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Patch 1.28 "Spain" e Immersion Pack "Golden Century"

Discussione in 'Europa Universalis 4' iniziata da ^_AC_^, 9 Ottobre 2018.

  1. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    Da notare che con questa patch sono aumentati i requisiti minimi di sistema:

    Minimum requirements

    4GB RAM (up from 2GB)
    6GB hard drive space (up from 2GB)

    Recommended requirements
    8GB RAM (up from 2GB)
    6GB hard drive space (up from 2GB)

    Se non si rispettano questi requisiti, si consiglia di non comprare Golden Century e di mantenere il gioco alla versione 1.27.2

    Fonte: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/foru...hecksum-f937-not-for-problem-reports.1136646/
  2. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
  3. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    EU4 - Development Diary - 18th of December 2018
    Questo è l'ultimo Dev Diary di EU4 per il 2018. Oggi si rifletterà sui DLC usciti quest'anno (Rule Britannia, Dharma e Golden Century), si parlerà di come viene usato il feedback e i suggerimenti sul forum e per finire su parlerà dei piani per il 2019.
    L'anno è iniziato bene con il rilascio di Rule Britannia a Marzo. Si tratta del secondo Immersion Pack e questo conferma la volontà della Paradox di continuare a sviluppare Immersion Pack per EU4. In precedenza Third Rome, il primo Immersion Pack, ha avuto una ricezione tiepida e vendite non entusiasmanti. Con Rule Britannia si è voluto creare un DLC più piccolo e con un ambito limitato, in questo caso focalizzato sulla Gran Bretagna, con meno modifiche al codice e maggiori aggiunte in termini di Script e Arte. Per questo motivo sono stati introdotti gli Alberi delle Missioni e il DLC fu accompagnato da modelli di unità e musica, oltre a nuove caratteristiche di gioco, per un prezzo pari a metà di quello di un'espansione normale.

    Rule Britannia superò tutte le aspettative, raggiungendo un nuovo record di vendite per EU4 e ottenendo recensioni favorevoli. Questo ha reso chiaro che c'era spazio per questo tipo di DLC, anche se c'erano alcune critiche relative alla mancanza di profondità del DLC. Quindi si è deciso di creare sia grandi espansioni che piccoli Immersion Pack, preparando quindi il rilascio di Dharma.

    Dharma fu rilasciato a Settembre ed era la tipica espansione da €20 con nuove caratteristiche e un focus sull'India. Conteneva inoltre un inusuale quantità di rifacimento di vecchie caratteristiche e la nuova (per EU4) decisione di prendere vecchio contenuto e renderlo gratuito. Le Estate infatti, in precedenza parte del DLC Cossack, diventarono parte integrante di EU4, con la promessa non verbale di continuare a sostenere e sviluppare questa caratteristica.

    Rule Britannia raggiunse nuovi record per EU4, ma Dharma li raggiunse e superò in breve, vendendo molte copie, nonostante pessime recesioni (35% su Steam in questo momento, anche questo un record, seppur negativo).
    La verità è che le recensioni si misurano in grammi e le vendite si misurano in chili (N.d.Traduttore: non son bene come rendere questa analogia). Se si è costretti a scegliere tra buone recensioni con poche vendite e pessime recensioni con molte vendite, si sceglie la seconda. É inutile giraci intorno, la verità è questa.

    Tuttavia c'è un grosso "Ma". Infatti non è vero che non si tiene in considerazione il feedback e le recensioni. Ogni recensione viene letta, sia positiva che negativa, anche con l'uso di Google Translate se necessario. Questa azioni viene programmata, per capire cosa è piaciuto ai giocatori. In questo caso c'è stata una grande quantità di feedback, in particolare critiche alla patch (e non a Dharma), sopratutto per quanto riguarda le modifiche riguardanti Corruzione da Territori e Conversione Religiosa. In questo caso sono state fatte delle modifiche alla Conversione Religiosa per la successiva patch 1.27 Polonia, per programmare poi un maggior cambiamento al costo di conversione per la patch 1.28. Ci sono ancora critiche a riguardo, ma questo è in linea con la visione del gioco della Paradox. Le critiche non sono senza merito, ma per il momento non dovrebbero esserci ulteriori modifiche a questa meccanica.

    Dopo Dharma ci fu la patch 1.27 Poland e il grande evento del grande Partita LAN in un castello polacco. Si è trattata di una bellissima esperienza, ma invece di scendere nel dettaglio, meglio lasciare la parola ad altri:




    Dopo quella patch venne Golden Century, un altro Immersion Pack, il terzo dopo Rule Britannia e Third Rome. É stato rilasciato solo 7 giorni fa, quindi troppo poco per poter trarre conclusioni certe, ma si proverà comunque a fare delle valutazioni a riguardo.

    Non giriamoci intorno, c'è stata molta insoddisfazione nella comunità per Golden Century. In particolare si è parlato della mancanza di focus su Spagna e Portogallo, la richiesta di meccaniche più complesse per la colonizzazione, la sensazione generale che il DLC fosse leggero in termine di contenuti, i suggerimenti della comunità ignorati.

    Ok, lo ammettiamo, ci sono stati errori nelle priorità di Golden Century. Prima di tutto è stato annunciato molto tardi e con poca chiarezza sui contenuti. Quindi le aspettative erano errate e il feedback, per quanto buono e interessante, è arrivato troppo tardi nel ciclo di sviluppo per essere implementato.

    Questo non è tutto, alcuni hanno detto che volevano un rifacimento più complesso di certe meccaniche o modifiche più grandi al gioco. Su questo però bisogna essere chiari: gli Immersion Pack sono pensati per focalizzarsi su una regione e non per portare grandi modifiche al gameplay. Non troverete mai un Revisione dei Governi o un Impero di Cina + Tributari in un Immersion Pack. Quello che troverete sono nuova musica, nuovi modelli di unità, Eventi Storici Dinamici, nuove caratteristiche per le nazioni su cui è focalizzato il DLC, cambiamenti alla mappa e altre piccole modifiche. Se cercate in un Immersion Pack le modifiche tipiche di un'espansione, sarete sempre delusi nelle vostre aspettative. Detto questo, Golden Century non ha raggiunto il livello di qualità abituale, quindi è necessario fare meglio in futuro.

    Questo non vuol dire che feedback e suggerimenti saranno ignorati, ma di questo si parlerà di più in basso

    Con soli 7 giorni di vita però, Golden Century finora ha recensioni pessime ma sta vendendo bene, quindi si continuerà a rilasciare Immersion Pack, ma si dovrà migliorare lo sviluppo e la comunicazione.

    Ora però gli uffici chiuderanno per le ferie natalizie e questo chiude l'anno per EU4, ma il 2018 è stato un grande anno per il team di EU4. Il Team ha visto membri andare e venire, ma lo spirito è alto e si vuole continuare a portare nuovi contenuti al gioco.

    Parliamo ora di Feedback e Suggerimenti.
    C'è un subforum apposito per i suggerimenti, con molte discussioni interessanti. Buona parte del tempo degli sviluppatori è spesa valutando questi suggerimenti, anche se spesso non si risponde alle discussioni. In passato è stato chiesto "Cosa si vuole perché un suggerimento venga implementato?" ma rispondere non è facile. Vediamo qualche esempio e parliamo di best practice.

    Questo è un esempio di suggerimento così buono che è stato implementato quasi interamente. Un post ben scritto e strutturato, che illustrata tutte le modifiche necessarie, con tanto di layout delle province, dei beni commerciali, del posizionamento delle città e altre informazioni utili.

    Questa è un'altra proposta ben strutturata, con molte idee che non verranno implementate, ma con molti suggerimenti validi che vedranno la luce nel gioco.

    Ovviamente queste sono discussioni e proposte molto grandi, ma ci sono anche suggerimenti più piccoli che vengono implementati, come nella discussione su possibili nuovi achievement.

    Spesso i piccoli suggerimenti su come migliorare il gameplay, ad esempio sugli eventi, sono molto utili. É importante identificare quale problema viene risolto e quali miglioramenti comporta, anche perché indicare il problema o il miglioramento è a volte più importante dell'implementazione tecnica, che può cambiare.

    Ecco un recente esempio di come dovrebbero essere i suggerimenti, in particolare sugli eventi:
    Event name:
    Clergy condemns philosopher as heretic
    Event ID (if known):
    Perceived Issue:
    Event essentially unchanged from EU3. Unavoidable stability hit is overly punishing and doesn't necessarily fit the flavour.
    Suggested Improvement:
    Remove stabhit, make penalties better/harsher for each opposed choice
    Ora un particolare commento su cui ci si è soffermati ultimamente è (parafrasando): "Mi sembra di non riuscire a offrire suggerimenti in un tempo valido dato che non so su cosa sta lavorando il team di EU4 finché non sono quasi vicini al rilascio". Per rimediare è giunto il momento di parlare del futuro di EU4. In passato si è esitato a pubblicare una roadmap pubblica dei piani e delle ambizioni di EU4, ma si è deciso di cambiare.

    Per iniziare, il 2019 sarà un anno ben diverso per lo sviluppo di EU4. Infatti lo sviluppo di nuove caratteristiche ed espansioni inizierà a rallentare, almeno per la prima parte dell'anno. Ci si concentrerà su due argomenti: il Debito Tecnologico e la Qualità della Vita.

