovato il rocket rifle in mano al "cattivo" che ha centrato Shadow al braccio a Chitzena :( Tony lo compra a un ottimo prezzo comunque :D

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