    Il Debito Tecnologico copre tante cose che si accumulano nello sviluppo di un gioco. Ad esempio bug che si accumulano (il timer della tregua non corrisponde al tooltip? debito tecnologico), performance (nuove caratteristiche e cambiamenti alla mappa rallentano il gioco? debito tecnologico), sistemi ingombranti che rallentano lo sviluppo? Debito tecnologico. In generale per ogni rilascio si cerca di affrontare questo problema, ma negli ultimi 5 anni si è accumulato più di quanto è stato smaltito. Per questo è giunto il momento di affrontare questi problemi.

    La Qualità della Vita si riferisce a problemi di usabilità che ti fanno fermare e guardare male il gioco. Ad esempio quando il tooltip del denaro compre il checkmark verde nella schermata della pace. Si farà presto una lista dei problemi più pressanti e verranno affrontati.

    Iniziamo dai suggerimenti sulle Compagnie Commerciali

    E poi affrontiamo i suggerimenti relativi alle culture dei Balcani

    Questo lavoro su debito tecnologico e qualità della vita si manifesterà in una espansione che verrà rilasciata a fine 2019. Sarà un'espansione massiva focalizzata sull'Europa, con un ambito che spazierà dai Bretoni a Costantinopoli. Non scendiamo nei dettagli ora, prima vogliamo verificare la nostra lista dei desideri interna. Non possiamo garantire che tutto verrà affrontato in questa espansione, ma voglio ottenere tanto.

    • i mercenari infiniti e immortali vanno affrontati
    • il sistema HRE, in gran parte uguale a EU3, deve evolvere
    • la meccanica delle Estates sarà estesa
    • il Cattolicesimo e il Papa devono essere una forza importante, invece che un'altro colore di Cristianità e una piccola nazione
    • sviluppare meglio gli Alberi delle Missioni per tanti paesi
    • rendere il manpower e l'attrito più significativi
    • aumentare le opzioni di personalizzazione delle nazioni
    • migliorare la mappa dell'Europa, in particolare nei Balcani, in Italia, Francia e Germania
    Ci sarà anche altro, ma questa è un'idea generale di cosa riserverà il 2019. Debito Tecnologico, Qualità della Vita e grande espansione sull'Europa. Ci saranno anche piccole patch con soluzione di bug e forse un po' di contenuto, oltre a nuove sorprese, ma il 2019 sarà rivolto in gran parte verso questo grande rilascio di fine anno.

    Quindi sicuramente feedback e suggerimenti verranno presi in considerazione. Anzi, i suggerimenti su qualità della vita e la segnalazione di vecchi bug sono incoraggiati e si farà del proprio meglio per implementarli.

    Questo vuole dire che, soprattutto nei primi mesi del 2019, i DD saranno molto più scarni, magari con la semplice descrizione di uno specifico fix o di una semplice modifica, prima di iniziare ad aggiungere sostanza per l'espansione a tema Europeo. Ci saranno anche altre sorprese ma verranno discusse il prossimo anno.

    E questo è l'ultimo, e probabilmente il più lungo, Dev Diary di EU4 di quest'anno. Speriamo che sia servito a gettare luce su processi prima nebulosi e prima di partire per la mia madrepatria, la Scozia, cercherò di rispondere alle vostre domande per il resto della giornata.

    All'anno prossimo!
    • Like Like x 2
  4. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    EU4 - Development Diary - 15th of January 2019
    Come detto in precedenza, il 2019 vedrà una grossa espansione incentrata sull'Europa, con focus su risoluzione di bug e miglioramenti alla qualità della vita. Prima di tutto però verra rilasciata una patch 1.28.3.

    Per ora non c'è ancora molto di cui parlare, per cui in questo DD si commenterà alcune richieste della comunità relative a problemi di bug e QoL. Si tratta solo di opinioni al momento, quindi nessuna promessa.

    Mothballed Armies
    In breve no: renderebbe troppo facile aggirare il costo di manutenzione di grosse armate, fornendo un vantaggio ulteriore alle nazioni più grandi.
    Ci sono approcci migliori, come aumentare il costo di manutenzione per armate lontano dalla capitale. Si vedrà.

    Mod tweaks in the Launcher
    Fornire più informazioni e flessibilità ai mod nel launcher è interessante e sarà esplorato.

    Diplomatic Macro Builder
    Ci sono vari suggerimenti, tra cui migliorare i bersagli, ad esempio rimuovere nazioni che si intende distruggere a breve o membri dell'HRE. Forse una lista personalizzabile dagli utenti potrebbe essere una soluzione.

    Provide options for subjects colonising regions, to stop them from colonising provinces you want to colonise.
    Impedire a nazioni coloniali di colonizzare al di fuori dei confini delle nazioni coloniali. Buona idea.

    Nelle prossime settimane si parlerà di alcune idee per il DLC Europa-centrico e ci potrebbe essere anche una piccola sorpresa.
  5. ronnybonny

    ronnybonny Moderator Membro dello Staff

    6 Febbraio 2009
    Padova e Udine
    Speriamo in un DLC incentrato sulla Penisola italiana, siamo gli unici rimasti fuori in Europa
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. R3wu0


    6 Febbraio 2011
    Come nella vita vera...ah no aspetta...

    Ok battute a parte, speriamo veramente in un DLC incentrato sulla penisola che merita veramente parecchie modifiche sia alla mappa che alle meccaniche. Per non parlare dell'albero delle missioni
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    Beh, da quanto si è capito, il prossimo DLC sarà incentrato sull'Europa e sarà probabilmente il corrispettivo di Holy Fury di CK2, se avete presente. Quel DLC ha introdotto anche la patch 3.0, quindi tante modifiche per tutti.
    Mi aspetto quindi che sia DLC che patch siano abbastanza corposi. Secondo la mia opinione, basata in questo momento solo sulle mie aspettative :D, è che sicuramente un po' di attenzione verrà dedicata all'Italia, che ne ha bisogno.
    Se mantengono le promesse, dovrebbero annunciare parte dei contenuti con maggiore anticipo rispetto al passato, quindi dovrebbe essere possibile fornire un feedback che possa avere qualche effetto sul prodotto finale. Quantomeno questa è la speranza.
  8. kaiser85


    29 Marzo 2007
    Bah, l'unica vera miglioria che dovrebbero apportare è introdurre ulteriori miglioramenti per stoppare i blobboni russi e ottomani, senza ritegno, più rivolte nei balcani e in ungheria per gli ottomani e coalizioni più efficienti contro chiunque blobbi all'impazzata.
  9. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    EU4 - Development Diary - 22nd of January 2019
    Prima di tutto la patch 1.28.3, che risolverà problemi mediamente seri come Trade Company Stuttering e Save File, non arriverà a breve perché si vuole renderla più corposa. Non ci saranno nuovi contenuti, solo molte soluzioni di bug e problemi. Ad esempio:
    • aggiornato Albero delle Missioni Britannico per le modifiche alla mappa dell'India
    • nomi dei leader e delle navi del Texas più corretti storicamente
    • eventi relativi agli Streltsy non cercheranno più di modificare il progresso Streltsy se non c'è più la relativa riforma di governo russa
    • Risolto problemi IA che rifiutavan Matrimoni Reali a causa del numero troppo elevato di relazioni diplomatiche anche con nazioni con cui era già alleata
    • Missione del DLC Golden Century "Claim Hispaniola" per la Spagna corretta
    • Missione del DLC Golden Century "Found Havana" per la Spagna migliorata
    • Ryukyu non più tributario dei Ming dopo il 1609.
    Si pensa che settimana prossima arriveranno le patchnote e quella dopo il rilascio, quindi tra un paio di settimane. Ma può facilmente cambiare.

    E ora nuova revisione di alcuni Suggerimenti della community
    Balkan Suggestions
    Si rivela che il DLC Europea avrà in particolare focus su Francia, Paesi Bassi, Germania, Italia e Balcani. Questo non vuol dire solo modifiche alla mappa ma anche altri tipi di contenuto.

    1440p/2160p support
    Non è facile, forse non arriverà quest'anno, ma è un obiettivo per il futuro.

    Christmas Trees
    Gli Alberi di Natale sono una piccola idea, ma carina.

    plz also change the swiss idea of -15% merc upkeep to increased condottieri. as switzerland was not hiring mercs for themselves but hired swiss soldiers to others
    Probabile che qualcosa si farà dato che la Svizzera è nella regione focus del DLC e che si vuole cambiare un po' l'attuale funzionamento di Mercenari e Manpower.

    Dopo il rilascio della 1.28.3 si inizierà a lavorare al DLC Europeo, ma all'inizio di sarà poco da dire, quindi i DD dovrebbero diventare più sporadici.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    EU4 - Development Diary - 29th of January 2019
    Mentre si continua il lavoro sulla 1.28.3, il cui rilascio è previsto per settimana prossima, oggi vediamo il relativo changelog quasi definitivo.
    ######################### #########################

    # Gamebalance
    # Governments
    - Germany can keep the Prussian Monarchy reform if the country that formed it already had the reform
    - Mughals are now in the Indian tech group.
    - Updated the province requirement for the decision to Form Spanish Nation Diplomatically to reflect map changes in the Spain update.
    - Hindustan and Bharat can no longer be formed by end game tags (e.g. Ottomans).

    # War & Peace
    - Old World AI will refuse to join as ally in a colonial war that escalates through refused enforce peace from overlord
    - Colonial parents now become war leaders when called in by their subjects
    - Countries will not be able to negotiate peace while they have a pending enforce peace demand for the same war
    - Countries with good (100+) relations will be excluded from coastal raiding

    # Other
    - Religious Zeal from converting to Protestant/Reformed now gives you 33% cheaper missionary maintenance cost.
    - Texas' leader names and ship names have been made more Texan.

    # AI
    # Other
    - Pirates will be more likely to pick Naval & Maritime ideas now

    # Interface
    # Tooltips
    - Typos in the generic mission tree tooltips have been corrected.
    - show guarantees when describing co-belligerent allies
    - Fixed typos in expel minority tooltips

    # Other
    - Lemurians in the "Lemuria" RNW scenario use the Indian graphical culture.
    - Missionary cost tooltip in religious screen now shows effect from maintenance slider.
    - improved the tooltip and progress of several achievements
    - Fixed mission names exceeding their bounds in German

    # Usermodding
    # Effects
    - Removed 'change_government_via_reform' as 'change_government' will now always refund reform progress

    # Triggers
    - Removed 'owns_all_islands' trigger, replaced by the more generic 'owns_all_provinces'

    # Other
    - Localization files may now be placed in subfolders under game/localisation

    # Script
    # Decisions
    - Becoming a Pirate Republic via decision now only reduces stability by 2 (down from 5). Starting Republican Tradition is now 70 (up from 50).
    - Scoping error in the "Stop Foreign Slave Trade" decision corrected.
    - The 'Form Romanian Nation' no longer moves the capital, as the 'Found Bucharest' mission does the same thing now.

    # Events
    - "A Path to the Sea" event is no longer is able to reduce a province's manpower to 0.
    - "Expansion of Madrasah" event no longer applies effects to provinces in the targeted area owned by other countries.
    - "The Peacock Throne" event has been rephrased, and the choice to move the capital to Delhi is only available if the capital isn't already Delhi.
    - 'The Third Rome' event now renames the capital city, Constantinople/Konstantiyye, to 'Tsargrad'.
    - Added 3 new historical pirates for election event (Grace O'Malley, Piet Heyn, and François l'Olonnais)
    - Hunting Accident event for hordes no longer reduces stability. Now reduces prestige by 10.
    - Hunting Accident event for hordes now checks for low horde unity or low legitimacy rather than only low legitimacy
    - Option A in the "Theological Debate" event now applies unrest to one state for ten years.
    - Portuguese event "Vasco Da Gama in India" no longer lets Goa be seized from a player realm, and only grants a claim instead.
    - Removed dlc fallback for Granada mission Qalat Al-Hamra. Now always requires 20 development and a temple in province.
    - Removed version of Tribal Feud event that kills heir. Deemed overly punishing.
    - The Prussian Confederation Revolts event will no longer fire while TEU is at war.
    - The Prussian Confederation Revolts event will now only release Danzig in its existing cores or in unoccupied burgher-assigned provinces
    - Version of Migrating Tribes event that reduced stability now adds devastation to a target province and reduces opinion of a hostile nation. Also improved text and renamed event.
    - Version of Migrating Tribes event that rewarded yearly manpower now adds base manpower to a targeted province with less than 3 base manpower. Also improved text and renamed event.
    - Version of Tribal Feud event that does not kill heir now either reduces Horde Unity by 10 with Cossacks dlc, else reduces stability by 1.
    - War, What is it Good For event for hordes now increases Prestige by 10, up from 2. Also checks for either 99 horde unity or legitimacy.
    - "Renaissance Prince" event will now only target provinces in Europe which have at least 1% Renaissance progress.
    - "Riches of China" now has added flavour versions for if the target has recently lost the Mandate of Heaven and if you now have the Mandate.
    - Peasant rebels now rise up for one of the choices in the "The Governor of [X]" Third Rome DLC event.
    - The option to reduce corruption in "The Spread of Confucian Ideals" will now give -1.5 corruption rather than +1 stability.

    # Missions
    - Adjusted dlc fallbacks for Valencian Silk and Dominate Genoa missions for Aragon. For Dharma owners, they will require a level 3 CoT OR 30 development. Else the requirement is simply 30 development.
    - Consolidate Russia mission changed to require owning key provinces in the region rather than the entire Russia region
    - Develop Ruthenia mission now simply requires 10 owned provinces in the Ruthenia region to have 10 development
    - Investing in Eastern Poland is now simpler
    - Lithuanian mission Restore Kiev now always requires 20 development in Kiev. Removed dlc fallback conditions.
    - Pirate mission A New Madagascar now simply requires 20 development in the capital
    - Portugal's "Vasco da Gama in India" event fires immediately upon completing the "Push to India" mission
    - Reduced development requirement for Restore Qurtuba mission to 15 from 25
    - Removed dlc fallback conditions for Russian Minor mission Restore Ruthenia. Now always requires developing provinces.
    - The English/British 'Colonize Spice Islands' mission now requires the completion of the 'Discover India' mission.
    - Tondainadu province is highlighted in Vijayanagar's "South Indian Trade" mission if it fails to meet any one of the conditions needed to complete the mission.
    - Typos in the Mughal mission tree have been corrected.
    - Corrected typo in the 'Merchant of Gujarat' mission text.
    - Gujarati Mission "Growth of Ahmadabad" will now also give a claim on Jhalavad.
    - Portuguese mission "Conquer Hormuz" will now give a permanent (rather than non-permanent) claim on the Muscat area

    # Modifiers
    - Rajput Dominance and Maratha Dominance modifiers have extra percentage symbols removed.

    # Setup
    - Moved the Macaronesia area to the Maghreb region

    # Other
    - Added dynamic Castilian names for eastern Caribbean islands
    - Missions: Removed Holy Order requirement from Spanish Havana and Hispaniola missions
    - The Lost Cultures group is now used in the "Atlantean Remnants" RNW scenario.

    # Bugfixes
    - Banners are now both a government mechanics and a modifier
    - Both the Legatus Natus and Primas Germaniae titles will be lost if the Papacy is no longer active
    - Dhimmies cannot be assigned to provinces with ongoing minority expulsion
    - Ensured that Legatus Natus and Primas Germaniae events check the opinion of the Papal State to the (potential) title holder rather than vice versa
    - Fixed AI using the non-Dharma decision to stop being pirates
    - Fixed an error in ai rationale when deciding what to do about "Prayer Book Rebellions"
    - Fixed the "Sultanate of [Root.GetName]" (west_african.1) being available for Hordes despite requiring legitimacy.
    - Fixed the player having to manually complete a few missions when starting from a bookmark as England and GB
    - Fixed triggers for Rotten Boroughs event so it will now happen more reliably.
    - Fixed wrong text for Steppe Horde legacy government
    - Interface will now show the correct force limit modifier when building a shipyard in provinces with the burghers estate
    - Manufactory name will make a comeback in the goods produced tooltip
    - Removed references to Macaronesia region being in Iberia in script
    - Restored Res Public trigger in republican event
    - Right-clicking on a missionary entry in the outliner will open the confirmation dialog to cancel the religion conversion
    - The title of Legatus Natus can now be reassigned if the holder is annexed.
    - The title of Primas Germaniae can now be reassigned if a country loses it via becoming ineligible or being annexed.
    - You can't force a ruler from your dynasty if the subject has States General reform.
    - Aborting the construction of a flagship will give back the full amount of sailors
    - flagship diamond does not disappear anymore while reorganizing a fleet
    - flagship_events.2 is properly firing even when the capturing fleet does not have an admiral.
    - "A Royal Influence" will not convert provinces with the Religious Zeal modifier
    - "Death of a Bishop" no longer fires for the Mamluks if they do not own Alexandria
    - "Declaration of American Independence" event triggers changed, so it only fires if USA actually broke away from Great Britain
    - "Half the Loyalty, Double the Agent" event more likely to fire
    - "Prophesying and Sermons" event checks for reformation centers.
    - "Rajput Scion Seeks New Territory" will not assign a Rajput estate to a province with only a territorial core.
    - "The Call of the Hunt" will no longer prompt you to change the province's trade good to furs if its trade good is already furs.
    - "The Dalai Lama takes control" will now make the government a theocratic government even if you have Mughals activated.
    - 'A Modest Proposal' event will only fire for countries that don't already have a royal marriage with the target.
    - (Golden Century) Competitive Advantage mission now awards a permanent claim on Tangiers
    - A country will no longer be repeatedly prompted as to whether it wants to support the Huguenots
    - AI will no longer try to establish holy orders it doesn't have access to
    - Added Ruio Grande region to North America superregion
    - Added a colonial region to cover bigger tiles
    - Added custom tooltip for Merino Wool event to clarify its effects
    - Added error logs when there are not enough colonial regions to assign to RNW regions
    - Added legacy decision to change government away from pirates without Dharma
    - Added missing 'the' to Bahmani mission description
    - Added missing country shield to some Portuguese missions
    - Added normal/historical to Portugal's "Flee to Brazil" decision
    - Ambrosian Republic event will no longer fire if Milan is in a war involving the Claim Throne or Restoration of Union CB's
    - Andalusian missions now award required claims on Sicily area
    - Antemoro and Busoga no longer start in an interregnum
    - Aragon missions now give claims on entire Vasconia area
    - Assured that the province modifier is correctly removed in the event "Chellappa Marginalized"
    - Bahmani mission Brahmin Administrators now only requires estate condition for present estates
    - Bonuses granted to lottery election candidates have been made explicit
    - Can no longer adopt the title of Caliph or adopt Wahabism with non-Sunni rulers
    - Carnatic now has a capital
    - Castilian Civil War can't end before it begins
    - Castile and Spain now have cores in Iberia's new provinces for Tutorial chapters 8, 9 and 10.
    - Catholic nations who have discovered Ming will get a +50 relations boost with it if the Ming pick the first option in 'The Arrival of the Jesuits' event.
    - Certain Swedish flavor events concerning the monarchy will only fire if Sweden has a monarchy.
    - Changing government through events will now properly refund parts of enacted government reforms
    - Corrected capital provinces for Teotitlan and Tonala
    - Corrected country referred to as owning a conquistador in two El Dorado events.
    - Corrected some cases where the correct description was not shown in Dutch Republic events
    - Corrected tooltip in the 'Declare Statute in Restraint of Appeals' decision
    - Corrected typos in Italian realms' ruler histories
    - Corruption needed to trigger certain events reduced.
    - Countries with no penalty from religious intolerance (USA, Hungary...) will no longer see a potential unity gain from conversion in the religious tab
    - Custom tsardom decision now unavailable with Dharma dlc
    - Disabled High American Missions for Pirate Republics (this cause overlap issues between the mission trees)
    - Do not add the regnal numbers in the heir name field
    - Dominate Rival Jurchens mission now gives claims on entire Manchuria area
    - Endgame tags can no longer form Louisiana
    - Ensured that "An Accidental Compliment" cannot happen between two parties of a Personal Union, so that a monarch doesn't accidentally send himself a crate of cheese.
    - Ensured that "Reconciling Differences" event only happens between countries with different governments
    - Ensured that Kanem Bornu flavour events surrounding the two branches of the Sayfawa dynasty can happen.
    - Ensured that losing to pretender rebels as a tribal kingdom will not abolish tribalism via reform to despotic monarchy.
    - Ensured that the privateer in "Invalid Letter of Marque" will always belong to a country, as the text of the event states.
    - Ensured that the ship spawned in pirate event "Defecting Privateer" is always spawned at a port (fixing a CTD if you selected the fleet)
    - Ensured that the triggered modifier Golden Age of Piracy will correctly go away after 50 years
    - Ensured that when selecting the parliamentary issue Guarantee Religious Minority, it will specify the province that will get the modifier properly.
    - Estates breaking away through disasters will now have the proper amount of ideas
    - Events that Strengthened Monarchists in Power by 2000% now only change it by 100%
    - Excluded a number of events which accidentally became available for the Papacy post-Mughals from triggering for the Papacy. This fixes such gems as the Pope throwing an illegal Jubilee and reacting to his own action, and him forcefully reminding the people who is the Pope of the Papal State!
    - Extra percentage signs removed from Indian estate loyalty modifiers
    - First choice in the Hajj event gives 2.5 republican tradition to Muslim republics.
    - Fixed "Cannon Fodder" event firing without an appropriate subject nation to be its target in some circumstances.
    - Fixed AI choice weights in the "Increasingly Powerful Monastery" Buddhist event.
    - Fixed AI refusing Royal Marriage because of too many diplomatic relations, despite already having Alliance.
    - Fixed Chacoan culture have no female names
    - Fixed Many Jobs of a Soldier event overtriggering
    - Fixed OOS caused by trade nodes not being reset completely after RNW init/load
    - Fixed Proliferation of Firearms incident. Now possible to get the isolationist outcome. Incident variable begins at 1, with the outcome events firing at 0-2, 3-4, and 5-6 respectively.
    - Fixed Shogunate capital issues in later start dates
    - Fixed Sindh being called "Sind" in startup screen text
    - Fixed a bug which made the event "Stenka Razin's Cossack Uprising" never happen.
    - Fixed a case of overzealous Dutch monarchy, where van Oranje would be reinstated even when the Netherlands remained a republic
    - Fixed a fringe case in "A Helping Hand" where consorts could help their family members from beyond the grave.
    - Fixed a large number of syntax errors in localisations that were causing blanks to show (kudos to Dayshine for the list of them)
    - Fixed a misleading tooltip in the "Oromo Migration" event
    - Fixed a mismatch between option texts and option effects when choosing a Shiite Islamic School.
    - Fixed a number of issues that caused the titles Primas Germaniae and Legatus Natus to not be unassigned or reassigned correctly in some circumstances.
    - Fixed a typo in Vijaynagar's South Indian Trade mission.
    - Fixed a typo in army professionalism event "Infiltration of (country)"
    - Fixed assimilation bonuses for the Mughals when assimilating Southeast Asians.
    - Fixed both Sennar's and Gezira's capitals being called Sennar (Gezira's is now Wad Madani).
    - Fixed culture of advisor generated by Mian Mir event
    - Fixed custom nation monarch OOS after loading nation from save
    - Fixed divorces offending the wrong country or no country when done by non-Catholic countries
    - Fixed endgame navy ranking ordinal indicators
    - Fixed event "Company interference in local conflicts" so that only local conflicts are interfered in.
    - Fixed expel minorities achievement only being attainable in single session
    - Fixed four Spanish Missions so that they move the colonial subject's capital rather than resetting Castille/Spain's to the default value (Toledo/Madrid).
    - Fixed government form peace treaty not setting legacy reform without Dharma
    - Fixed lack of space between effects in Delhi event
    - Fixed many obscure legacy country/province/ruler_flags that were referred to but never set (shoutout to Dayshine!)
    - Fixed missing % in influence tooltips for Administrative Cadre reforms
    - Fixed missing name/desc for "The Education of Daughters" custom idea. The idea is now available in the nation designer again.
    - Fixed number of buildings for mission not being updated correctly
    - Fixed saves with lots of different expelled minorities crashing
    - Fixed scope in coal availability event.
    - Fixed scope issue in "Papal State" revival event.
    - Fixed several cases where events would affect government reforms after a country was done with reforms.
    - Fixed several localisation issues in the event "Intrigues in <capital>".
    - Fixed text of "Cossack Aggression" for countries without Burghers and Nobles e.g. the Golden Horde.
    - Fixed that forming the Incan Empire did not turn Tribal governments into Empires.
    - Fixed that in some cases "Meet the Inlaws" could have the consort coming from a territory.
    - Fixed the "Proliferation of Firearms" incident's open and isolationist outcomes being switched.
    - Fixed the "Royal Heretic" event checking the consort's origin's religion rather than their own, leading to false accusations of heresy being possible.
    - Fixed the localisations of colonising event "Religious Influences" to always refer to the colonising country's missionaries. Fixed some circumstances when it can happen when expelling minorities. Enabled it for the New World.
    - Fixed the reallocation of the province's estates when selecting the option "Out of the question" in "Growing Influence of the Urban Elites"
    - Fixed the removal of province modifiers at the conclusion of the War of the Roses.
    - Fixed the trigger conditions of the "Monastery Founded" Tengri event
    - Fixed tooltip for Vijayanagari mission Zanzibari Trade
    - Fixed trigger for Ming's "Spread of Christianity" event.
    - Fixed trigger in option for "Blackade" event.
    - Fixed typo in Citrus Statute policy
    - Fixed typo in Kandy adjective
    - Fixed typo in Xoconochco's province name.
    - Fixed typo in expiring uncontested claims text
    - Fixed typos in Primas Germaniae events
    - Fixed typos in Taungu missions
    - Fixed uncapped liberty desire absolutism exploit
    - Fixed various typos found in 1.28 content
    - Fixed wrong province id in Five Thones Sikh mission
    - Fixed wrong scope for revolutionary event
    - Forming Russia will now always correctly set the country as a Tsardom
    - Free city AI will no longer take Administrative Divisions government reform
    - Grandmasters can no longer be Legatus Natus or Primas Germaniae (this is reserved for Archbishops)
    - Guadiana river estuary modifier changed to Guadalquivir
    - Gujarat missions now give additional claims, and have some requirements reduced.
    - Gujarati Mission "Gujarati Diaspora" will now no longer highlight the entirety of Africa when prompted. Beautiful as it was to behold, East Africa is quite enough for all but the most dedicated megalomaniacs.
    - High American tech group cannot be chosen for custom nations outside of Oceania, the Americas and Random New World
    - Highlighted estate interactions in tooltip for Indian government reforms
    - Holy Orders tooltip will display establish one time effects only if the player country have access to them
    - House of Hanover monarchs in Britain are culturally Hanoverian, and rulers in several other countries now also have correctly-assigned cultures.
    - Hungarian event "Cum Deo Pro Patria et Libertate" will no longer lead to independence wars where Hungary cannot be forced back into a Personal Union.
    - Iberian Wedding will not fire if the future lesser member of the union is currently a war leader.
    - Improved description for Trade Kontor Network policy.
    - Improved tooltips for Spanish missions
    - Improved tooltips in some Spanish and Portuguese missions
    - In "Heathens in High Places", you will now always be able to fire your heathen advisor (previously you couldn't if it was an admin advisor)
    - In "Times of Need", you can no longer send a country manpower if you have none.
    - In Japanese event "Dominates Tea Trade", "No" now really does mean "No" (the event will not fire again one month later).
    - In the event "Stolen (trade goods)", paying the province off with 0.2% local autonomy has been corrected to 20%
    - Inquisitors generated by the Recruit Inquisitor estate interaction will now always be of your own religion
    - Iron spawns in Random New World provinces.
    - Japanese lords can cede Nagasaki to Portugal in response to Portugal completing the relevant mission.
    - Joining the Community of the Faithful event will no longer fire for countries that have a Muslim religious school, preventing event from firing when switching between different sects.
    - Kiche and Xiu's capitals align with what the startup screen says they are
    - Knights and Berbers will now get another bonus from their ideas when playing without Mare Nostrum and Golden Century
    - Localisation added for several missing entries.
    - Lugo now has winter
    - Made bold fighter and craven ruler personalities mutually incompatible.
    - Magdalena province is moved to the Panama trade node
    - Making separate peace with a tributary overlord will no longer remove ex-tributaries from the war
    - Mamluks can now generate heirs if Cradle of Civilization is not enabled.
    - Marrakesh now uses Moroccan unit models
    - Marrakesh's starting heir dies in AD 1472 rather than 5000 BC
    - Mescalero is now correctly shown as the primary tag of the Mescalero culture.
    - Minority expulsion will now consider cultural unions as properly accepted cultures
    - Monastic Orders no longer have the decision available to elevate their Bishopric to an Archbishopric as they are locked at level 1 government.
    - Moroccan Ties and Rout the pretenders missions now only auto-completed for MOR forming ADU
    - Nagpur, Marathas, and Bharat will now use more interesting elephant models when the Hindu unit pack is enabled
    - New Madrassah and Orthodox Cathedral events will no longer be able to target the same province repeatedly
    - Parliamentary Bribe "Support Populists" (-5 reform progress) will no longer be selected once you have maxed out your country's government reform potential.
    - Pate can now see Zanzibar
    - Pate's ruling dynasty changed to match up precisely with Oman's.
    - Pirate nations can now spawn from countries with high war exhaustion if they meet the other criteria for pirate spawns.
    - Player will now see the Holy Order tab only if they can establish one or there is already one in place
    - Polish provincial cities patched to proper place names
    - Portuguese mission "Onward to Cathay" and following missions have been moved up one row in the mission interface.
    - Pretender rebels no longer increase statist influence by 2000% on enforcing demands
    - Provinces are appropriately highlighted for Portugal's 'Trade with Japan' mission.
    - Provinces in the Lake Champlain area only belong to the Gulf of St. Lawrence trade node and not also the Ohio trade node
    - Prussian Confederation event now requires that TEU or DNZ own and control Danzig
    - Reducing trade investment in "Unhappiness Among the Merchants" will displease rather than please the Burghers.
    - Removed "2194 - Qilian Mountain" from province history, as it was a duplicate that shared ID with another prov
    - Removed duplicate Chichen Itza modifier from Chinckinchel province
    - Removed duplicate claims awarded by Brandenburg/Prussian missions
    - Removed redundant event option in vaisyas_estate_events.8
    - Removed redundant stabhits from breaking to Coptic and Shinto rebels
    - Removed references to deprecated (geographic) areas.
    - Removed three provinces from the Malacca trade node that were already in the Coromandel node
    - Renamed "Romagnan" culture to "Romagnol". Changed the adjectives for Kazakh, Navarra and Trebizont to "Kazakh", "Navarrese" and "Trapezuntine" respectively.
    - Resettling peasants in the event "Settling the <province> Steppe" will now cause the province's culture to change correctly
    - Restored slot 3 Timurid missions disabled by Dharma
    - Revolutionary Rebels will change monarchies to republics without the Dharma DLC
    - Revolutionary Republics have their own government name again
    - Rise of a Despot event will no longer fire for pirates, and will convert Rev Republics into Rev Empires
    - Royalist victory in the English Civil War replaces the English Monarchy government reform with autocracy.
    - Russian mission 'The Amur Acquisition' no longer changes Vladivostok's name to Vladivostok
    - Ryukyu's tributary status with Ming ends in 1609.
    - Show the actual cost of the flagship in macro builder and province view, applying all the modifiers
    - Spain's "Found Havana" mission can also be completed by building a counting house
    - Spain's Golden Century mission "Claim Hispaniola" now shows the correct number of provinces needed to complete the mission.
    - Streltsy events will no longer attempt to change Streltsy Progress if you have Streltsy units but no longer use the Russian government reforms.
    - Sumba province moved to the Lesser Sunda Islands area
    - Supply range will be properly calculated on savegame load and hotjoins
    - Tairona and Miskito will now use Tupi unit models
    - The "Conquest of Chichen Itza" province modifier only triggers if the Mayan faith has been reformed
    - The "Heretical Advisor" event now checks that the advisor in question is actually a heretic.
    - The "Rise of the Marathas" mission no longer tries to fire a Dharma-locked event if the player does not have Dharma enabled
    - The "Sought-After Bachelor" modifier is removed in all cases when the monarch marries and when the monarch dies
    - The 'Embrace Sikhism' decision automatically grants the 'Strength of the Khalsa' reform, if level 2 government reforms have been unlocked
    - The Anglican event "Parliamentary Debate on Doctrine" will only fire if the country has a parliament
    - The Aragon-Navarra succession event can now happen even if Navarra is Aragon's vassal.
    - The Brahmins will no longer be upset if you pick a talented theologian or local preacher as your heir when playing as a Theocracy.
    - The Defecting Privateer event will now only target countries actually engaging in privateering.
    - The French Revolution will end if another country becomes the revolutionary target before France can become it
    - The Prussian Confederation Revolts event no longer requires TEU to directly own Danzig (removed 'owns_core_province = 43 # danzig')
    - The Secularists Among Us event will no longer assign a tier 1 monarchy reform if Dharma is enabled
    - The Siddi State of Habsan event will no longer create a war with no war score icon
    - The Sikh Rebels' unique rebel flag is restored.
    - The Spanish Nation decisions will not falsely tell an Aragonese player with Golden Century on that their missions will change after forming Spain.
    - The capital of Tlapacoyan is now also Tlapacoyan
    - The compromise option to please both in "Bourgeoisie Request Privileges" will now please rather than displease the Burghers.
    - The description of Age of Discovery objective "Control Centers of Trade" now specifies that you need level 2 or 3 centers of trade to achieve it.
    - The event "Bible Printed" can no longer happen in provinces that are non-Christian, outside of Europe (e.g. colonies) or have not started embracing Printing Press.
    - The event "Growth of Regimental Towns" can no longer repeat in the same province
    - The event "Non-Brahmin Religious Movements" options' effects are now displayed in succint custom tooltips
    - The event "The Evangelical Mission" will no longer target trade company provinces (which cannot be converted)
    - The event chain "Education of a (Prince)" will now be interrupted should said Prince die.
    - The icons for the American Republic and Federal Republic have switched
    - The nobility estate is not present in a country if the player does not have Dharma and the country has a parliament.
    - The nobility estate will not appear in countries with either the American Republic or Federal Republic reforms.
    - The pirate leaders Black Caesar, Michel de Grammont and François l'Olonnais will now show up with their correct cultures (Yoruba, Cosmopolitan French and Cosmopolitan French) when spawned.
    - The province modifier "Home of Consort" will now be removed correctly if your ruler/consort dies/is divorced.
    - The ruler culture event "The Court of (Ruler)" can no longer recur for the same ruler.
    - Tooltip added to "Become Horde" government reform for Tribals, stating the modifier bonuses the Steppe Nomads reform provides
    - Trade Company Investment alert should not make the game stutter anymore
    - Tributary event "Rewarding Loyalty" will now target a tributary rather than a random subject.
    - Trigger for "Commercial Conflict in the Indian Ocean" event fixed
    - Trinidad now firmly in South America rather than being on two continents at once
    - Updated British missions for India map changes
    - Updated Mare Nostrum achievement province requirements
    - Updated highlighting for Russian Partition Poland mission
    - Various events which are not appropriate for colonies will no longer happen for colonies.
    - Venetian mission Monopolize Adriatic Trade now requires trade share rather than strongest trade power
    - You can no longer be asked whether you wish to support France during her religious wars when at war with France.
    - You can no longer bribe parliamentary seats for free using "Allow Use of Crown Lands" as the Celestial Empire.
    - Yusuf V Nasrid (from the Granadan Succession Crisis) will now show as Yusuf V Nasrid, not Yusuf I of V Dynasty. Similarly, Dimitri (from the Time of Troubles disaster) will no longer show as Dimitri I of I Dynasty.
    - Zaporozhie has a core on Ekaterinoslav from historical starts 1555 to 1775
    - Zaporozhie is now a cossack republic in all historical starts where present, and can get the cossack reform in-game if it's a republic without it already.
    - add_manpower effect will now properly work with small quantities
    - attrition reduction for fleet instead of exploration range when El Dorado DLC is disabled
    - has_holy_order_trigger now correctly includes Muslim holy orders. This fixes several issues with missions and achievements when playing as a Muslim nation.
    - in random nations setup nation-specific modifications are disabled
    - is_city line added to several inhabited provinces in Africa and the Philippines
    - nations with their capital in colonial regions will no longer be able to expel minorities from to old world to the new
    - natives will no longer be bothered by naval doctrine alerts
    - raiding will now properly check relations with target country instead of its tributary overlord
    - tributaries will no longer be immune to coalitions and also properly call the defender of faith when attacked
    - when something prevents the flag cache to be rebuilt, keep the new version in memory and try the next start
    - Generates idea sets for converted countries again
    - Fixed wrong calculation on increase over year on missionary maintenance
    - Advanced pirate governments will now have the proper skull icon for their faction when playing without Dharma

    Inoltre viene annunciato nuovamente che per una settimana Mandate of Heaven sarà disponibile come trial (vedi https://www.netwargamingitalia.net/...nsione-eu4-giocabile-per-una-settimana.31038/).

  11. kaiser85


    29 Marzo 2007
    Con la 28.3 sarà possibile continuare la partita in corso che si ha con la 28.2 vero?
  12. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    • Useful Useful x 1
  13. ^_AC_^

    ^_AC_^ Moderator Membro dello Staff

    20 Dicembre 2006
    EU4 - Development Diary - 5th of February 2019
    Lunedì è stata rilasciata la patch 1.28.3, che contiene centinaia di fix a problemi anche vecchi di mesi se non anni!

    ######################### #########################

    # Gamebalance
    # Governments
    - Germany can keep the Prussian Monarchy reform if the country that formed it already had the reform
    - Mughals are now in the Indian tech group.
    - Updated the province requirement for the decision to Form Spanish Nation Diplomatically to reflect map changes in the Spain update.
    - Hindustan and Bharat can no longer be formed by end game tags (e.g. Ottomans).

    # War & Peace
    - Old World AI will refuse to join as ally in a colonial war that escalates through refused enforce peace from overlord
    - Colonial parents now become war leaders when called in by their subjects
    - Countries will not be able to negotiate peace while they have a pending enforce peace demand for the same war
    - Countries with good (100+) relations will be excluded from coastal raiding

    # Other
    - Religious Zeal from converting to Protestant/Reformed now gives you 33% cheaper missionary maintenance cost.
    - Texas' leader names and ship names have been made more Texan.

    # AI
    # Other
    - Pirates will be more likely to pick Naval & Maritime ideas now

    # Interface
    # Tooltips
    - Typos in the generic mission tree tooltips have been corrected.
    - show guarantees when describing co-belligerent allies
    - Fixed typos in expel minority tooltips

    # Other
    - Lemurians in the "Lemuria" RNW scenario use the Indian graphical culture.
    - Missionary cost tooltip in religious screen now shows effect from maintenance slider.
    - improved the tooltip and progress of several achievements
    - Fixed mission names exceeding their bounds in German

    # Usermodding
    # Effects
    - Removed 'change_government_via_reform' as 'change_government' will now always refund reform progress

    # Triggers
    - Removed 'owns_all_islands' trigger, replaced by the more generic 'owns_all_provinces'

    # Other
    - Localization files may now be placed in subfolders under game/localisation

    # Script
    # Decisions
    - Becoming a Pirate Republic via decision now only reduces stability by 2 (down from 5). Starting Republican Tradition is now 70 (up from 50).
    - Scoping error in the "Stop Foreign Slave Trade" decision corrected.
    - The 'Form Romanian Nation' no longer moves the capital, as the 'Found Bucharest' mission does the same thing now.

    # Events
    - "A Path to the Sea" event is no longer is able to reduce a province's manpower to 0.
    - "Expansion of Madrasah" event no longer applies effects to provinces in the targeted area owned by other countries.
    - "The Peacock Throne" event has been rephrased, and the choice to move the capital to Delhi is only available if the capital isn't already Delhi.
    - 'The Third Rome' event now renames the capital city, Constantinople/Konstantiyye, to 'Tsargrad'.
    - Added 3 new historical pirates for election event (Grace O'Malley, Piet Heyn, and François l'Olonnais)
    - Hunting Accident event for hordes no longer reduces stability. Now reduces prestige by 10.
    - Hunting Accident event for hordes now checks for low horde unity or low legitimacy rather than only low legitimacy
    - Option A in the "Theological Debate" event now applies unrest to one state for ten years.
    - Portuguese event "Vasco Da Gama in India" no longer lets Goa be seized from a player realm, and only grants a claim instead.
    - Removed dlc fallback for Granada mission Qalat Al-Hamra. Now always requires 20 development and a temple in province.
    - Removed version of Tribal Feud event that kills heir. Deemed overly punishing.
    - The Prussian Confederation Revolts event will no longer fire while TEU is at war.
    - The Prussian Confederation Revolts event will now only release Danzig in its existing cores or in unoccupied burgher-assigned provinces
    - Version of Migrating Tribes event that reduced stability now adds devastation to a target province and reduces opinion of a hostile nation. Also improved text and renamed event.
    - Version of Migrating Tribes event that rewarded yearly manpower now adds base manpower to a targeted province with less than 3 base manpower. Also improved text and renamed event.
    - Version of Tribal Feud event that does not kill heir now either reduces Horde Unity by 10 with Cossacks dlc, else reduces stability by 1.
    - War, What is it Good For event for hordes now increases Prestige by 10, up from 2. Also checks for either 99 horde unity or legitimacy.
    - "Renaissance Prince" event will now only target provinces in Europe which have at least 1% Renaissance progress.
    - "Riches of China" now has added flavour versions for if the target has recently lost the Mandate of Heaven and if you now have the Mandate.
    - Peasant rebels now rise up for one of the choices in the "The Governor of [X]" Third Rome DLC event.
    - The option to reduce corruption in "The Spread of Confucian Ideals" will now give -1.5 corruption rather than +1 stability.

    # Missions
    - Adjusted dlc fallbacks for Valencian Silk and Dominate Genoa missions for Aragon. For Dharma owners, they will require a level 3 CoT OR 30 development. Else the requirement is simply 30 development.
    - Consolidate Russia mission changed to require owning key provinces in the region rather than the entire Russia region
    - Develop Ruthenia mission now simply requires 10 owned provinces in the Ruthenia region to have 10 development
    - Investing in Eastern Poland is now simpler
    - Lithuanian mission Restore Kiev now always requires 20 development in Kiev. Removed dlc fallback conditions.
    - Pirate mission A New Madagascar now simply requires 20 development in the capital
    - Portugal's "Vasco da Gama in India" event fires immediately upon completing the "Push to India" mission
    - Reduced development requirement for Restore Qurtuba mission to 15 from 25
    - Removed dlc fallback conditions for Russian Minor mission Restore Ruthenia. Now always requires developing provinces.
    - The English/British 'Colonize Spice Islands' mission now requires the completion of the 'Discover India' mission.
    - Tondainadu province is highlighted in Vijayanagar's "South Indian Trade" mission if it fails to meet any one of the conditions needed to complete the mission.
    - Typos in the Mughal mission tree have been corrected.
    - Corrected typo in the 'Merchant of Gujarat' mission text.
    - Gujarati Mission "Growth of Ahmadabad" will now also give a claim on Jhalavad.
    - Portuguese mission "Conquer Hormuz" will now give a permanent (rather than non-permanent) claim on the Muscat area

    # Modifiers
    - Rajput Dominance and Maratha Dominance modifiers have extra percentage symbols removed.

    # Setup
    - Moved the Macaronesia area to the Maghreb region

    # Other
    - Added dynamic Castilian names for eastern Caribbean islands
    - Missions: Removed Holy Order requirement from Spanish Havana and Hispaniola missions
    - The Lost Cultures group is now used in the "Atlantean Remnants" RNW scenario.

    # Bugfixes
    - Banners are now both a government mechanics and a modifier
    - Both the Legatus Natus and Primas Germaniae titles will be lost if the Papacy is no longer active
    - Dhimmies cannot be assigned to provinces with ongoing minority expulsion
    - Ensured that Legatus Natus and Primas Germaniae events check the opinion of the Papal State to the (potential) title holder rather than vice versa
    - Fixed AI using the non-Dharma decision to stop being pirates
    - Fixed an error in ai rationale when deciding what to do about "Prayer Book Rebellions"
    - Fixed the "Sultanate of [Root.GetName]" (west_african.1) being available for Hordes despite requiring legitimacy.
    - Fixed the player having to manually complete a few missions when starting from a bookmark as England and GB
    - Fixed triggers for Rotten Boroughs event so it will now happen more reliably.
    - Fixed wrong text for Steppe Horde legacy government
    - Interface will now show the correct force limit modifier when building a shipyard in provinces with the burghers estate
    - Manufactory name will make a comeback in the goods produced tooltip
    - Removed references to Macaronesia region being in Iberia in script
    - Restored Res Public trigger in republican event
    - Right-clicking on a missionary entry in the outliner will open the confirmation dialog to cancel the religion conversion
    - The title of Legatus Natus can now be reassigned if the holder is annexed.
    - The title of Primas Germaniae can now be reassigned if a country loses it via becoming ineligible or being annexed.
    - You can't force a ruler from your dynasty if the subject has States General reform.
    - Aborting the construction of a flagship will give back the full amount of sailors
    - flagship diamond does not disappear anymore while reorganizing a fleet
    - flagship_events.2 is properly firing even when the capturing fleet does not have an admiral.
    - "A Royal Influence" will not convert provinces with the Religious Zeal modifier
    - "Death of a Bishop" no longer fires for the Mamluks if they do not own Alexandria
    - "Declaration of American Independence" event triggers changed, so it only fires if USA actually broke away from Great Britain
    - "Half the Loyalty, Double the Agent" event more likely to fire
    - "Prophesying and Sermons" event checks for reformation centers.
    - "Rajput Scion Seeks New Territory" will not assign a Rajput estate to a province with only a territorial core.
    - "The Call of the Hunt" will no longer prompt you to change the province's trade good to furs if its trade good is already furs.
    - "The Dalai Lama takes control" will now make the government a theocratic government even if you have Mughals activated.
    - 'A Modest Proposal' event will only fire for countries that don't already have a royal marriage with the target.
    - (Golden Century) Competitive Advantage mission now awards a permanent claim on Tangiers
    - A country will no longer be repeatedly prompted as to whether it wants to support the Huguenots
    - AI will no longer try to establish holy orders it doesn't have access to
    - Added Ruio Grande region to North America superregion
    - Added a colonial region to cover bigger tiles
    - Added custom tooltip for Merino Wool event to clarify its effects
    - Added error logs when there are not enough colonial regions to assign to RNW regions
    - Added legacy decision to change government away from pirates without Dharma
    - Added missing 'the' to Bahmani mission description
    - Added missing country shield to some Portuguese missions
    - Added normal/historical to Portugal's "Flee to Brazil" decision
    - Ambrosian Republic event will no longer fire if Milan is in a war involving the Claim Throne or Restoration of Union CB's
    - Andalusian missions now award required claims on Sicily area
    - Antemoro and Busoga no longer start in an interregnum
    - Aragon missions now give claims on entire Vasconia area
    - Assured that the province modifier is correctly removed in the event "Chellappa Marginalized"
    - Bahmani mission Brahmin Administrators now only requires estate condition for present estates
    - Bonuses granted to lottery election candidates have been made explicit
    - Can no longer adopt the title of Caliph or adopt Wahabism with non-Sunni rulers
    - Carnatic now has a capital
    - Castilian Civil War can't end before it begins
    - Castile and Spain now have cores in Iberia's new provinces for Tutorial chapters 8, 9 and 10.
    - Catholic nations who have discovered Ming will get a +50 relations boost with it if the Ming pick the first option in 'The Arrival of the Jesuits' event.
    - Certain Swedish flavor events concerning the monarchy will only fire if Sweden has a monarchy.
    - Changing government through events will now properly refund parts of enacted government reforms
    - Corrected capital provinces for Teotitlan and Tonala
    - Corrected country referred to as owning a conquistador in two El Dorado events.
    - Corrected some cases where the correct description was not shown in Dutch Republic events
    - Corrected tooltip in the 'Declare Statute in Restraint of Appeals' decision
    - Corrected typos in Italian realms' ruler histories
    - Corruption needed to trigger certain events reduced.
    - Countries with no penalty from religious intolerance (USA, Hungary...) will no longer see a potential unity gain from conversion in the religious tab
    - Custom tsardom decision now unavailable with Dharma dlc
    - Disabled High American Missions for Pirate Republics (this cause overlap issues between the mission trees)
    - Do not add the regnal numbers in the heir name field
    - Dominate Rival Jurchens mission now gives claims on entire Manchuria area
    - Endgame tags can no longer form Louisiana
    - Ensured that "An Accidental Compliment" cannot happen between two parties of a Personal Union, so that a monarch doesn't accidentally send himself a crate of cheese.
    - Ensured that "Reconciling Differences" event only happens between countries with different governments
    - Ensured that Kanem Bornu flavour events surrounding the two branches of the Sayfawa dynasty can happen.
    - Ensured that losing to pretender rebels as a tribal kingdom will not abolish tribalism via reform to despotic monarchy.
    - Ensured that the privateer in "Invalid Letter of Marque" will always belong to a country, as the text of the event states.
    - Ensured that the ship spawned in pirate event "Defecting Privateer" is always spawned at a port (fixing a CTD if you selected the fleet)
    - Ensured that the triggered modifier Golden Age of Piracy will correctly go away after 50 years
    - Ensured that when selecting the parliamentary issue Guarantee Religious Minority, it will specify the province that will get the modifier properly.
    - Estates breaking away through disasters will now have the proper amount of ideas
    - Events that Strengthened Monarchists in Power by 2000% now only change it by 100%
    - Excluded a number of events which accidentally became available for the Papacy post-Mughals from triggering for the Papacy. This fixes such gems as the Pope throwing an illegal Jubilee and reacting to his own action, and him forcefully reminding the people who is the Pope of the Papal State!
    - Extra percentage signs removed from Indian estate loyalty modifiers
    - First choice in the Hajj event gives 2.5 republican tradition to Muslim republics.
    - Fixed "Cannon Fodder" event firing without an appropriate subject nation to be its target in some circumstances.
    - Fixed AI choice weights in the "Increasingly Powerful Monastery" Buddhist event.
    - Fixed AI refusing Royal Marriage because of too many diplomatic relations, despite already having Alliance.
    - Fixed Chacoan culture have no female names
    - Fixed Many Jobs of a Soldier event overtriggering
    - Fixed OOS caused by trade nodes not being reset completely after RNW init/load
    - Fixed Proliferation of Firearms incident. Now possible to get the isolationist outcome. Incident variable begins at 1, with the outcome events firing at 0-2, 3-4, and 5-6 respectively.
    - Fixed Shogunate capital issues in later start dates
    - Fixed Sindh being called "Sind" in startup screen text
    - Fixed a bug which made the event "Stenka Razin's Cossack Uprising" never happen.
    - Fixed a case of overzealous Dutch monarchy, where van Oranje would be reinstated even when the Netherlands remained a republic
    - Fixed a fringe case in "A Helping Hand" where consorts could help their family members from beyond the grave.
    - Fixed a large number of syntax errors in localisations that were causing blanks to show (kudos to Dayshine for the list of them)
    - Fixed a misleading tooltip in the "Oromo Migration" event
    - Fixed a mismatch between option texts and option effects when choosing a Shiite Islamic School.
    - Fixed a number of issues that caused the titles Primas Germaniae and Legatus Natus to not be unassigned or reassigned correctly in some circumstances.
    - Fixed a typo in Vijaynagar's South Indian Trade mission.
    - Fixed a typo in army professionalism event "Infiltration of (country)"
    - Fixed assimilation bonuses for the Mughals when assimilating Southeast Asians.
    - Fixed both Sennar's and Gezira's capitals being called Sennar (Gezira's is now Wad Madani).
    - Fixed culture of advisor generated by Mian Mir event
    - Fixed custom nation monarch OOS after loading nation from save
    - Fixed divorces offending the wrong country or no country when done by non-Catholic countries
    - Fixed endgame navy ranking ordinal indicators
    - Fixed event "Company interference in local conflicts" so that only local conflicts are interfered in.
    - Fixed expel minorities achievement only being attainable in single session
    - Fixed four Spanish Missions so that they move the colonial subject's capital rather than resetting Castille/Spain's to the default value (Toledo/Madrid).
    - Fixed government form peace treaty not setting legacy reform without Dharma
    - Fixed lack of space between effects in Delhi event
    - Fixed many obscure legacy country/province/ruler_flags that were referred to but never set (shoutout to Dayshine!)
    - Fixed missing % in influence tooltips for Administrative Cadre reforms
    - Fixed missing name/desc for "The Education of Daughters" custom idea. The idea is now available in the nation designer again.
    - Fixed number of buildings for mission not being updated correctly
    - Fixed saves with lots of different expelled minorities crashing
    - Fixed scope in coal availability event.
    - Fixed scope issue in "Papal State" revival event.
    - Fixed several cases where events would affect government reforms after a country was done with reforms.
    - Fixed several localisation issues in the event "Intrigues in <capital>".
    - Fixed text of "Cossack Aggression" for countries without Burghers and Nobles e.g. the Golden Horde.
    - Fixed that forming the Incan Empire did not turn Tribal governments into Empires.
    - Fixed that in some cases "Meet the Inlaws" could have the consort coming from a territory.
    - Fixed the "Proliferation of Firearms" incident's open and isolationist outcomes being switched.
    - Fixed the "Royal Heretic" event checking the consort's origin's religion rather than their own, leading to false accusations of heresy being possible.
    - Fixed the localisations of colonising event "Religious Influences" to always refer to the colonising country's missionaries. Fixed some circumstances when it can happen when expelling minorities. Enabled it for the New World.
    - Fixed the reallocation of the province's estates when selecting the option "Out of the question" in "Growing Influence of the Urban Elites"
    - Fixed the removal of province modifiers at the conclusion of the War of the Roses.
    - Fixed the trigger conditions of the "Monastery Founded" Tengri event
    - Fixed tooltip for Vijayanagari mission Zanzibari Trade
    - Fixed trigger for Ming's "Spread of Christianity" event.
    - Fixed trigger in option for "Blackade" event.
    - Fixed typo in Citrus Statute policy
    - Fixed typo in Kandy adjective
    - Fixed typo in Xoconochco's province name.
    - Fixed typo in expiring uncontested claims text
    - Fixed typos in Primas Germaniae events
    - Fixed typos in Taungu missions
    - Fixed uncapped liberty desire absolutism exploit
    - Fixed various typos found in 1.28 content
    - Fixed wrong province id in Five Thones Sikh mission
    - Fixed wrong scope for revolutionary event
    - Forming Russia will now always correctly set the country as a Tsardom
    - Free city AI will no longer take Administrative Divisions government reform
    - Grandmasters can no longer be Legatus Natus or Primas Germaniae (this is reserved for Archbishops)
    - Guadiana river estuary modifier changed to Guadalquivir
    - Gujarat missions now give additional claims, and have some requirements reduced.
    - Gujarati Mission "Gujarati Diaspora" will now no longer highlight the entirety of Africa when prompted. Beautiful as it was to behold, East Africa is quite enough for all but the most dedicated megalomaniacs.
    - High American tech group cannot be chosen for custom nations outside of Oceania, the Americas and Random New World
    - Highlighted estate interactions in tooltip for Indian government reforms
    - Holy Orders tooltip will display establish one time effects only if the player country have access to them
    - House of Hanover monarchs in Britain are culturally Hanoverian, and rulers in several other countries now also have correctly-assigned cultures.
    - Hungarian event "Cum Deo Pro Patria et Libertate" will no longer lead to independence wars where Hungary cannot be forced back into a Personal Union.
    - Iberian Wedding will not fire if the future lesser member of the union is currently a war leader.
    - Improved description for Trade Kontor Network policy.
    - Improved tooltips for Spanish missions
    - Improved tooltips in some Spanish and Portuguese missions
    - In "Heathens in High Places", you will now always be able to fire your heathen advisor (previously you couldn't if it was an admin advisor)
    - In "Times of Need", you can no longer send a country manpower if you have none.
    - In Japanese event "Dominates Tea Trade", "No" now really does mean "No" (the event will not fire again one month later).
    - In the event "Stolen (trade goods)", paying the province off with 0.2% local autonomy has been corrected to 20%
    - Inquisitors generated by the Recruit Inquisitor estate interaction will now always be of your own religion
    - Iron spawns in Random New World provinces.
    - Japanese lords can cede Nagasaki to Portugal in response to Portugal completing the relevant mission.
    - Joining the Community of the Faithful event will no longer fire for countries that have a Muslim religious school, preventing event from firing when switching between different sects.
    - Kiche and Xiu's capitals align with what the startup screen says they are
    - Knights and Berbers will now get another bonus from their ideas when playing without Mare Nostrum and Golden Century
    - Localisation added for several missing entries.
    - Lugo now has winter
    - Made bold fighter and craven ruler personalities mutually incompatible.
    - Magdalena province is moved to the Panama trade node
    - Making separate peace with a tributary overlord will no longer remove ex-tributaries from the war
    - Mamluks can now generate heirs if Cradle of Civilization is not enabled.
    - Marrakesh now uses Moroccan unit models
    - Marrakesh's starting heir dies in AD 1472 rather than 5000 BC
    - Mescalero is now correctly shown as the primary tag of the Mescalero culture.
    - Minority expulsion will now consider cultural unions as properly accepted cultures
    - Monastic Orders no longer have the decision available to elevate their Bishopric to an Archbishopric as they are locked at level 1 government.
    - Moroccan Ties and Rout the pretenders missions now only auto-completed for MOR forming ADU
    - Nagpur, Marathas, and Bharat will now use more interesting elephant models when the Hindu unit pack is enabled
    - New Madrassah and Orthodox Cathedral events will no longer be able to target the same province repeatedly
    - Parliamentary Bribe "Support Populists" (-5 reform progress) will no longer be selected once you have maxed out your country's government reform potential.
    - Pate can now see Zanzibar
    - Pate's ruling dynasty changed to match up precisely with Oman's.
    - Pirate nations can now spawn from countries with high war exhaustion if they meet the other criteria for pirate spawns.
    - Player will now see the Holy Order tab only if they can establish one or there is already one in place
    - Polish provincial cities patched to proper place names
    - Portuguese mission "Onward to Cathay" and following missions have been moved up one row in the mission interface.
    - Pretender rebels no longer increase statist influence by 2000% on enforcing demands
    - Provinces are appropriately highlighted for Portugal's 'Trade with Japan' mission.
    - Provinces in the Lake Champlain area only belong to the Gulf of St. Lawrence trade node and not also the Ohio trade node
    - Prussian Confederation event now requires that TEU or DNZ own and control Danzig
    - Reducing trade investment in "Unhappiness Among the Merchants" will displease rather than please the Burghers.
    - Removed "2194 - Qilian Mountain" from province history, as it was a duplicate that shared ID with another prov
    - Removed duplicate Chichen Itza modifier from Chinckinchel province
    - Removed duplicate claims awarded by Brandenburg/Prussian missions
    - Removed redundant event option in vaisyas_estate_events.8
    - Removed redundant stabhits from breaking to Coptic and Shinto rebels
    - Removed references to deprecated (geographic) areas.
    - Removed three provinces from the Malacca trade node that were already in the Coromandel node
    - Renamed "Romagnan" culture to "Romagnol". Changed the adjectives for Kazakh, Navarra and Trebizont to "Kazakh", "Navarrese" and "Trapezuntine" respectively.
    - Resettling peasants in the event "Settling the <province> Steppe" will now cause the province's culture to change correctly
    - Restored slot 3 Timurid missions disabled by Dharma
    - Revolutionary Rebels will change monarchies to republics without the Dharma DLC
    - Revolutionary Republics have their own government name again
    - Rise of a Despot event will no longer fire for pirates, and will convert Rev Republics into Rev Empires
    - Royalist victory in the English Civil War replaces the English Monarchy government reform with autocracy.
    - Russian mission 'The Amur Acquisition' no longer changes Vladivostok's name to Vladivostok
    - Ryukyu's tributary status with Ming ends in 1609.
    - Show the actual cost of the flagship in macro builder and province view, applying all the modifiers
    - Spain's "Found Havana" mission can also be completed by building a counting house
    - Spain's Golden Century mission "Claim Hispaniola" now shows the correct number of provinces needed to complete the mission.
    - Streltsy events will no longer attempt to change Streltsy Progress if you have Streltsy units but no longer use the Russian government reforms.
    - Sumba province moved to the Lesser Sunda Islands area
    - Supply range will be properly calculated on savegame load and hotjoins
    - Tairona and Miskito will now use Tupi unit models
    - The "Conquest of Chichen Itza" province modifier only triggers if the Mayan faith has been reformed
    - The "Heretical Advisor" event now checks that the advisor in question is actually a heretic.
    - The "Rise of the Marathas" mission no longer tries to fire a Dharma-locked event if the player does not have Dharma enabled
    - The "Sought-After Bachelor" modifier is removed in all cases when the monarch marries and when the monarch dies
    - The 'Embrace Sikhism' decision automatically grants the 'Strength of the Khalsa' reform, if level 2 government reforms have been unlocked
    - The Anglican event "Parliamentary Debate on Doctrine" will only fire if the country has a parliament
    - The Aragon-Navarra succession event can now happen even if Navarra is Aragon's vassal.
    - The Brahmins will no longer be upset if you pick a talented theologian or local preacher as your heir when playing as a Theocracy.
    - The Defecting Privateer event will now only target countries actually engaging in privateering.
    - The French Revolution will end if another country becomes the revolutionary target before France can become it
    - The Prussian Confederation Revolts event no longer requires TEU to directly own Danzig (removed 'owns_core_province = 43 # danzig')
    - The Secularists Among Us event will no longer assign a tier 1 monarchy reform if Dharma is enabled
    - The Siddi State of Habsan event will no longer create a war with no war score icon
    - The Sikh Rebels' unique rebel flag is restored.
    - The Spanish Nation decisions will not falsely tell an Aragonese player with Golden Century on that their missions will change after forming Spain.
    - The capital of Tlapacoyan is now also Tlapacoyan
    - The compromise option to please both in "Bourgeoisie Request Privileges" will now please rather than displease the Burghers.
    - The description of Age of Discovery objective "Control Centers of Trade" now specifies that you need level 2 or 3 centers of trade to achieve it.
    - The event "Bible Printed" can no longer happen in provinces that are non-Christian, outside of Europe (e.g. colonies) or have not started embracing Printing Press.
    - The event "Growth of Regimental Towns" can no longer repeat in the same province
    - The event "Non-Brahmin Religious Movements" options' effects are now displayed in succint custom tooltips
    - The event "The Evangelical Mission" will no longer target trade company provinces (which cannot be converted)
    - The event chain "Education of a (Prince)" will now be interrupted should said Prince die.
    - The icons for the American Republic and Federal Republic have switched
    - The nobility estate is not present in a country if the player does not have Dharma and the country has a parliament.
    - The nobility estate will not appear in countries with either the American Republic or Federal Republic reforms.
    - The pirate leaders Black Caesar, Michel de Grammont and François l'Olonnais will now show up with their correct cultures (Yoruba, Cosmopolitan French and Cosmopolitan French) when spawned.
    - The province modifier "Home of Consort" will now be removed correctly if your ruler/consort dies/is divorced.
    - The ruler culture event "The Court of (Ruler)" can no longer recur for the same ruler.
    - Tooltip added to "Become Horde" government reform for Tribals, stating the modifier bonuses the Steppe Nomads reform provides
    - Trade Company Investment alert should not make the game stutter anymore
    - Tributary event "Rewarding Loyalty" will now target a tributary rather than a random subject.
    - Trigger for "Commercial Conflict in the Indian Ocean" event fixed
    - Trinidad now firmly in South America rather than being on two continents at once
    - Updated British missions for India map changes
    - Updated Mare Nostrum achievement province requirements
    - Updated highlighting for Russian Partition Poland mission
    - Various events which are not appropriate for colonies will no longer happen for colonies.
    - Venetian mission Monopolize Adriatic Trade now requires trade share rather than strongest trade power
    - You can no longer be asked whether you wish to support France during her religious wars when at war with France.
    - You can no longer bribe parliamentary seats for free using "Allow Use of Crown Lands" as the Celestial Empire.
    - Yusuf V Nasrid (from the Granadan Succession Crisis) will now show as Yusuf V Nasrid, not Yusuf I of V Dynasty. Similarly, Dimitri (from the Time of Troubles disaster) will no longer show as Dimitri I of I Dynasty.
    - Zaporozhie has a core on Ekaterinoslav from historical starts 1555 to 1775
    - Zaporozhie is now a cossack republic in all historical starts where present, and can get the cossack reform in-game if it's a republic without it already.
    - add_manpower effect will now properly work with small quantities
    - attrition reduction for fleet instead of exploration range when El Dorado DLC is disabled
    - has_holy_order_trigger now correctly includes Muslim holy orders. This fixes several issues with missions and achievements when playing as a Muslim nation.
    - in random nations setup nation-specific modifications are disabled
    - is_city line added to several inhabited provinces in Africa and the Philippines
    - nations with their capital in colonial regions will no longer be able to expel minorities from to old world to the new
    - natives will no longer be bothered by naval doctrine alerts
    - raiding will now properly check relations with target country instead of its tributary overlord
    - tributaries will no longer be immune to coalitions and also properly call the defender of faith when attacked
    - when something prevents the flag cache to be rebuilt, keep the new version in memory and try the next start
    - Generates idea sets for converted countries again
    - Fixed wrong calculation on increase over year on missionary maintenance
    - Advanced pirate governments will now have the proper skull icon for their faction when playing without Dharma

    Si conclude ieri anche la prova gratuita di Mandate of Heaven.

    Per finire una notizia importante: la patch 1.28.3 sarà l'ultima per i sistemi a 32 bit. Dalla prossima patch solo i sistemi a 64 bit saranno supportati, per tutte le piattaforme: Windows, Mac e Linux.

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